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How do I get the old Facebook layout back?

How do I get the old Facebook layout back?

Many Facebook users have found themselves longing for the simpler, more familiar layouts of Facebook’s past. With Facebook’s constant updates and redesigns, the platform can look and feel very different from one year to the next. If you prefer an older version of Facebook’s layout, there are a few different options you may have to restore it.

Why Did Facebook Change Their Layout?

Facebook has evolved a lot over the years since it first launched in 2004. Some of the reasons why Facebook introduces new layouts and redesigns include:

  • Staying modern and responsive – As internet browsing habits change and new technologies emerge, Facebook needs to adapt its layout to work well across desktop, mobile, and different device sizes.
  • Supporting new features – New layouts help integrate and promote new services or capabilities Facebook introduces.
  • Prioritizing different content – Layout changes focus attention on different parts of the experience, like highlighting Reels or Groups.
  • Driving engagement – Facebook is constantly A/B testing layouts to see what gets people interacting and spending more time.
  • Monetization – Layouts now reserve prominent spaces for ads across feeds, stories, Marketplace, and more.

While Facebook’s motivations tend to be around growth and revenue, users don’t always welcome these layout shifts. But by understanding why Facebook chooses to evolve its look, you can better decide if and how to revert to older styles you prefer.

How to Get the Old Facebook Layout

If you want to regain an older Facebook layout, here are a few methods you can try:

Use Facebook Classic

Facebook officially discontinued its Classic layout in March 2022. But there are still some browser extensions and methods that may let you access the Classic design:

  • Install the Old Layout for Facebook Chrome extension to enable Classic view.
  • For Firefox, try an extension like Old Facebook Redirect.
  • Bookmark which sometimes works to take you to Classic view.
  • Use the User Agent Switcher extension to change your browser’s user agent to an older version of Chrome or Firefox.

The reliability of these Classic Facebook options varies, and Facebook often blocks or patches the methods. But you may be able to find a combination that works at least temporarily until Facebook further restricts access.

Revert to an Older Design Era

Facebook’s layout and design has gone through distinct eras over the years. While you may not be able to perfectly recreate these older styles, you can revert Facebook to look more like it did during certain periods:

Going far back enough, you’ll lose some newer functionality. But these browser extensions can let you revisit looks from Facebook’s past even if in a limited way.

Adjust Your Feed View Settings

For a more modern Classic-like feed, you can adjust some of Facebook’s layout settings:

  1. Go to Settings & Privacy > Settings > Your Feed Preferences
  2. Set “Show Reels” and “Show Recommended For You” to Off
  3. Turn on “Show Recent Stories First” and “Show Newest Profiles & Pages First”

This will disable full-screen recommended video and posts so your News Feed looks more text and image focused. You can also try narrowing recommendations to only people you follow.

Use Third-Party Facebook Clients

Another option is to stop using altogether. Third-party Facebook “client” apps offer an alternate interface to Facebook’s network. Many let you fully customize or revert the look and feel.

Some popular classic-style Facebook clients include:

The experience and features vary across different Facebook front-ends. But they generally let you access Facebook with an interface you customize to your preferences.

Why Facebook Limits Old Layout Options

Facebook actively minimizes or shuts down many avenues for reverting to old layouts. There are a few reasons Facebook tries to lock users into its latest design:

  • Drive user engagement – New designs aim to increase meaningful social interactions.
  • Unified experience – Facebook wants consistent look and feel across platforms.
  • Promote new features – Layout promotes and facilitates discovery of new additions.
  • Monetization – Carefully crafted layouts maximize ad views and clicks.
  • Progress – Facebook wants to continually move forward, not backward.

While users may grumble at each redesign, most do eventually adapt to Facebook’s latest incarnations. By restricting old layout options, Facebook nudges users to evolve alongside the platform.

Pros and Cons of Facebook’s New vs Old Layouts

There are reasonable arguments on both sides for Facebook’s ever-changing layouts versus the classic fixed design:

Pros of New Facebook Layouts

  • More modern, engaging visuals
  • Highlights new features and content types
  • Curated content tuned to user interests
  • Optimized for multiple device sizes
  • Cleaner, less cluttered interface

Cons of New Facebook Layouts

  • Often has confusing navigation
  • Frequent design overhaul is disruptive
  • Pushes users to consume more videos and ads
  • Overly personalized feeds intransparent
  • Change fatigue and nostalgia for classic layout

Pros of Old Facebook Layout

  • Nostalgic, familiar experience
  • Pure reverse chronological news feed
  • Less cluttered with minimal ads
  • More focus on connections with friends & family
  • Easier to find key features without constant relearning

Cons of Old Facebook Layout

  • Less optimized for mobile and new platforms
  • Missing more modern features and content formats
  • Less engaging for passive browsing habits
  • No customization or personalization
  • Can feel dated compared to other social apps

There are reasonable upsides and downsides to both approaches. At a high level, Facebook pushes forward new layouts aiming to maximize engagement, while some users prefer the simplicity of old designs tailored to their needs.

The Future of Facebook’s Layout

Looking ahead, Facebook will likely continue evolving its News Feed design:

  • More focus on full-screen immersive content like Reels and AR
  • Further personalization and recommendation of content
  • Expanded ads across more surfaces
  • New ways to connect and interact in virtual spaces
  • Emphasis on privacy with more user controls

But Facebook will have to balance this relentless push forward with allowing options for nostalgic users to still interact more classically. The past suggests Facebook’s grip will only tighten on enforcing adoption of its desired layouts. Users weary of constant redesigns will need to be creative in finding alternatives if the old Facebook they knew makes a vanishing act.


While Facebook is unlikely to backtrack on its primary feed layouts, some methods and third-party tools still allow customizing or reverting Facebook’s look and feel closer to its past designs. For those dissatisfied with the non-stop layout overhauls, seeking an old Facebook aesthetic may at least deliver temporary relief and familiarity. But Facebook’s forward march seems destined to force users to perpetually relearn and adapt around the platform’s ever-evolving vision.