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How do I get the 6 digit code for Facebook?

How do I get the 6 digit code for Facebook?

Getting a 6 digit code for Facebook is often necessary when you are trying to log into your Facebook account from a new device or browser. This code provides an extra layer of security and ensures that only you can access your account. Here are some common reasons you may need a 6 digit code and instructions on how to get it.

Why Do I Need a 6 Digit Code for Facebook?

There are a few scenarios when Facebook will require a 6 digit code to log in or confirm your identity:

  • Logging in from a new device or browser – If Facebook doesn’t recognize the device or browser, it will require a code as a security measure.
  • Changing your primary email address – When you change your primary email on your Facebook account, you need to confirm the new email which requires a code.
  • Recovering your account – If you forget your password and need to recover your account, a code is used to confirm your identity.
  • Enabling two-factor authentication – If you opt to use two-factor authentication, you will need a login code each time you access Facebook.

So in summary, the 6 digit code provides an extra layer of security when Facebook needs to confirm your identity. If you are suddenly prompted for a code, it likely means you are accessing your account from a new device or location.

How to Get Your 6 Digit Facebook Code

Here are the steps to get a 6 digit confirmation code from Facebook:

  1. Initiate the action that requires a code – This might be logging in from a new device, changing your email, recovering your account, etc. When prompted, select to get your code via text message.
  2. Enter your phone number – Facebook will send the code to the phone number associated with your account. If you don’t have a number on file, you can enter a number to receive the code.
  3. Wait for Facebook’s text message – Facebook will text you a 6 digit numerical code. This usually arrives within a minute or two.
  4. Enter the code on Facebook – Go back to Facebook and enter the 6 digit code in the confirmation field.
  5. You’re done! – Once you enter the correct code, you will be logged in or have confirmed the account action.

If you don’t have access to the phone number on your account, you can request to have the code sent via automated voice call instead. Just select this option when prompted for the code delivery method.

What to Do if You Don’t Get the Code

Here are some tips if you aren’t receiving the 6 digit Facebook code to your phone:

  • Double check the phone number on your account – Make sure the number on file is current so the code goes to the right place.
  • Check for typos – When entering your number to receive the code, double check that you typed it correctly without any typos.
  • Try a different delivery method – Toggle between text message and automated voice call to see if one works better than the other.
  • Use an alternate number – If you can’t get a code to your primary number, try entering a friend’s number to have the code sent there.
  • Update your number on Facebook – If your phone number changed and Facebook doesn’t have the new one, update it in your account settings.
  • Contact Facebook support – If you still can’t get a code, you may need to reach out to Facebook so they can investigate and assist.

Getting Codes for Facebook Account Recovery

If you need a 6 digit code to recover or access your Facebook account, the process works the same way:

  1. Go to the Facebook account recovery page and select to recover your account.
  2. Facebook will prompt you to enter a phone number to send a code to.
  3. Enter the 6 digit code Facebook texts you to continue the account recovery process.
  4. Once your identity is confirmed with the code, you’ll be able to reset your password and regain access to your account.

Facebook may also prompt you to identify friends in photos or answer security questions about your account history to fully confirm your identity.

Troubleshooting Facebook Login Code Issues

If you’re having trouble receiving or using your 6 digit Facebook code, here is some troubleshooting advice:

Can’t Get a Code

  • Use an alternate number if your primary one isn’t working.
  • Check for typos when entering your number.
  • Contact Facebook support if you don’t have access to any numbers on your account.

Code Doesn’t Work

  • Double check you entered the code correctly without typos.
  • Try having another code sent as previous ones do expire.
  • If recovering your account, answer the security questions thoroughly and accurately.

Not Receiving Texts from Facebook

  • Make sure your phone has cellular signal or can receive texts.
  • Contact your mobile carrier to confirm you can receive texts, especially short codes.
  • Check if you have Facebook text notifications blocked in your messaging app.
  • Try having the code sent via voice call instead.

Can’t Call Facebook for Code

  • There may be an issue with Facebook’s automated call system.
  • Try the code via text message until calling is working again.
  • Contact Facebook support to report the issue with calling.

Creating a Strong Facebook Password

Once you gain access to your account, it’s smart to update your password to a strong and secure one. Here are some tips:

  • Use at least 8 characters, combining upper and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols.
  • Avoid personal info like birthdates, names, or common words.
  • Don’t reuse passwords from other accounts.
  • Consider using a password manager so you don’t forget your new password.

Enabling two-factor authentication is also highly recommended for extra security beyond just a password.


Getting a 6 digit login code is a simple security measure Facebook uses to protect your account. Make sure Facebook has your current phone number so codes can reach you. Save the Facebook support info in case you ever have trouble getting a code sent or accepted. With the proper troubleshooting, you should be able to quickly get a code and regain access to your account.