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How do I get rid of the message notification when there are no messages on Facebook?

How do I get rid of the message notification when there are no messages on Facebook?

Having a message notification on Facebook when there are no new messages can be annoying. The little red icon is designed to catch your attention, but when it’s a false alarm, it loses its usefulness. Thankfully, Facebook provides controls for managing notifications that can help resolve this issue.

In this article, we’ll explain why you may see message notifications with no messages and how to disable them. We’ll also provide some general tips for customizing notifications on Facebook to suit your preferences. Read on to troubleshoot distracting notifications and take control of your notifications.

What Causes Message Notifications With No Messages?

There are a few potential reasons why you may see message notifications when opening Facebook, even though you have no unseen messages:

– Notification glitch. Sometimes the notifications get stuck even though the triggering event is over. This is often just a minor glitch that occurs when using the app.

– Delayed messages. It could be that you do have new messages, but they are delayed in sending due to connection issues. The notification may show up before the actual message arrives.

– Messages in filtered folders. If you have messages filtered into different folders, the main inbox may not show new messages that are filed away. The notification still triggers when those messages are received.

– Viewed on another device. If you read your Facebook messages on one device, the notifications may still show up when you log in on another device. The apps don’t always sync perfectly across devices.

– Accidental clicks. You may have inadvertently clicked on a notification at some point, which flags it as read. But the notification icon can sometimes still display.

So in most cases, it’s usually either a minor technical glitch or a syncing issue between devices and filtered message folders. Understanding the cause can help you resolve these frustrating phantom notifications.

How to Get Rid of Message Notifications With No Messages

Here are a few tips to troubleshoot and clear those pesky Facebook message notifications when you have no unread messages:

Refresh the App or Page

The first step is to refresh the Facebook app or page and let it sync again. On mobile, you can drag down to force a refresh. On desktop, reload the page. This will ensure the app/page reflects the current state of your messages. The mere act of refreshing may clear a stuck notification in some cases.

Check All Message Folders

Open up all your message filters and categories to check for unread messages hiding away in other tabs. The notification may be alerting you to messages in your “Filtered Messages,” “Spam,” or “Requests” folders for example. Scan all categories to check for anything you missed. This can ensure there are truly no unread messages.

Restart or Reinstall the App

If refreshing doesn’t work, the next step is restarting or reinstalling the Facebook app. This essentially forces a reset which can clear any glitches. On mobile, close the app completely and relaunch it. On desktop, a quick browser refresh should suffice. Reinstalling the app takes a bit more effort but can also fix persistent issues.

Log Out and Back In

Still seeing notifications with no new messages? Try fully logging out of Facebook then logging back in. This will sync everything cleanly. Be sure to close the app/page completely first before logging back in.

Clear App Cache and Data

For mobile apps, open the app settings menu and find the options to clear cache and data. Clearing the cache removes temporary files, while clearing data resets the app to its default. This forces a clean re-sync when you relaunch Facebook.

Turn Notifications Off and On Again

If all else fails, temporarily turn off notifications, close the app completely, then turn notifications back on and relaunch. Toggle the notification settings off and on to basically reset them. This may clear any stuck notifications.

Wait for Pending Messages

Keep in mind that notifications can sometimes arrive just before a pending message delivers due to connectivity issues. Give it a few minutes to see if any messages come through. The notification may be working as intended, just slightly ahead of the actual messages.

Customizing Facebook Notification Settings

Beyond troubleshooting specific issues, you can also customize Facebook notification settings to show notifications exactly how and when you want them. Here are some tips for tailoring notifications to your preferences:

Set Notification Sounds

Choose a unique ringtone or sound for Facebook notifications so they stand out from other app alerts. This makes them more noticeable and harder to miss.

Enable/Disable Specific Notification Types

Toggle notifications on or off for certain types of Facebook activities, such as new messages, posts, events and more. Disable any notifications you don’t need.

Set Vibration Options

Opt to have notifications vibrate so you feel them come in, even if you don’t hear the sound. Longer vibrations can make alerts more obvious.

Pop-Up Previews

Enable previews to peek at notifications without opening the app. However, this may make phantom notifications more annoying, so disable if preferred.

Set Priority Levels

Flag Facebook notifications as priority/urgent if needed. These will show up even when Do Not Disturb modes are activated. Non-priority can be silenced as desired.

Notification LED

Some devices allow you to set a blinking LED light for notifications. Pick a distinctive color for Facebook alerts.

Display on Lock Screen

Opt to show notification details on your lock screen for quick viewing. But disable this if you want to keep messages more private.

Show Notification Dots

Enable notification dots or badges if you want a visible indicator on the app icon when you have unread notifications. This offers a helpful at-a-glance alert.

Set Quiet Hours

Schedule when to silence non-priority notifications during sleeping hours or events. You won’t be disturbed when it’s inappropriate.

By fully customizing your notification settings, you can control exactly when and how Facebook notifications appear. Set your preferences so that message alerts are noticeable but not overbearing.


Having Facebook message notifications with no actual unread messages can certainly be perplexing and disruptive. But in most cases, the issue is fixable with a few troubleshooting techniques like resetting the app, checking all message folders, or adjusting notification settings.

To quickly recap, here are some tips to resolve phantom Facebook message notifications:

– Refresh the page or app
– Check all message folders
– Restart or reinstall the app
– Log out and back into Facebook
– Clear the app cache/data
– Toggle notifications off and on
– Wait for pending messages to sync

And for optimal notification control, be sure to customize notification sounds, visibility, priority levels and quiet hours. Set preferences so Facebook alerts are helpful, not distracting.

With a mix of troubleshooting steps and customization, you can say goodbye to message notifications showing up randomly when you have no unread messages. Take control of your notifications and adjust them to suit your needs.