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How do I get rid of recommended searches on Facebook?

How do I get rid of recommended searches on Facebook?

Facebook’s constant recommendations based on your activity can feel invasive at times. Many users wish they could browse Facebook without seeing suggested posts, Pages, friends, and searches pop up. Unfortunately, Facebook doesn’t have a simple “disable all recommendations” switch. However, you can tweak your settings to reduce the number of recommended searches that appear.

Why Does Facebook Show Recommended Searches?

Facebook displays recommended searches to encourage engagement. The social network wants you to find new friends, Pages, Groups, and content. Recommended searches are based on your profile info, recent activity, location, and other data Facebook collects about you. Showing relevant suggestions keeps you active on the platform.

You may find some of the recommendations useful. However, excessive suggestions could also lead to mindless browsing. If you want more control over what you see, limiting recommended searches can help.

Clear Your Search History

Facebook recommends searches based on your previous queries. So, the first step is clearing your search history. Here’s how to do it on desktop:

  1. Click the down arrow at the top right of any Facebook page.
  2. Select Settings & Privacy > Settings.
  3. Click Security and Login in the left sidebar.
  4. Under Your Facebook Information, click View next to Search.
  5. Click Clear Searches.

And on mobile:

  1. Tap the three-line Menu icon.
  2. Go to Settings & Privacy > Settings.
  3. Tap Security and Login.
  4. Tap View under Your Facebook Information.
  5. Tap Clear Searches.

Clearing your search history removes the basis for many recommended searches. However, it doesn’t prevent new suggestions from appearing as you use Facebook.

Limit Location Access

Facebook uses your location to customize suggestions, including recommended searches. Turning off location access makes it harder for Facebook to target these recommendations.

To disable location access on desktop:

  1. Click the down arrow > Settings & Privacy > Settings.
  2. Click Security and Login in the left sidebar.
  3. Under Security, click Edit next to Where You’re Logged In.
  4. Turn off the toggle for Use Your Location.

And on mobile:

  1. Tap Menu > Settings & Privacy.
  2. Tap Security and Login.
  3. Tap Use Your Location and turn it off.

With location access off, you’ll still see recommendations but they won’t be tailored to places near you.

Limit Ad Interests

Facebook uses your ad interests to determine recommendations. Limiting these interests reduces another signal Facebook uses to generate suggestions.

To edit ad interests on desktop:

  1. Click the down arrow > Settings & Privacy > Settings.
  2. Click Ads in the left sidebar.
  3. Click Ad interests.
  4. Hover over each interest and click the X icon to remove it.

On mobile:

  1. Go to Menu > Settings & Privacy.
  2. Tap Ads.
  3. Tap Ad Interests.
  4. Tap See Fewer Ads Like This for each interest.

Ideally, remove all your ad interests. However, at a minimum remove interests that inform the types of recommendations you want to avoid.

Unlike Pages

Another source of recommendations is the Pages you’ve liked. Unlike Pages you no longer want to see posts from in your feed. This also removes them as a signal for suggested searches.

To unlike a Page on desktop:

  1. Click the down arrow at the top right > Settings & Privacy > Settings.
  2. Click Pages in the left sidebar.
  3. Click the Following tab.
  4. Hover over a Page and click Unlike Page.

On mobile:

  1. Tap Menu > Settings & Privacy.
  2. Tap Pages.
  3. Tap Following.
  4. Swipe left on a Page and tap Unlike.

Be choosy about which Pages you want liking and contributing to recommendations. Unlike any that feel irrelevant now.

Remove Interests and Favorites

Details like your interests and favorites also guide Facebook recommendations. prune these to further limit suggestion signals.

To edit interests and favorites on desktop:

  1. Click the down arrow > Settings & Privacy > Settings.
  2. Click Your interests on the left.
  3. Hover over each interest and click X to remove it.
  4. Click Favorites in the left sidebar.
  5. Click See fewer posts like this on favorites you want removed.

On mobile:

  1. Tap Menu > Settings & Privacy.
  2. Tap Your Interests.
  3. Tap next to each interest and choose See Less.
  4. Tap Favorites.
  5. Tap See First for favorites to demote.

Ideally, remove all your interests and favorites. But focus first on ones that lead to unwanted recommendations.

Be Selective With Tags

Facebook suggests searches based on how you tag people, posts, and locations. Be prudent about applying tags to avoid fueling unwanted recommendations.

Consider these best practices with tagging:

  • Avoid tagging people who you don’t want associated with a post.
  • Untag yourself from posts and locations you don’t want tied to your profile.
  • Don’t tag posts with keywords that invite irrelevant recommendations.
  • Use tag groups to choose who sees tags on your posts.

Take time to review your tags periodically and remove any that are outdated or unhelpful.

Pause Recommendations

The nuclear option is pausing all recommendations for 30 days. This prevents Facebook from suggesting any new friends, groups, events, or searches during that period.

To pause recommendations on desktop:

  1. Click the down arrow > Settings & Privacy > Settings.
  2. Click Your Facebook Information in the left sidebar.
  3. Click View next to Off-Facebook Activity.
  4. Click Manage Future Activity.
  5. Toggle Future Off-Facebook Activity to Off.

On mobile:

  1. Tap Menu > Settings & Privacy.
  2. Tap Your Facebook Information.
  3. Tap Off-Facebook Activity.
  4. Tap Manage Future Activity.
  5. Toggle Future Off-Facebook Activity to Off.

After 30 days, recommendations will resume based on your latest activity. So this is temporary but gives you a break from suggestions.

Avoid Recommendation Triggers

Adjusting your settings limits recommendations, but your activity still fuels suggestions. Avoid these triggers to reduce the chances of recommended searches popping up:

  • Searching for random or unusual terms.
  • Interacting heavily with public posts from people you don’t know.
  • Liking niche hobby or interest Pages.
  • Joining many new Groups in a short period.
  • Tagging unfamiliar locations.
  • Enabling location services.

Scrutinize how your behavior influences what Facebook shows you. Recommendations can seem arbitrary if you don’t understand what triggers them.

Use Separate Accounts

If tweaking settings doesn’t sufficiently limit recommendations, use multiple Facebook accounts. For example:

  • Personal account for close friends and family.
  • Professional account for work contacts and industry networking.
  • Rarely used account for random searching and browsing.

Keep accounts separate to avoid blending different types of activity and interests. Also use Facebook’s switching accounts feature or open accounts in different browsers.

Give Feedback

Facebook occasionally surveys users about their recommendations. This gives you a chance to tell Facebook you want fewer suggestions or more control.

To check for surveys on desktop:

  1. Click the down arrow at the top right.
  2. Open See More.
  3. Look for any surveys or questionnaires.

On mobile:

  1. Tap Menu.
  2. Scroll down and look for surveys.

Voice your opinion if Facebook asks. Large amounts of negative feedback may prompt Facebook to add options to disable recommendations.

Use a Browser Extension

Browser extensions like FBSkipper and F.B. Purity give you granular control over customizing Facebook’s interface and feed. Features that help reduce recommended searches include:

  • Hiding suggestions.
  • Removing sponsored posts.
  • Suppressing the On This Day feature.
  • Blocking the People You May Know panel.

Research extensions for your browser of choice. Evaluate whether the extra customization is worth installing additional software.

Avoid the Home Feed

Facebook shows most of its recommendations on the home feed tailored for you. Avoid this feed if you want to minimize suggestions.

Instead, use these alternative feeds:

  • Favorites feed – Only shows posts from pages you’ve favorited.
  • Most Recent feed – All recent posts from connections in chronological order.
  • Pages/groups feed – Posts from pages and groups you follow.
  • Friends feed – Only friends’ posts.

Tap Feed Filter at the top of the app or shortcuts in the left sidebar to switch feeds. You’ll still see some recommendations, but fewer than in the main home feed.

Follow Posting Best Practices

Facebook recommends searches related to your own posts. Follow these tips to avoid unintentionally triggering odd or embarrassing suggestions:

  • Avoid oversharing personal details publicly.
  • Be vague if posting about sensitive health or legal issues.
  • Keep potentially controversial opinions vague and impersonal.
  • Stick to mainstream topics versus niche interests.

Also, avoid directly engaging with random strangers’ public posts. Commenting can link their interests with your profile.

Delete Embarrassing Content

If you notice Facebook showing eyebrow-raising recommended searches related to your past posts or activity, purge any embarrassing content. This includes:

  • Deleting old posts, especially overshares.
  • Removing inappropriate photos you’re tagged in.
  • Leaving questionable groups and pages.
  • Untagging yourself from inappropriate locations.

Don’t just unlike or unfollow posts. Fully delete them to stop recommendations. Avoid posting similar content again.


Facebook’s recommended searches aren’t inherently bad. They aim to connect you with relevant people, groups, and content. However, excessive and misguided suggestions understandably bother many users.

Fortunately, you can reduce recommended searches without fully deleting your Facebook account. Limit location access, ad interests, likes, and past searches. Avoid triggers like random posts and searches. Promote your favorite content over the main feed. And encourage Facebook to add more recommendation controls through feedback.

With some strategic tweaks, you can browse Facebook more freely without irrelevant recommended searches interrupting your experience.