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How do I get reels off my Facebook feed?

How do I get reels off my Facebook feed?

Facebook Reels are short video clips that play in your News Feed. They are similar to TikTok or Instagram Reels. You may find Reels popping up in your News Feed even if you don’t watch or engage with them. Here are some tips for minimizing Reels in your Facebook feed if you don’t want to see them.

Adjust Video Ranking Settings

You can adjust your News Feed settings to see fewer videos in general, including Reels. Here’s how:

  1. Go to your Facebook News Feed
  2. Click on the three horizontal lines icon in the top right corner
  3. Select “News Feed Preferences”
  4. Under “Prioritize who to see first,” adjust the “Videos” slider to see fewer videos in your feed

This will reduce all types of videos in your feed, not just Reels. Use this setting cautiously, as it may also reduce other video content you do want to see.

Hide Posts with “Reels”

You can choose to hide posts that are labeled as “Reels.” Here’s how to do it:

  1. Go to your News Feed
  2. Click the three dots above a post labeled “Reels”
  3. Select “Hide post”
  4. Confirm by selecting “Hide Posts with ‘Reels'” when prompted

This will hide any posts in your feed tagged as Reels. However, it’s a manual process, so you’ll have to do it for each Reels post you see.

Unfollow Pages Posting Reels

If you notice certain Pages posting a lot of Reels, you can unfollow those Pages so you no longer see their content.

  1. Go to the page that’s posting Reels
  2. Click “Following” next to the page name
  3. Select “Unfollow”

This will immediately remove all that page’s posts from your News Feed. Use this method judiciously for pages you no longer wish to see at all.

Snooze a Posting Page

Instead of unfollowing a page completely, you can temporarily snooze their posts for 1 day, 7 days, 30 days or until you unsnooze them. Here’s how:

  1. Click the three dots above their post in your feed
  2. Select “Snooze [Page name]”
  3. Choose snooze duration

This lets you take a break from a page rather than unfollowing them entirely.

Use Feed Filters

Facebook Feed Filters allow you to filter out certain types of posts in your News Feed. Here’s how to use them to filter Reels:

  1. Go to your News Feed
  2. Click Filters at the top
  3. Click “Reels” to toggle it off

This will filter Reels out of your main News Feed. You can turn filters on and off anytime.

Follow Friends Who Don’t Post Reels

You can shift your feed balance by following friends who don’t post Reels. Here are some tips:

  • Check which friends frequently post Reels and avoid following them or mute their posts
  • Actively follow friends who don’t post Reels so their content populates your feed
  • Engage more with non-Reels posts by commenting and reacting

Facebook’s algorithm notices your engagement patterns. Engaging more with non-Reels content will prompt Facebook to show you more of that desired content.

Use Facebook Less

The more time you spend on Facebook, the more Reels you’ll see. Limit your Facebook usage if you want to minimize your exposure to Reels. Some tips:

  • Delete the Facebook app from your phone
  • Limit Facebook access to once a day on your computer
  • Spend more time on other non-Facebook activities
  • Replace mindless Facebook scrolling with more meaningful hobbies

The less you use Facebook overall, the fewer Reels will occupy your feed when you do log on.

Give Feedback to Facebook

You can directly give Facebook feedback about too many Reels in your News Feed. Here’s how:

  1. Click the three line menu in News Feed
  2. Select “Give Feedback on News Feed”
  3. Choose “Too many reels”

If enough users provide this feedback, Facebook may adjust their algorithms accordingly.

Use Facebook News Feed Eradicator

This free browser extension for Chrome and Firefox removes the entire News Feed section when you access Facebook. To use it:

  1. Download the extension for your browser
  2. Install and enable it
  3. Refresh your Facebook page

Your news feed will be replaced with a positive, inspirational quote. This completely eliminates Reels and all other feed posts.

Pros of the Facebook News Feed Eradicator

  • Completely removes all feed posts including Reels
  • Lets you access Facebook without endless scrolling
  • Replaces feed with uplifting content

Cons of the Facebook News Feed Eradicator

  • Also removes feed posts you may want to see
  • Friends may wonder why you’ve missed their posts
  • Need to uninstall if you want your news feed back

This extension provides the most drastic option to eliminate Reels and all other feed content from Facebook.

Obtain Insights on Your Feed Content

Facebook provides insights about the types of posts you see in your News Feed. To access:

  1. Go to your profile
  2. Select “News Feed Preferences”
  3. Click “News Feed Insights”

This shows percentage breakdowns of the content types appearing in your feed. Review it to understand how much of your feed is Reels so you can decide if you need to limit them.


Facebook Reels are the newest addition to News Feeds. If you want to minimize Reels without missing other content you enjoy, focus on unfollowing Reels pages, muting friends who frequently post Reels, and proactively engaging more with non-Reels posts from friends you prefer to see. Adjusting your News Feed settings can also help reduce the number of Reels you’re served. Limiting overall time on Facebook will also cut down on Reels. For the most drastic anti-Reels solution, browser extensions can eliminate your News Feed completely, removing Reels along with all other feed content. Give Facebook feedback if you’re still overwhelmed with Reels so they understand users’ preferences. With a few targeted tweaks, you can successfully reclaim your feed from an overabundance of Reels.

Method Impact on Reels Impact on Other Content Effort to Implement
Adjust Video Ranking Settings Reduces Reels Reduces all videos Low
Hide “Reels” Posts Hides Reels Posts None Medium
Unfollow Pages Posting Reels Greatly reduces Reels from those pages Removes all content from those pages Low
Snooze Posting Pages Temporarily reduces Reels from snoozed pages Temporarily reduces all content from snoozed pages Low
Use Feed Filters Removes Reels from main feed None Low
Follow Friends Who Don’t Post Reels Reduces Reels organically over time Increases non-Reels content in feed Medium
Use Facebook Less Greatly reduces Reels Reduces all feed posts Medium
Give Feedback to Facebook Could potentially reduce Reels if Facebook adjusts algorithm None directly Low
Use News Feed Eradicator Eliminates Reels Eliminates all feed posts Low
Review News Feed Insights No direct impact but provides helpful information No direct impact Low

In summary, the most effective options with low effort are using Feed Filters, News Feed Preferences, Unfollowing pages, and the News Feed Eradicator extension. Methods like Following non-Reels friends and Using Facebook Less take more time and discipline but can also be very effective. Try combining a few different strategies for best results. With some effort, you can take control and see the Facebook content you want.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why did Facebook add Reels?

Facebook added Reels to compete with TikTok and capitalize on the short video trend. Many users, especially younger audiences, enjoy short videos.

Can I permanently hide Reels?

There is no setting to permanently hide Reels from your News Feed. But using Filters, limiting Facebook time, Unfollowing pages, and the News Feed Eradicator extension can greatly minimize Reels each time you access Facebook.

What are the disadvantages of Facebook Reels?

Potential disadvantages of Reels include:

  • Can make the News Feed chaotic or overstimulating
  • Includes more videos from pages you don’t follow
  • You may not be interested in short video content
  • Can quickly consume Facebook time with passive viewing

Should I use Facebook Reels?

It’s up to your personal preferences! If you enjoy watching short videos, interacting with fun Reels content, and connecting with friends through Reels, then engage with them. But if you find Reels disruptive, distracting or just not useful, it’s perfectly fine to minimize or eliminate them from your News Feed. Customize Facebook to match your needs.

What are some alternatives to Facebook Reels?

Some alternatives for short video content include:

  • Instagram Reels
  • YouTube Shorts
  • TikTok
  • Snapchat Spotlight
  • Vimeo Shorts

Or watch Funny Vines compilations on YouTube for classic short videos.

Key Takeaways

  • Adjust News Feed preferences and ranking settings to control Reels
  • Unfollow, snooze, or mute friends and pages that frequently post Reels
  • Actively engage with more non-Reels content from friends
  • Use Feed Filters, go on Facebook less, and try the News Feed Eradicator extension
  • Provide feedback to Facebook on too many Reels in your feed
  • Combining several methods can successfully minimize Reels

With a mix of News Feed customizations, careful curation of followed accounts, limited Facebook time, and handy browser tools, you can reduce the Reels takeover of your feed. Take back control and see the posts you want.

What do you think of Reels? Do you want less or more of them on Facebook? What strategies have worked for optimizing your News Feed preferences? Share your thoughts and experiences minimizing Reels below!