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How do I get quality leads for Facebook ads?

How do I get quality leads for Facebook ads?

Getting quality leads from Facebook ads can be challenging, but with the right targeting, creative, and landing page strategy, it is possible to generate leads that convert into customers. Here are some tips on how to get high quality leads from your Facebook ad campaigns.

Understand Your Target Audience

The key to getting quality leads is understanding who your ideal customers are and targeting your ads directly to them. Before running any Facebook ad campaigns, build out detailed buyer personas so you know the demographics, interests, behaviors and pain points of those most likely to convert into leads and eventually customers. Some key questions to ask:

  • What is their age range?
  • Where do they live?
  • What gender are they?
  • What jobs and income levels do they have?
  • What interests and hobbies do they have?
  • What type of content do they consume online?
  • What pain points and problems do they have that your product or service can solve?

Gathering this detailed information on your target audience will allow you to narrow down who you should be targeting with your Facebook ads and avoid wasting budget on clicks and impressions from audiences unlikely to convert.

Use Detailed Targeting Options

Once you understand your target audience, you can use Facebook’s detailed targeting options to make sure your ads are being shown to the right people. Here are some of the main ways to target your ads:

  • Demographics – Target by location, age, gender, education level, relationship status, job title and more.
  • Interests – Select interests related to your product or service like hobbies, brands, entertainment, etc.
  • Behaviors – Target based on purchase behaviors, device usage, business roles and more.
  • Custom Audiences – Create custom audiences from your existing customers so you can target lookalike audiences.

The more precise you can be with your targeting, the higher quality your leads will be. For example, instead of targeting a broad age range of 28-45, test targeting more granular age ranges like 28-32, 33-38 and 39-45. Continue to refine your audiences and analyze which give the best cost per lead.

Optimize Your Ad Creative

Your ad’s creative will be the first impression you make on potential leads, so it needs to capture their attention and resonate with their needs. Follow these tips for optimizing your creatives:

  • Highlight your USP (unique selling proposition) clearly in your headline and ad copy.
  • Use images and video that relate to your target audience.
  • Write compelling copy focused on the benefits of your offer rather than just features.
  • Use calls-to-action that drive the desired action, like “Sign Up Now” or “Get a Free Quote.”
  • Test different headlines, images, videos and copy to see what resonates best.
  • Make your ads and landing pages consistent for a seamless user experience.

The creative with the highest click-through rate will get the lowest cost per lead, so regularly test new creatives against your existing top performers.

Drive Leads to a Dedicated Landing Page

You should always send your Facebook ad leads to a dedicated landing page where they can convert, not just your website homepage. Your landing page should:

  • Have a headline and copy tailored specifically to the ad creative.
  • Echo the look and feel of your ads for consistency.
  • Have a singular call-to-action for the lead to convert, like a lead gen form.
  • Be optimized for conversion with a clear value proposition and minimal distractions.

Once you drive leads to your landing page, test different page elements like headlines, images and calls-to-action to improve your conversion rates over time.

Retarget Leads with Ads

Don’t just let leads go cold after their initial click or landing page visit. Set up Facebook remarketing ads to target them again and bring them back into the sales funnel. You can create Custom Audiences of leads who have:

  • Clicked on your ads but not converted
  • Visited your landing page but not converted
  • Visited key pages on your website
  • Taken certain actions like started a checkout

Then create lookalike audiences from those custom audiences to find new leads with similar traits. Retargeting to your existing leads with relevant messaging can help improve your overall conversion rates.

Track ROI and Optimize

Continuously measure the ROI of your campaigns so you can double down on what’s working and eliminate what’s not. Some key metrics to track for Facebook ads:

  • Cost Per Lead (CPL)
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR)
  • Impressions
  • Reach
  • Frequency
  • Conversions
  • Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)

These metrics will show you which audiences, creatives and placements are generating leads at the lowest cost. Use what you learn to optimize for lower CPLs and higher conversion rates over time.


Getting quality leads from Facebook ads requires detailed targeting, compelling creative optimized for your goals, dedicated landing pages, and constant tracking of ROI to refine and improve. With the right strategy tailored to your audience and offer, you can generate a steady stream of quality leads ready to become customers.