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How do I get past Facebook IP ban?

How do I get past Facebook IP ban?

Getting past a Facebook IP ban can be frustrating, but there are several methods you can try to regain access to your account. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk through everything you need to know about how Facebook IP bans work, why they happen, and the most effective ways to bypass them.

What is a Facebook IP ban?

A Facebook IP ban blocks access to Facebook based on your IP address. IP refers to Internet Protocol, which is a unique series of numbers assigned to each device connected to the internet. When you access Facebook, they record the IP address of the device you are using.

If Facebook detects suspicious activity like spamming, fake accounts, or scraping coming from your IP address, they may ban that IP. This makes it so no device using that IP can access Facebook. A Facebook IP ban can last for as little as a day or indefinitely if the offense is serious enough.

Why does Facebook IP ban users?

There are a few common reasons Facebook will IP ban accounts:

  • Spamming or sending unsolicited messages
  • Creating multiple fake accounts
  • Scraping or illegally collecting user data
  • Phishing attempts
  • Spreading malware or viruses
  • Violating Facebook’s terms of service

In most cases, users are IP banned for malicious or abusive behavior towards other users. Facebook aims to protect the security and privacy of its platform, so any activity seen as threatening is likely to trigger an IP ban.

How do I know if I’m IP banned from Facebook?

There are a few clear signs that indicate you have been IP banned by Facebook:

  • When you try to access Facebook, you see an error message saying your account has been disabled or that you violated Facebook’s terms.
  • Facebook immediately logs you out as soon as you log in.
  • Facebook asks you to submit a photo of yourself to confirm your identity when you try to login.
  • No devices on your home internet network can access Facebook without receiving an error message.

This means all devices that connect through your router and modem will be unable to use Facebook while the IP ban is active. The only way to regain access is to change your network’s IP address.

How long do Facebook IP bans last?

The duration of a Facebook IP ban can vary depending on the reason for the ban:

  • 24-48 hours: Common for first-time minor infractions like a single fake account.
  • 1 week: More standard for moderate violations of ToS.
  • 1 month: Reserved for multiple or more serious offenses.
  • Indefinite: Applies to severe or repeated abuse of Facebook’s policies.

If your IP has been banned by Facebook more than once, each subsequent ban is likely to be lengthier. The only way to get an indefinite IP ban lifted is to appeal directly to Facebook.

How to get around a Facebook IP ban

If your IP address has been banned by Facebook, here are the main methods you can use to get around it and regain access to your account:

Use a proxy server

A proxy server acts as an intermediary between your device and the internet. When you connect through a proxy, websites like Facebook will see the proxy server’s IP instead of your actual IP address. Proxy servers effectively mask your IP, allowing you to bypass IP bans.

Some free proxy servers you can try include Hidester, ProxySite, and HideMyAss. Paid proxy services like Luminati and Oxylabs also offer high speed, reliable connections.

Use a VPN service

A VPN (virtual private network) encrypts your internet traffic and routes it through remote servers, similar to a proxy. This replaces your IP with one from the VPN provider. Any reputable paid VPN service like ExpressVPN, NordVPN, or Private Internet Access will work to evade a Facebook ban.

Spoof your MAC address

Your device’s MAC (media access control) address can also be used to identify you. If you spoof your MAC to a different address not associated with the ban, you may be able to bypass it. This process varies depending on your device.

Reset your home network

If the ban only affects your home internet connection, unplugging your modem and router for 10-15 minutes can force your ISP to assign you a new IP. Make sure all devices are disconnected before resetting your network.

Use mobile data or another internet network

Connecting to a mobile network or different Wi-Fi network than the banned one will provide you with a distinct IP address not blocked by Facebook. This could be mobile data, a friend’s Wi-Fi, public networks, etc.

Contact your internet service provider (ISP)

You may be able to contact your ISP (Comcast, AT&T, etc.) and request they release and renew your IP address. Let them know you have been IP banned from Facebook unfairly.

Prevent getting IP banned again

Once you regain access to Facebook, be careful not to repeat the same activities that got your IP banned in the first place. To stay in the clear:

  • Only use your personal Facebook account legitimately.
  • Don’t harass other users or spam.
  • Don’t scrape user data or violate privacy.
  • Don’t breach Facebook’s terms of service.
  • Use extra security precautions like two-factor authentication.

Maintaining good behavior will help prevent future issues. But if your IP does get banned again, now you know the most effective methods for getting around it quickly.

The legality of evading an IP ban

When circumventing a Facebook IP ban, you want to ensure you stay on the right side of the law. While banned users are often eager to regain access, breaking laws like the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act in the process is ill-advised.

As long as you utilize your own personal Facebook account after evading an IP ban and comply with Facebook’s policies moving forward, you should remain safely within legal boundaries.

Appealing a Facebook IP ban

If you believe your Facebook IP ban was applied unfairly or incorrectly, you can try appealing directly to Facebook. This is the only way to get an indefinite ban lifted. To appeal:

  1. Go to and select “My personal account is disabled”.
  2. Fill in your name, email, details of the issue and any other requested info.
  3. Click “Next” and confirm you are not a bot via captcha.
  4. Submit your appeal and hope for the best!

However, chances are low that Facebook will actually life your ban unless there are exceptional circumstances. Nonetheless, appealing is worth a try if you were IP banned wrongly.


Getting IP banned by Facebook can be stressful, but this guide outlines the best methods for regaining access quickly. The most effective options involve resetting your network, using a proxy or VPN, or connecting from a different internet source. Just be sure to avoid further violations once your ban is lifted.

With persistence and care, you can get around an IP ban while staying on the right side of Facebook’s rules. Don’t lose hope if you get blocked – just work through these steps and you’ll be back connecting with friends in no time.