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How do I get organic followers on Facebook?

How do I get organic followers on Facebook?

Getting more organic followers on Facebook is key to building an engaged audience and driving more traffic to your page. Unlike paid advertising, organic reach comes from unpaid content that people choose to interact with. It takes time and effort to build an organic following, but the payoff can be huge if you do it right.

Why Do Organic Followers Matter?

Organic followers are people who have actively chosen to follow your page and see your content. They find you because they’re interested in what you have to offer. These followers are much more valuable than users you pay to gain through ads.

Here are some of the key benefits of growing your organic audience on Facebook:

  • Organic reach: Content shared by pages you follow shows up in your News Feed. So organic followers are more likely to see and engage with your posts.
  • Higher engagement: Followers who find you organically have a real interest in your content, so they’ll be more likely to react, comment, and share your posts.
  • Lower cost: Getting organic followers doesn’t cost a thing. Just time and effort to create compelling content.
  • Brand building: An organic following shows people are choosing to connect with your brand authentically, which builds trust and loyalty.

In short, organic followers signal that people truly care about your brand. And their voluntary engagement helps amplify your content to wider audiences.

How Can I Start Growing My Organic Following?

Building a large, organic following takes patience and consistency. But you can get the ball rolling and start expanding your reach right away using these key strategies:

1. Optimize Your Facebook Page

Give your page an instant upgrade by ensuring you complete all the following optimization steps:

  • Add a profile + cover photo: Choose high-quality images that represent your brand.
  • Write an informative “About” section: Share your brand story and value proposition.
  • Link to your website: Add your site URL to help people learn more about your business.
  • Categorize your page: Select relevant categories so you show up when people search for pages like yours.

2. Create Share-worthy Content

Content is king – good content will drive more organic reach. Make sure you’re posting content that offers real value and aligns with what your audience cares about. Useful, educational, entertaining and inspirational content performs best.

Here are some tips for creating engaging Facebook content:

  • Post at least once per day to stay top of mind.
  • Use visuals like images, videos, and graphics to catch attention.
  • Ask questions to spark discussion.
  • Share links to helpful resources.
  • Give “behind the scenes” peeks to build rapport.
  • Respond to all comments to foster community.

3. Interact With Your Audience

It’s not just about broadcasting content – you need to develop relationships. Really engage with the people who are already following you by:

  • Liking and replying to comments.
  • Sharing user-generated content.
  • Responding promptly to direct messages.
  • Following them back on Facebook.

When people feel acknowledged, they’ll be more likely to stay engaged over time.

4. Run Contests and Giveaways

Contests are a tried and true way to quickly expand your Facebook following. The incentive of free stuff or discounts will entice people to take action. Some contest ideas include:

  • Photo contests: Ask people to post photos related to your brand/product.
  • Caption contests: Have users come up with creative captions for your photos.
  • Trivia contests: Test people’s knowledge with fun trivia questions.
  • Giveaways: Offer free products, gift cards or coupons to winners.

Make sure to promote the contest heavily and follow all Facebook rules. Ask participants to tag friends, share the contest post, or follow your page as part of the entry process.

5. Leverage Facebook Ads

While advertising doesn’t produce 100% organic growth, it can be highly effective for generating more followers. Try running page like campaigns targeted to people who match your audience demographics and interests.

Facebook will then show your ads to those people most likely to be interested. The more that like your page, the more organic reach you’ll gain!

6. Cross-Promote Content

Don’t just post content on Facebook and call it a day. Find ways to give your Facebook content more exposure by cross-promoting it:

  • Share blog posts on Facebook.
  • Post videos from Facebook to YouTube.
  • Publish Facebook posts on Twitter with relevant hashtags.
  • Repurpose visual content on Instagram or Pinterest.
  • Embed Facebook content on your website.

This exposes your content to new audiences and helps drive referral traffic back to Facebook, resulting in a potential follower boost.

What’s the Best Way to Retain Organic Followers?

Attracting new organic followers is important, but retaining existing ones is even more critical. You want to nurture relationships and inspire loyalty over time. Here are some top retention tips:

Stay Consistent with Posting

Followers will tune out if you go silent for too long between posts. Try to maintain a regular content schedule so people know what to expect.

Monitor Analytics

Analyze your Facebook Insights data regularly to see what types of content get the most engagement. Then create more of that high-performing content.

Publish at Optimal Times

Post when your audience is most active and receptive. Typically the best times are midday and evenings on weekdays and mid-mornings on weekends.

Respond to Feedback

If followers are asking questions or mentioning challenges in comments, address their needs directly. This shows you care.

Update Info and Photos

Refresh your page’s About section, profile pic and cover photo periodically to keep things looking current.

Send Direct Messages

Occasionally send exclusive deals, content or greetings directly to engaged followers. Personal outreach goes a long way.

Go Live

Broadcast live videos to engage followers in real time. Let viewers ask questions or even join you on camera.

Segment Your Audience

Group your followers into “Custom Audiences” based on factors like location, interests and engagement level. Then tailor content to each segment.

Run Retargeting Ads

Use ads to re-engage people who’ve previously liked your page but aren’t following it actively anymore.


Growing an organic following on Facebook takes dedication, but it’s one of the most powerful ways to build meaningful connections and increase your brand’s reach. Focus on understanding your audience, crafting high-quality content, and cultivating ongoing engagement.

With enough time and consistency, you can accumulate real fans who will help spread your message far and wide. Just stick with it!