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How do I get my YouTube thumbnail to show on Facebook?

How do I get my YouTube thumbnail to show on Facebook?

Getting your YouTube video thumbnails to properly display when shared on Facebook is important for driving views and engagement. The thumbnail acts as a “preview image” that gives viewers a glimpse into the content of your video. However, sometimes the auto-generated YouTube thumbnail doesn’t carry over when you post your videos to Facebook. Or, the thumbnail appears blurry or distorted.

The good news is that you can take steps to ensure your custom YouTube thumbnails appear correctly on Facebook. In this article, we’ll walk through why YouTube thumbnails sometimes don’t transfer to Facebook, and how to troubleshoot the issue. We’ll also provide tips for designing eye-catching thumbnails optimized for Facebook sharing.

Why Doesn’t My YouTube Thumbnail Appear on Facebook?

There are a few common reasons why your YouTube video thumbnail may not be showing up properly when you share the link on Facebook:

Your Thumbnail Image Violates Facebook’s 20% Text Rule

Facebook has strict rules about text overlays on images and video thumbnails. According to their policies, no more than 20% of the image can contain text. If your YouTube video thumbnail contains too much text, Facebook’s algorithm will block it from being displayed.

Your Thumbnail Image is Too Small or the Wrong Aspect Ratio

Facebook recommends thumbnail images be at least 1200 x 630 pixels to display properly in the news feed. Smaller image dimensions can result in blurry or pixelated thumbnails. Additionally, the aspect ratio of your thumbnail should be 1.91:1 as this is the size that displays best on Facebook.

Facebook Caches an Outdated Version of Your Thumbnail

Facebook’s system sometimes continues showing an old cached version of your thumbnail, even if you’ve updated the image on YouTube. It can take some time for Facebook to refresh its cache and show the new thumbnail.

Technical Issues Preventing Facebook from Scraping YouTube Data

In rare cases, glitches can prevent Facebook from automatically pulling your thumbnail image from YouTube’s API. Tech issues like server outages could be the culprit.

How to Get Your YouTube Thumbnail Showing on Facebook

Luckily, there are some steps you can take to get your custom YouTube thumbnails showing up perfectly when you share your videos on Facebook:

Optimize Your Thumbnail for Facebook

The best way to guarantee your YouTube thumbnail appears on Facebook is to design it specifically for Facebook’s policies:

  • Keep text overlays under 20% of the image
  • Make the image at least 1200 x 630 pixels
  • Use a 1.91:1 aspect ratio

Adhering to these key rules will ensure your thumbnail passes Facebook’s requirements.

Manually Upload Your Thumbnail Image

When you share your YouTube video link on Facebook, you have the option to manually upload a thumbnail image to accompany the post. Uploading your custom thumbnail directly often forces Facebook to display it properly.

To do this:

  1. Click “Upload Photo/Video” when creating a new Facebook post
  2. Select your YouTube video thumbnail image from your computer files
  3. Paste your YouTube video link in the post caption
  4. Make sure the thumbnail you uploaded is selected
  5. Post your update and thumbnail

Refresh Facebook’s Cache

If Facebook is stuck showing an outdated cached thumbnail, you can try to refresh their system by re-posting your link. Delete the existing post and re-share your YouTube link with the new thumbnail. You may need to do this a couple times before Facebook recognizes the new image.

Wait for Facebook to Update on its Own

In many cases, Facebook will just take some time (hours or days) before it pulls in your updated YouTube thumbnail automatically. Be patient and periodically re-check the thumbnail image on your Facebook post – no action needed.

Contact Facebook Support

For persistent thumbnail issues, you can reach out to Facebook’s support team through their online help desk. They may be able to diagnose and troubleshoot technical problems preventing your thumbnail from being scraped from YouTube.

Design Tips for Facebook-Optimized YouTube Thumbnails

Creating custom thumbnails tailored specifically for Facebook is the best way to control how your YouTube videos appear in the news feed. Here are some top tips for designing great thumbnails for Facebook:

Use High-Contrast Text & Images

Because your thumbnail appears small on Facebook, make elements high-contrast so they stand out. Black or white text over colorful backgrounds works well.

Include the Channel/Brand Logo

Placing your channel logo on thumbnails helps reinforce your brand and identity to Facebook viewers.

Style Text Professionally

Avoid excessive text styles like drop shadows or outlines. Keep text clean and legible.

Highlight Key Subjects

Draw attention to important objects/subjects using color overlays, outlines or strategic placement.

Follow the 20% Text Overlay Rule

To avoid violations, keep textual elements under 20% of the overall thumbnail image.

Do Don’t
  • Minimal text overlays
  • Bold, contrasting fonts
  • Channel branding
  • Excessive text
  • Drop shadows or outlines
  • Small, low contrast fonts

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re still struggling to get your YouTube thumbnails showing up properly on Facebook, here are some troubleshooting tips:

Verify Thumbnail Dimensions

Double check that your thumbnail resolution meets Facebook’s recommended 1200 x 630 pixels minimum. Resize if under.

Clear Facebook Cache

On your computer, access Facebook, press CTRL + F5 to completely refresh the cache and load new thumbnail data.

Try Thumbnail Variations

Upload slightly modified versions of your thumbnail to Facebook to see if any variants work better than others. Test different aspect ratios.

Check Video Description

Ensure your YouTube video description does not contain overly promotional language that could trigger Facebook’s spam detection.

Re-Encode Your Thumbnail

If your thumbnail image is corrupted, try re-exporting it from your editing software using different encoding settings.

Verify Your Thumbnail is Public

In your YouTube video editor, confirm the visibility for your custom thumbnail is set to “Public” so Facebook can access it.


Displaying your YouTube thumbnails correctly on Facebook is crucial for promoting your videos and driving traffic back to YouTube. By optimizing your thumbnails specifically for Facebook, manually uploading images, and troubleshooting caching issues, you can ensure your videos stand out in the news feed. Stick to Facebook’s guidelines for thumbnail dimensions, aspect ratio, and text overlays. With a properly designed thumbnail, your awesome YouTube videos will get the engagement they deserve when shared on the world’s largest social media platform.