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How do I get my phone number to appear on the front page of my Facebook business page?

How do I get my phone number to appear on the front page of my Facebook business page?

Having your phone number prominently displayed on your Facebook business page makes it easy for potential customers to contact you. Here are some tips on how to get your phone number to show up on the front page of your Facebook business page:

Add Your Phone Number to the About Section

The first place to put your phone number is in the About section of your Facebook business page. This section appears right below your cover photo and is one of the first things people will see when visiting your page.

To add your phone number:

  1. Go to your Facebook business page
  2. Click “About” below your cover photo
  3. Click the pencil icon to edit your About info
  4. Enter your phone number in the Contact Info section
  5. Click “Save Changes”

Your phone number will now be displayed prominently in your About section for all visitors to see.

Display Your Phone Number in Your Cover Photo

Your cover photo is one of the first things people notice on your Facebook page, so it’s a great place to showcase your phone number. You have a few options for adding your phone number to your cover photo:

  • Use a cover photo that already has your phone number integrated into the design.
  • Add text with your phone number over your cover photo using an editing tool.
  • List your phone number in the intro section below your cover photo.

No matter which option you choose, make sure the phone number is large, clear, and easy to see on both desktop and mobile. You want visitors to instantly know how to call you.

Include Your Phone Number in Your Page’s Intro Section

The intro section is the text that appears just below your Facebook page’s cover photo. It’s an optimal spot to highlight key information like your phone number for potential customers to see.

To add your phone number to the intro section:

  1. Go to your Facebook page
  2. Click on the “Edit Page Info” button below your cover photo
  3. In the text box under your page name, enter your phone number
  4. Click “Save Changes”

Your phone number will now show up prominently in the intro section of your page.

Use a Custom Facebook Call Button

You can encourage customers to call you by adding a clickable call button to your Facebook page. When visitors click this button, their phone will automatically dial your number.

To create a Facebook call button:

  1. Install the ClickToCall app on your Facebook page
  2. Choose a phone number and customize the button appearance
  3. Embed the call button code where you want it to display

Try putting your call button in your cover photo, About section, posts, or on your Shop tab. The button makes it simple for customers to call with just one click.

Promote Your Phone Number in Posts

When sharing posts on your Facebook page, include your phone number and prompt people to call you. For example:

  • “Have questions? Give us a call at 123-456-7890.”
  • “Call 123-456-7890 to book an appointment today.”
  • “Contact us at 123-456-7890 for great deals!”

Repeating your phone number frequently in your Facebook posts keeps it top of mind for visitors to your page.

Add Your Phone Number to Your Facebook Ad

If you run Facebook ads, be sure to include your phone number in the ad copy or imagery. This puts your number right in front of people as they view your ads in their feed.

You can also enable a “call” button on your Facebook ads which people can tap to dial your number automatically. This makes contacting you effortless for those viewing your ads.

Display Multiple Numbers for Different Locations

If your business has multiple locations, showcase unique phone numbers for each one on your Facebook page so customers can call the nearest spot directly.

You can list out all your different locations with phone numbers in the About section. Or create separate posts for each location that highlight the specific number to call.

Make sure each number clearly indicates which location it corresponds to so customers know who they’ll be contacting.

Use a Tracking Phone Number for Better Analytics

To get insights on how many calls your Facebook page generates, use a call tracking number instead of your regular business number.

Call tracking services provide a unique phone number that forwards calls to your regular number. You’ll then have access to analytics on how many calls the tracking number receives.

This allows you to see how effective your Facebook page is at driving phone calls so you can optimize accordingly.

Follow Facebook’s Policies for Displaying Contact Info

When adding your phone number to your Facebook business page, be sure to comply with Facebook’s contact information policies:

  • Only display phone numbers that are directly related to your business.
  • Numbers should connect callers with either your business location or with business representatives.
  • Avoid using phone numbers for tracking purposes only.
  • Only show the phone number in a reasonable number of places on your page.

As long as you follow the above policies, Facebook allows and encourages businesses to prominently display contact information like phone numbers to connect with potential customers.

Make Your Number Easy to Find on Mobile

Since most people access Facebook on their phones, it’s important your phone number displays properly on mobile screens.

When adding your phone number, make sure it’s visible when viewing your page on both desktop and mobile. The number should be easy to find and tap to call immediately.

You can also use a click-to-call button that adjusts to mobile screens. Test how your number looks on mobile and tweak things if needed.

Use an Easy-to-Remember Phone Number

Instead of a generic 10-digit phone number, use a customized vanity number that’s catchy and memorable for your Facebook business page.

Vanity numbers use letters so your phone number actually spells out a word or phrase, like:

  • 1-800-FLOWERS
  • 1-800-GOT-JUNK
  • 1-800-HARRYS-CAR

A memorable vanity number makes it more likely that people who see your Facebook page will recall and call your business.

Refresh Your Phone Number Regularly

Don’t just set your phone number on Facebook and forget it. Revisit your number placement periodically to keep it fresh.

Try displaying your number more prominently during busy times of year when you want to drive more calls. Or showcase different location-specific numbers if you open new storefronts.

Freshening up how your phone number appears on Facebook ensures you don’t miss out on potential calls.


Highlighting your phone number clearly on your Facebook page makes it simple for interested customers and leads to contact your business. Place your number prominently in your cover and profile photos, About section, posts, and ads.

A clickable call button can also encourage more people to pick up the phone. Just be sure to follow Facebook’s contact information policies.

With a well-displayed phone number on your Facebook business page, you’ll never miss out on an important call again.