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How do I get my messenger messages on my page?

How do I get my messenger messages on my page?

Getting your Facebook Messenger messages to appear on your Facebook Page allows you to have seamless conversations with your customers and followers right from your Page. This helps create a more personalized experience for anyone messaging your Page and makes it easy for you to manage conversations in one place. There are a couple different ways to go about getting Messenger on your Facebook Page, depending on your specific needs. In this article, we’ll walk through the steps for the two main options: using the Inbox feature and integrating a Messenger plugin. We’ll also cover some best practices for managing messaging through your Page.


Before you can add Messenger to your Facebook Page, there are a couple requirements:

  • You must be an admin of the Facebook Page
  • The Page must be set up as a business Page, not a community Page or personal profile
  • You must have the latest version of Facebook Messenger installed on your mobile device or desktop

Assuming your Page meets those prerequisites, you’re ready to integrate Messenger directly or through a plugin.

Option 1: Use Facebook Inbox

The Inbox feature allows you to view and respond to all your messages from followers and customers directly on your Facebook Page. Here are the steps to set it up:

  1. Go to your Facebook Page and click on the “Inbox” tab in the left menu
  2. Click on the prompt to “Try Inbox on Pages”
  3. Toggle “Inbox placement” to “Show inbox on Page”

That’s all there is to it! Once enabled, a Messenger icon will appear on your Page, allowing visitors to message you. You’ll see those messages in your Inbox and be able to respond right from the Page.

Some benefits of using Inbox include:

  • All messages are centralized in one place, making management easier
  • You can collaborate with other Page admins in the Inbox
  • It provides a seamless messaging experience for customers on your Page

The one downside is that the Inbox only shows messages from followers who message your Page directly – it doesn’t include messages from users who start conversations through a Messenger plugin. For broader coverage, you may want to also install a plugin.

Option 2: Install Messenger Plugin

Alternatively, you can install the Messenger plugin on your Facebook Page. This allows anyone visiting your Page to message you, whether they follow your Page or not. Here are the steps:

  1. Click on “Settings” at the top of your Facebook Page
  2. Select “Templates and Tabs” from the left menu
  3. Click the button to “+Add a Button or Plugin”
  4. Choose the “Messenger” plugin
  5. Select where you want the plugin positioned on your Page

The Messenger plugin will now be live on your Page. When visitors click on it, a messaging window pops up where they can contact you.

Some benefits of the plugin include:

  • Allows anyone visiting your Page to message you, expanding your reach
  • Lets you customize the look and feel of the messaging window
  • Shows when you’re typically responsive so users know when to expect a reply

The downside is that conversations started through the plugin won’t show up in your Page Inbox – you’ll need to access them directly through Messenger.

Best Practices

Once you have Messenger integrated on your Facebook Page, here are some tips for managing conversations:

  • Respond promptly to messages to provide good customer service
  • Set up canned responses to commonly asked questions to save time
  • Add new subscribers to your email list to continue the conversation
  • Pay attention to any negative feedback and address issues quickly
  • Analyze your messages to identify opportunities to improve your Page and business

You can also use the automated messaging tools within Messenger to provide quick replies to common questions, greet new conversation participants, and simplify the messaging experience.

Some other best practices include:

  • Clearly display your expected response time so users know when they’ll hear back from you
  • Set up away messages if you’ll be unavailable for a period of time
  • Thank participants who engage in conversations to encourage further interaction

With a few setup steps and some optimization of your processes, managing Messenger conversations through your Facebook Page can be a great way to boost engagement and connect with your audience. Just be sure to provide timely, personalized responses.

Troubleshooting Issues

If you encounter any issues getting Messenger integrated with your Facebook Page, here are some troubleshooting tips:

Inbox not showing on Page

  • Double check that your Page meets the prerequisites like being categorized as a business Page
  • Make sure you fully completed the steps to enable Inbox for your Page
  • Try toggling Inbox on and off under your Page settings

Messenger plugin not appearing

  • Confirm you used the official Messenger plugin when setting it up
  • Check that the plugin is enabled under your Page templates and tabs
  • Try removing and re-adding the plugin

Not receiving all messages

  • Keep in mind messages via Inbox vs the plugin will show up in different places
  • Ensure you don’t have message blocking enabled under your Messenger settings
  • Try messaging your Page from another account to test

Messages not sending

  • Make sure your internet connection is working properly
  • Ensure you don’t have privacy restrictions limiting who can message you
  • Try force quitting and relaunching the Messenger app

If issues persist, you may want to reach out to Facebook’s support team for additional troubleshooting. But in most cases, you should be able to resolve any technical difficulties that pop up.


Integrating Messenger directly on your Facebook Page helps create a seamless messaging experience for your customers. The two main options are using Inbox or installing the Messenger plugin, each with their own pros and cons. Once set up, be sure to leverage best practices for managing conversations at scale. Address issues promptly, analyze conversation data for insights, and optimize processes to boost engagement. With Messenger powering conversations from your Page, you can build stronger connections with your audience.

Integration Method Pros Cons
Facebook Inbox
  • Centralized messaging inbox
  • Can collaborate with other Page admins
  • Provides seamless experience for followers messaging your Page
  • Only shows messages directly to your Page, not through plugins
Messenger Plugin
  • Lets anyone visiting your Page message you
  • Can customize look and feel
  • Shows when you’re typically responsive
  • Conversations don’t show up in your Inbox

Best Practices for Managing Messages

  • Respond promptly to provide good customer service
  • Set up canned responses to save time
  • Add new subscribers to email list
  • Address negative feedback quickly
  • Analyze messages for opportunities to improve
  • Use automated tools to simplify messaging
  • Clearly display expected response times
  • Set away messages when unavailable
  • Thank participants to encourage engagement

In summary, Messenger is a powerful tool for managing conversations and connecting with your audience directly from your Facebook Page. With a few simple steps to get set up and some optimization best practices, it can help you provide personalized, timely support at scale. The ability to integrate messaging right on your Page helps create a seamless experience that keeps your customers engaged.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common questions about integrating Messenger with your Facebook Page:

Do my followers need to download Messenger to message my Page?

No, your followers do not need the Messenger app installed to message your Page. The messaging happens right through Facebook, whether on desktop or mobile. Having Messenger installed simply gives them additional features and a smoother experience.

Can I manage all my messages from my Page Inbox?

Not necessarily. Your Inbox will contain all messages that followers send directly to your Page. But if they message you through a Messenger plugin, those conversations need to be accessed directly within Messenger. Using both the Inbox and a plugin gives you full coverage.

Do I need to respond to messages 24/7?

You don’t need round-the-clock coverage, but you should try to respond reasonably quickly during your stated hours of availability. Set accurate expectations with customers about when they can expect to hear back. And use tools like away messages and scheduling to manage conversations outside your prime hours.

What’s the benefit of the Messenger plugin vs Inbox?

The plugin allows anyone to message you right from your Page, whereas the Inbox only shows messages from current followers. The plugin also gives you more customization options. But Inbox provides a centralized experience right on your Page. Most businesses use both features for the full suite of benefits.

Can I assign other Page admins to manage messaging too?

Yes, any other admins on your Facebook Page can access the Inbox and help manage conversations. The load can be shared across your team. Just be sure everyone provides a consistent customer experience.

Statistics on Facebook Messenger Usage

Here are some interesting statistics that highlight the growing usage of Facebook Messenger for business pages:

  • Messenger has over 1.3 billion monthly active users worldwide
  • 2.4 billion messages are sent between people and business pages monthly
  • 67% of people prefer messaging a business than calling customer service
  • 70% of people report positive perceptions of brands after receiving quick responses over Messenger
  • 53% of customers expect responses within 30 minutes on Messenger

Clearly, Messenger represents a massive opportunity for businesses to connect with customers and boost engagement. Integrating it directly on your Facebook page streamlines the entire process.

Projected Growth of Messenger Users Worldwide

Year Monthly Active Users
2021 1.3 billion
2022 1.4 billion
2023 1.5 billion
2024 1.6 billion

The number of active Messenger users globally is expected to steadily rise over the coming years. Businesses that optimize their messaging strategy now will have a head start in connecting with customers.

Tips to Improve Engagement

Here are some tips for driving more engagement through Messenger on your Facebook page:

  • Prompt visitors to message you with a clickable plugin or clear call-to-action
  • Offer an incentive for messaging, like a discount code or free gift
  • Drive traffic to your page through ads and social media posts
  • Set up a Messenger bot to handle common questions
  • Create fun content like polls and quizzes within Messenger
  • Segment conversations to provide tailored experiences
  • Send follow up messages after someone first engages
  • Leverage messaging to get email signups and phone numbers

Finding new ways to integrate Messenger into your broader marketing and content strategy is key. The more value you can provide through messaging, the more your Page will thrive.

Why Integrating Messenger is Important

Here are the key reasons businesses should prioritize integrating Messenger directly on their Facebook page:

  • Provides faster, more personalized support to customers
  • Drives greater engagement on your Page overall
  • Allows you to manage conversations seamlessly in one place
  • Gives you data and insights into how people interact with your business
  • Creates a competitive advantage compared to those without messaging
  • Opens up new sales opportunities by connecting directly with leads
  • Keeps up with how consumers want to interact with brands

In today’s digital landscape, the ability to message a business directly is becoming an expectation, not just a perk. Integrating Messenger serves customers better while fueling your own business growth. It’s a must for any brand active on Facebook.

Case Studies of Successful Messenger Usage

Here are some real world examples of companies seeing results from Messenger integration:


  • Added Messenger plugin to allow browsing customers to get styling tips
  • Seamlessly bridges online and offline experience
  • Fueling messaging growth through promotional codes offered


  • Leverages Messenger across web, iOS and Android
  • Sees 3x higher response rates compared to email
  • Reduced customer service costs by integrating automation


  • Rollout out Messenger ordering to over 11,500 stores in the US
  • Aim is to handle all simple orders through messaging
  • Messenger now their fastest growing ordering platform

These examples highlight the ability for Messenger to streamline commerce, improve support, and drive business growth. Nearly every industry can benefit from integrating messaging on Facebook.


Facebook Messenger integration directly on your Page removes friction from the customer experience while consolidating your communications. Options like Inbox and the Messenger plugin make it easy to get setup. Once implemented, focus on prompt responses, automation tools, and excellent service to see results. With Messenger powering conversations, you can strengthen connections with your audience. Just be sure to also follow best practices around availability, workload management and issue resolution. Deal with any troubleshooting bumps that arise. Optimizing your use of Messenger opens up exciting opportunities to better serve your customers and grow your business.