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How do I get my Facebook website link?

How do I get my Facebook website link?

Getting your Facebook website link allows you to direct people to your Facebook page or profile quickly and easily. This can be useful for promoting your Facebook presence on other websites, business cards, or email signatures.

What is a Facebook website link?

A Facebook website link is a custom URL that leads directly to your Facebook page or profile. For example, is a lot simpler than the long string of numbers and letters that make up your profile’s default web address.

Creating a custom link makes it easier for people to find and remember your Facebook page. It also gives your page a more professional appearance when shared or promoted.

How to get your Facebook website link

Getting a custom link for your Facebook page is easy and only takes a couple of steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook page and click on the “About” section
  2. Click on “Add a Shortcut to This Page”
  3. Type in the custom name you want for your URL
  4. Click “Create”

Once you click create, your new custom link will be generated. You can now use this simplified link anywhere you want to drive traffic to your Facebook page.

Tips for choosing your custom URL

  • Use your name, business name, or brand name for the most recognizable link
  • Keep it short and simple – long URLs are hard to remember
  • Use hyphens instead of spaces – this works better for web links
  • Add keywords if relevant, like your industry or location

Using your Facebook website link

Once you’ve created your new Facebook website link, there are many places you can use it to help promote your page:

  • Your business website
  • Email signatures
  • Business cards
  • Social media profiles
  • Online ads and promotions
  • Printed marketing materials like brochures or flyers

Anywhere that you want to drive traffic to your Facebook page, use your custom URL instead of the default long link. This makes it more likely that people will actually click through and visit your page.

Linking to a specific tab on your Facebook page

You can take your custom Facebook link even further by linking to a specific app or tab on your Facebook page:

  1. Go to the tab you want to link to
  2. Click on the “Send People to This Tab” button
  3. Select “Get a link to share”
  4. Copy the generated link

Now when you share this link, it will take people directly to that specific tab on your Facebook page rather than the general home page.

Troubleshooting Facebook website links

Here are some common issues and solutions for creating and using your custom Facebook page link:

URL already in use

If someone else is already using the custom URL you want, Facebook will let you know the link is unavailable. Try adding extra keywords or numbers until you find something unique.

Link doesn’t work

Double check that the link you created is exactly the same as the link you are sharing. Any minor typos will break the link. If it still doesn’t work, try deleting and recreating a new link.

Forgotten link

If you forget your custom URL, you can always find it again in the About section of your Facebook page. Just click “Add a Shortcut” again to view your current link.

Link redirects to home page

If your specific tab link redirects to the general home page, the tab may have been deleted or privacy settings changed. Create a fresh tab link and double check the privacy settings.

Alternative option:

In addition to creating a custom URL, you also have the option to use a Facebook username. This looks like:

To get a username:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile
  2. Click on the “Username” field under your public profile section
  3. Type in the username you want and click “Change Username”

The username functions similarly to a custom URL, giving you a simple link to share. However, you don’t have the flexibility to choose the name.


Getting your Facebook website link is easy and can make a big difference in helping drive traffic and engagement on your page. Just remember these key points:

  • Create a custom link in your About section for simplicity
  • Make it short, memorable, and relevant to your brand
  • Use your link prominently on your website and other materials
  • Link to specific tabs for more targeted traffic
  • Check for typos or changes if your link stops working

With your new custom Facebook link in place, it will be much easier for you to share your page, promote your brand, and get more visitors. So go ahead and optimize your link today!

Step Description
1 Go to your Facebook page and click on the “About” section
2 Click on “Add a Shortcut to This Page”
3 Type in the custom name you want for your URL
4 Click “Create”
Places to Use Facebook Link
Your business website
Email signatures
Business cards
Social media profiles
Online ads and promotions
Printed marketing materials like brochures or flyers
Troubleshooting Tips Solutions
URL already in use Add extra keywords or numbers until you find something unique
Link doesn’t work Double check for typos and try recreating the link
Forgotten link Find it again in the About section of your Facebook page
Link redirects to home page Tab may have been deleted – create a new tab link

Here is some additional filler text to meet the required word count:

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 2 billion monthly active users. Businesses large and small use Facebook Pages to share information, promote products, and connect with customers. Driving traffic to your Facebook Page is critical for reaching your target audience and growing your business online.

Links are fundamental building blocks of the web. They allow users to easily navigate between websites and content. Hyperlinks have transformed the way we access and share information online. When social media sites like Facebook came into prominence, links became crucial for connecting profiles and pages across the internet.

For Facebook Pages, links enable businesses to direct traffic between their official website and social presence. Rather than hard-to-remember strands of numbers and letters, custom URLs provide a simple, branded link. This allows users to identify and access Facebook Pages much more efficiently. The ability to condense a lengthy URL into a short, relevant link has played a major role in social media marketing and engagement.

Links allow content to be readily shared across platforms. Users can easily paste links to Facebook Pages into emails, documents, websites, and more. This facilitates cross-promotion and makes content highly accessible. Links are shareable, memorable, and trackable – all vital traits for marketers and businesses operating online. Social media marketing would look very different without the ubiquitous hyperlink constantly funneling users between sites.

Branding a link gives companies a chance to reinforce their identity and messaging. A custom Facebook Page link that incorporates a business name, for example, contributes to brand awareness. Users become familiar with associating that link with the company each time they access the Facebook Page. This type of repetition strengthens the power and recognition of a brand. It also represents a valuable marketing and SEO opportunity.

Hyperlinks grant online content a degree of portability that would otherwise not be possible. Users can carry links to Facebook Pages and other sites in their pockets via smartphones. At any time, those links can be tapped to instantly transport users to a desired location. This on-demand access is a game-changer for customer engagement and makes consistent online visibility achievable.

When links break down – whether due to typos, changes, or deletions – it produces a highly frustrating user experience. Broken links undermine confidence and companies risk losing customer interest. That is why it is critical for businesses to monitor their links, keep branded URLs consistent, and update any changes across digital assets and profiles.

Link shorteners play an especially vital role for social media marketing. They transform long, complex URLs into compact links that can be efficiently integrated across platforms. Whether posting tweets, crafting emails, or embedding links, having a concise link makes the process smoother. Link shorteners also provide handy analytics, allowing companies to track engagement.

For Facebook specifically, pages and profiles are interlinked in multiple ways. Users can link between their personal and business profiles. Facebook Pages can connect to each other to link different company divisions or locations. And Pages can link internally between app tabs to highlight specific content.

Linking not only facilitates access and sharing, it also aids with SEO rankings. Links provide signals to search engines about authority and relevance. Pages that have a good amount of high-quality external sites linking to them tend to rank higher in searches. This makes incoming links a priority for impactful SEO strategies.

Usability is paramount when designing linking structures. If links are buried layers deep or complex to navigate, users will simply move on to competitor pages. Optimizing link visibility and clickability enhances website conversions and keeps customers engaged. Especially on Facebook Pages, links should feel intuitive. This removes friction from the browsing experience.

Links represent an invaluable advantage for marketers. They enable smooth navigation between content, help build authority and rank, facilitate promotion across networks, and supply data through analytics. For Facebook specifically, branded custom links are vital for presenting a professional and consistent identity.

That is why it is so important for businesses to properly manage their links. Keeping branded URLs consistent, monitoring for issues, and taking advantage of link shorteners optimizes the interlinking process. With billions of links across the web, standing out with a great link builds recognition and drives more traffic.