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How do I get my Facebook videos to show views?

How do I get my Facebook videos to show views?

Having your Facebook videos display view counts is important for gauging engagement and reaching new audiences on the platform. While Facebook does not show exact view numbers publicly, there are some steps you can take to help get more views on your Facebook videos.

Enable Public View Counts

The first step is to make sure your view counts are set to public. By default, Facebook only shows view counts to you and the other admins of your Facebook Page or profile. To enable public view counts:

  1. Go to your Facebook Page
  2. Click “Settings” at the top
  3. Select “Templates and Tabs”
  4. Under “Video Settings”, toggle “Show Public View Counts on Videos” to on

This will allow view counts to be visible to all visitors on your videos. However, keep in mind that Facebook does not show the exact view count, only a range (e.g. 10-100 views).

Post at Optimal Times

Posting your videos when your target audience is most active on Facebook can help get more initial views. The best times to post vary based on your followers, but some general tips include:

  • Early Morning (before 10 AM) – Catch people scrolling during breakfast or commute
  • Lunch Hour (11 AM – 1 PM) – Reach users on lunch break
  • After Work Hours (5 PM – 7 PM) – Connect with users unwinding after a long workday

You can use Facebook Analytics to determine when your target audience tends to be most active online. Pay attention to when your videos tend to get the most traction. Post consistently during those high-traffic windows for the best chance of views.

Hook Viewers Right Away

The first few seconds of your video are crucial for grabbing attention. Use compelling imagery, text overlays, music, or effects to hook viewers from the very start. Getting viewers interested right off the bat will lead to higher view counts. Some hooks to try include:

  • Teaser or trailer-style intro
  • Impressive stats or facts on the topic
  • Relatable or emotional moment
  • Call to Action text encouraging viewers to watch

Experiment with different openings and analyze which ones lead viewers to keep watching and share the most. Refine your intro over time based on data and feedback.

Use Captions

Adding captions to your video can increase view counts by making it easier for viewers to consume without sound. It also makes it more accessible to those with hearing impairments. Take time to manually add accurate captions to your video before publishing.

Facebook auto-captioning is available which uses machine learning to add captions automatically. However it often contains errors, so checking over the computer-generated captions is recommended to correct any mistakes.

Include Engaging Visuals

Posting videos that are visually striking or eye-catching can drive more views. Use high-quality images and video resolution. Create interesting scenes with movement, color, and people. Engaging visuals will make it more likely your video gets clicked on and viewed.

You can also create custom thumbnail images for your videos to further capture attention. Choose a frame that represents an exciting or emotional moment in your video.

Leverage Influencers

Having influencers or other accounts share your video can introduce it to new audiences. Identify influencers in your niche and reach out to them for video collaborations, shoutouts, or other partnerships. You can also guest post your video on larger pages or profiles.

To encourage further shares, remind viewers to tag people they know who would also appreciate your video. Making content easily sharable helps spread it organically.

Use Trending Sounds

Including trending sounds and music in your Facebook videos can help them gain more views. Check what audio clips are currently popular and make creative videos utilizing those viral sounds.

Facebook’s music library offers many trending clips to choose from. You can also use SoundCloud or other sites to find trending sounds and songs lighting up the internet.

Cross-Promote on Other Channels

Post snippets, trailers or links to your Facebook videos on other platforms like Instagram, Twitter, YouTube etc. This exposes your content to new audiences which you can then direct back to the full video.

Your other social profiles, email lists, websites, and blogs are all opportunities to cross-promote your Facebook videos. Utilize all channels available to maximize views.

Track Performance

Use Facebook Insights to track how each video performs. Pay attention to factors like average % watched, completion rate, clickthrough rate etc. This data will reveal how engaging your videos are and where viewers lose interest.

Continuously test out new ideas and analyze the impact on views. Doubling down on tactics that work well, and refining or eliminating ones that don’t, will optimize your video strategy over time.

Advertise Strategically

Facebook Ads can boost views dramatically for key videos you want to promote heavily. Targeting your ads to precise demographics who would be most interested can get your videos in front of high-intent viewers.

Focus ad spend on your most engaging videos with the highest view rates. Promote new videos to get initial momentum faster. Use A/B testing to determine which video ads perform best.

Join Facebook Groups

Joining relevant Facebook Groups related to your video niche provides places to share your content. Be sure to read group rules first and contribute value consistently before posting your videos.

Facebook Groups focused on video creators, visual content, or your specific industry also give chances to collaborate with others. Engage actively with the community for best results.

Give Viewers Context

Many Facebook videos are watched without audio. Giving proper visual context is vital for these muting viewers. Use text overlays or captions to convey key information that is not obvious from just the video footage alone.

Also include text introductions explaining what the video is about and why viewers should watch. Clear descriptions allow silent viewers to better understand and engage.

Make Timely Videos

Creating videos tied to holidays, events, trends, and specific dates can help Views. For example, movie trailers and Super Bowl teasers always see high Views around major premieres or events.

Check which observances, anniversaries, and dates are coming up and make videos tailored to those timely topics. Viewers search for related content as interest peaks around these dates.

Check Algorithm Changes

Facebook’s algorithm changes over time based on user behavior and platform priorities. When views dip on many videos at once, check if any new algorithm updates were recently launched.

Stay up to date on algorithm news and adjust your strategy accordingly. For example, longer videos may be favored over shorter ones. Or higher comment rates might become more important for reach.

Go Live Frequently

Facebook Live videos tend to display higher view counts than prerecorded videos. The urgency of a live broadcast entices more viewers to start watching. You can repurpose Live videos as evergreen content later.

Going Live on a consistent basis also helps build supporter loyalty. Schedule a regular time for your Followers to tune in and engage with you in real time.

Collaborate with Others

Filming guest videos or co-hosting with others is a great way to tap into each other’s audiences. Choose partners with an overlapping target demographic but distinct subscriber base.

Cross-promote collaborator videos on your own channels. Sharing the workload and creativity expands possibilities for fresh engaging video concepts.

Refine Thumbnails Over Time

Test out multiple thumbnails to identify which titles, images, and text help your videos get more clicks. You can edit the thumbnail at any time after publishing.

Pay attention to changes in traffic sources and viewer demographics when thumbnail elements are changed. This reveals which titles and visuals resonate most.


Gaining more video views on Facebook requires both art and science. Put focus on creating compelling content while also tapping into data insights, being strategic with timing and promotion, and constantly optimizing based on performance. Patience and persistence are key, as it takes time to build an engaged viewer base. But utilizing the tactics and best practices covered here will get your Facebook videos more views and engagement over time.