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How do I get my Facebook post to the top of my feed?

How do I get my Facebook post to the top of my feed?

Getting your Facebook posts seen by more people is key to building an engaged audience on the platform. With over 2 billion monthly active users, competition for attention on Facebook is fierce. The more people that see, like, comment on and share your posts, the better for growing your reach. So how can you get your posts to appear at the top of your followers’ News Feeds and stand out? Here are some proven tips and best practices.

Optimize Post Content

The actual content you share plays a major role in determining how far your post reaches. Follow these content strategies for improving visibility:

  • Post Engaging Images & Videos – Posts with images see 2.3X more engagement than text-only posts. Try using high-quality, eye-catching photos and videos that will make people stop scrolling. Images and video thumbnails should convey what the post is about.
  • Write Clear, Clickable Headlines – You have just 2-3 seconds to capture attention with your headline. Use power words that create curiosity and write headlines in the form of questions, lists or how-to’s.
  • Tell Stories – Tapping into emotions like inspiration, humor and surprise helps drive engagement. Share personal stories and anecdotes that people relate to.
  • Use Hashtags Strategically – Relevant hashtags expand your reach to users interested in those topics. Place hashtags at the end of your post so they don’t distract from the headline.
  • Boost Engagement With Questions – Asking questions in your post captions prompts followers to respond and comment.
  • Include Call-To-Actions – CTAs like “Comment below” or “Tag a friend” encourage engagement behaviors.

Mastering these content best practices will naturally make your posts more engaging and popular in the News Feed algorithm.

Post at Optimal Times

When you post can significantly impact how many people see it. Pay attention to when your target audience is most active on Facebook:

  • Post During Peak Hours – Post when more of your followers are online, typically weekdays 9am-3pm.
  • Post Consistently – Posting 1-2 times per day allows you to catch people at different times.
  • Experiment With Days/Times – Try posting at different days/times to see when gets the most traction with your audience.
  • Use Facebook Insights – Check your Page Insights for data on your followers’ online habits.
  • Post Hot Topics Quickly – Post about trending news and events as they happen to capitalize on interest.

Coordinating when you post with when your followers are most active and receptive can boost how many see your posts organically.

Invite Engagement

The more engagement your post gets, the more it signals to Facebook it’s quality, popular content to showcase. Some ways to spark engagement include:

  • Ask Questions
  • Run Polls
  • Host Contests/Giveaways
  • Request Tagging Friends
  • Invite Sharing User-Generated Content

When more people Like, comment, click, share and take other actions on your post, the algorithm picks up on that activity. Facebook then shows your engaging content to more users.

Go Live Frequently

Facebook prioritizes Facebook Live video in the algorithm, so broadcasting live is an effective tactic. You can attract a rush of viewers as you go live. Then after, the video replay also holds prominence in News Feeds for improved visibility. Use live video to engage your audience in real time:

  • Host Q&As
  • Announce Sales/Offers
  • Share Live Events
  • Conduct Interviews
  • Broadcast Behind-the-Scenes

Leverage live streaming’s algorithm boost to get your brand and content seen.

Advertise Strategically

While organic reach is ideal, Facebook advertising can skyrocket the number of people who see your posts. Some tips for effective Facebook ad campaigns include:

  • Create Engaging Ads – Use eye-catching images/video and compelling ad copy tailored to your target audience.
  • Target Interests Precisely – Refine your target audience by location, interests, behaviors and more to reach those most likely to engage.
  • Test Different Campaign Objectives – Try different campaign goals like reach, video views, conversions etc. to see what works.
  • Set Competitive Bids – Research competitor’s bids and set yours competitively to win more ad auctions.
  • Monitor Performance – Track metrics like cost-per-click, click-through rate and return on ad spend. Tweak low performers.

Strategic Facebook advertising gives you more control over getting your posts viewed by expanding reach.

Post Natively

Posting directly to Facebook rather than cross-posting can improve reach. Native Facebook posts tend to have higher visibility in the News Feed. Some benefits of native posting include:

  • Content Optimized For Platform
  • More Visually Prominent
  • Higher Engagement Rates
  • Appears Fresher in Feed

Continue cross-posting to other channels, but consider creating unique content tailored for Facebook too.

Analyze and Adjust

Consistently analyzing your performance data is key for improving results over time. Look at how your past posts have performed:

  • Reach
  • Impressions
  • Engagement Rate
  • Clicks
  • Conversions
  • Shares

Look for patterns in higher versus lower performing posts. Double down on what works and adjust what isn’t getting traction. This informed strategy will boost future post reach.

Use Facebook Tools

Leverage Facebook’s own tools to increase post visibility. Some to explore include:

  • Facebook Reels – Create fun 15-60 second video clips.
  • Stories – Post ephemeral photos/videos that sit atop the News Feed.
  • News Feed Ads – Promote posts directly in the News Feed to followers.
  • Boosted Posts – Pay to increase reach of organic posts.
  • Creator Studio – Manage and analyze performance.
  • Live Producer – Add overlays, graphics and multi-streaming.

Familiarize yourself with all the latest features Facebook offers to make the most of their built-in reach-growing tools.

Engage With Your Audience

The more you actively engage with your Facebook audience, the more Facebook sees you providing value. Ways to engage include:

  • Respond To Comments
  • Like Follower Posts
  • Answer Questions
  • Offer Exclusive Content
  • Provide Great Customer Care

When Facebook sees you developing relationships with your community, it keeps putting your posts in front of them. Human engagement signals relevancy to followers.

Improve Your Authority

Facebook wants to show posts from authoritative pages users will find interesting and trustworthy. Boost your authority by:

  • Completing Page Verification
  • Cultivating 5-Star Reviews
  • Gaining More Followers/Fans
  • Associating With Reputable Pages
  • Publishing Value-Add Content

Developing your reputation as an authoritative source for your niche/industry will improve distribution to those interested in your content.


Facebook’s News Feed algorithm considers hundreds of factors in ranking prominence of posts. While you can’t control the algorithm, you can control the quality of your content and post strategy. Focus on following Facebook best practices that signal value to users. Consistently provide engaging posts that spark conversations and reactions. Stay top-of-mind by posting when followers are active. Analyze performance to iterate and improve. The more value your posts offer, the more Facebook will reward your page with greater exposure. With a strategic approach, you can get your content viewed more in the competitive News Feed.