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How do I get my Facebook page memorialised?

How do I get my Facebook page memorialised?

If a Facebook user passes away, their account can be memorialized so that it becomes a place for friends and family to gather and share memories. Here is an overview of how to get a Facebook page memorialized.

What Does Memorializing a Facebook Account Mean?

Memorializing an account prevents anyone from logging into it again. The profile remains visible to the friends of the deceased person. Friends can still post on the memorialized Timeline to remember their loved one.

When an account is memorialized:

  • The word “Remembering” appears next to the name on the profile
  • The profile pic is removed or changes to a gray gradient
  • Friends can still post on the memorialized Timeline
  • The memorialized account won’t show up in “People You May Know” recommendations
  • Memorialized accounts no longer appear in the Suggestions section of the notifications jewel

The key aspects are that the account becomes a memorial page and is no longer used for logging in or active interactions. Friends can still interact with the memorialized profile to share memories.

Who Can Request a Memorialization?

Immediate family members or executors can request the memorialization of an account. The person requesting the memorialization needs to provide documentation to verify their relationship to the deceased.

The following people can make a memorialization request:

  • Immediate family members (parent, sibling, spouse, child)
  • Other family members with verification (obituary, death certificate)
  • Executors of the estate with documentation
  • Verified immediate family members can appoint a legacy contact to manage the account

Friends of the deceased generally cannot request a memorialization directly. They need to work with the immediate family to get the process started.

How to Request a Memorialization

To request that a profile be memorialized, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Memorialization Request Form on Facebook. You can find it at
  2. Fill in the details of the deceased person, including their full name and Facebook URL
  3. Indicate your relationship to the deceased
  4. Provide a copy of documentation showing proof of death, such as an obituary or death certificate
  5. Include a copy of an ID that shows your name and photo, to verify your identity
  6. Click submit and wait to hear back from Facebook

Facebook reviews memorialization requests to prevent false or improper requests. The verification process may take up to a few weeks in some cases.

Appointing a Legacy Contact

Verified immediate family members can appoint a legacy contact to look after a memorialized profile. This gives someone the ability to:

  • Pin a memorial post on the profile
  • Respond to new friend requests
  • Update profile pictures and cover photos

Legacy contacts cannot log into the actual account or remove any existing content. They simply help moderate the memorialized profile and its visibility.

To appoint a legacy contact:

  1. Go to the General Account Settings of the memorialized profile
  2. Click Memorialization Settings
  3. Enter the name of the person you want to appoint
  4. Enter the email address of the appointed person
  5. Click Add and a request will be sent to the designated contact

The legacy contact needs to accept the request before they can start helping to manage the memorialized profile.

Removing Memorialized Profiles

Once an account has been memorialized, immediate family members can also request its removal under certain circumstances. Reasons for removal include:

  • The memorialized profile is causing ongoing distress for family members
  • There are concerns about bullying or harassment of the memorialized account
  • The deceased would have preferred the account be deleted

Keep in mind the memorialized profile may still hold memories and an archive of the deceased’s life. Removal should be carefully considered.

To request removal, immediate family members need to contact Facebook again and reiterate the desire to have the account permanently deleted from the site.

Memorialization vs. Deletion

Memorialization keeps the account active but in a read-only state. Deletion removes the profile, its photos, posts, videos, and all other traces from Facebook.

In most cases, memorialization is preferable to deletion:

Memorialization Deletion
Keeps memories and posts accessible Removes all account content permanently
Allows friends to interact on timeline All connections and interactions are lost
Profile can be managed by legacy contact No ability to manage profile or content
Account remains searchable Profile is completely erased

In most situations, memorialization strikes the right balance between preserving memories and protecting privacy. Outright account deletion should only be considered in exceptional cases.

Memorialization for Non-Users

Facebook has a process for memorializing people who were non-users at the time of their death. This allows friends and family to establish a memorialized presence for their loved one.

To set up a memorialized profile for someone without an existing Facebook account:

  1. Go to the Memorialized Account Request Form
  2. Enter the name and birth/death years of the deceased
  3. Explain your relationship and intent to memorialize their account
  4. Provide appropriate documentation as outlined above
  5. Submit the request for review

Facebook will create a profile page for the deceased person, which can then be managed by immediate family members. The same rules around legacy contacts and administrator privileges apply.

Important Considerations

Here are some important things to keep in mind when memorializing or deleting a Facebook profile:

  • Act in accordance with the deceased wishes – Consider their preferences and intent before deciding on memorialization vs deletion.
  • Get consensus from immediate family – Talk to spouse, parents, children and get alignment before taking any action.
  • Move quickly if the account is unmanaged – An unattended profile can be vulnerable to hacking, impersonation, etc.
  • Review privacy and security settings – Limit account visibility and sharing where appropriate.
  • Watch for signs of misuse – If anyone is self-memorializing or trying to gain access deceptively, report it.

Losing someone is incredibly hard. Handling their Facebook memorialization can be additionally painful. Move cautiously, act in good faith, and focus on what is best for friends, family, and the deceased’s wishes.


Memorializing a Facebook account transforms a profile into a shared place of remembrance. The account is made private and visible only to confirmed friends. Loved ones can interact with memories, photos, posts and the timeline.

Immediate family members need to formally request the memorialization and provide documentation. They can appoint a legacy contact to help manage the memorialized profile.

Memorialization preserves the account while deletion erases all presence. Unless specifically requested by the deceased, memorialization is usually the most prudent option.

Losing someone is never easy. With Facebook’s memorialization settings, friends and family can treasure memories while protecting the privacy and wishes of the deceased.

If you have lost a loved one, take time to grieve. When you are ready, contact Facebook to memorialize their account and create a space to remember and celebrate their life.

Here are some additional resources on memorialized accounts: