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How do I get my Facebook page back on Facebook?

How do I get my Facebook page back on Facebook?

Having your Facebook page disabled or removed can be extremely frustrating. Your page acts as your online presence and allows you to connect with friends, family, and customers. There are several reasons why your page may have been disabled, but the good news is that in many cases, you can recover your page by following Facebook’s guidelines.

Why Was My Facebook Page Disabled?

There are a few common reasons why Facebook may have disabled your page:

  • You violated Facebook’s Terms of Service or Community Standards – This could be due to sharing prohibited content, sending spam messages, or otherwise breaking Facebook’s rules. Review their terms and standards to ensure you understand what is not allowed.
  • Your page was reported as a fake account – If multiple people reported your page as being fake, impersonating someone, or otherwise violating Facebook’s authenticity policies, it may have been disabled.
  • Suspicious or unusual activity – If your account showed signs of being hacked, compromised, or used for suspicious activities like spamming or spreading misinformation, Facebook may have disabled it.
  • You’ve been banned from Facebook – If you as the page admin are banned from Facebook due to repeat violations, all pages you administer will be disabled.

Less common reasons could include pages that are inactive for very long periods, name changes on pages, or other policy violations.

How to Recover Your Disabled Facebook Page

If your page was disabled, you will need to go through Facebook’s appeals process. Here are the steps to take:

  1. Fill out the Facebook Disabled Account Appeal form – This is found at You’ll need to provide your full name, email or mobile number on the account, and any details you have about why the page was disabled.
  2. Wait for Facebook to respond – The review process typically takes 1-3 days. Be patient.
  3. Provide any additional information requested – Facebook may ask for ID verification or details around any violations if they suspect the page was disabled for policy breaches.
  4. Wait again for Facebook’s final decision – The full appeals process can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks in some cases.
  5. Request review from Oversight Board if declined – As a last resort if your appeal is declined, you can request an independent review from Facebook’s Oversight Board at

Some key tips when going through the appeals process:

  • Be honest and cooperative – Clearly explain why you believe the page was mistakenly disabled and provide any evidence that supports your appeal.
  • Avoid getting angry or argumentative – Facebook gets many appeals, so a constructive and sincere appeal is best.
  • Check all email folders – Responses from Facebook may end up in spam or other folders so look carefully.
  • Stay persistent yet patient – The process can be frustrating but may take some time. Follow up if needed but allow time for review.

How to Prevent Your Page From Being Disabled Again

If you successfully recover your Facebook page, you’ll want to take steps to prevent it from being disabled again in the future:

  1. Carefully review Facebook’s policies – Know what types of content, activities, and practices will violate standards and get your page disabled.
  2. Strengthen account security – Use strong passwords, enable two-factor authentication, and be cautious of suspicious login activity.
  3. Avoid spam activities – Don’t automatically send friend requests or messages, make fake accounts, post repeat content, etc.
  4. Watch for policy changes – As Facebook updates standards stay current so your existing practices don’t become violations.
  5. Limit third-party apps – Be selective in giving account access to apps and monitor their activity closely.
  6. Appoint backup admins – Designate 1-2 other responsible individuals to your page so it can be recovered if your personal account is ever disabled.

Staying in clear communication with Facebook can also help. If you ever have questions about policies or account standing, reach out to Facebook support through the channels they provide.

Can a Deleted Facebook Page Be Recovered?

If your Facebook page was not just disabled but fully deleted, the recovery process becomes much more difficult. When you proactively delete a page yourself, there is a short 14-day period where the page can be recovered.

To recover a self-deleted page within 14 days:

  1. Login to your Facebook account that managed the page.
  2. Go to the Page Management section under Settings.
  3. Click “Pages You Manage” and look for the deleted page.
  4. Click to recover the page and confirm.

If more than 14 days have passed or Facebook itself deleted your page, then the normal appeals process should be followed. However, success rates for appeals on deleted pages are much lower than disabled pages.

Steps if Your Appeal for a Deleted Page is Denied

If you go through the full appeals process and Facebook maintains their decision to keep your page deleted, there are still some potential steps to take:

  • Request review from the Oversight Board.
  • File a complaint with the Better Business Bureau.
  • Consult with an attorney about any legal options.
  • Consider starting a new page and rebuilding your audience.

Prevention is still the best approach. Be sure you fully understand Facebook’s deletion policies and stay well within the lines to avoid any risk of permanent deletion.

Can Someone Else Get Your Disabled or Deleted Page Back?

Generally, the process to recover a disabled or deleted Facebook page has to be initiated by the original account holder or admin. However, there are a couple potential ways others could help:

  1. If appointed as a backup admin, they could manage the appeals process on your behalf if you are unable to. But they must have been made an admin before the page was disabled.
  2. They can provide Facebook support or the Oversight Board with testimony and evidence to verify your appeal if the original admin is restricted from contacting Facebook.
  3. They may be able to legally compel Facebook to restore the page if they have the means to take legal action on your behalf.

But in most cases, the admin who created the page and is restricted will need to personally work through Facebook’s appeals process. Support from others is helpful but limited in the direct actions they can take if not admins themselves.

Mistakes to Avoid if Your Page is Disabled

It’s understandably frustrating to have your Facebook page disabled or deleted. However, there are some mistakes to avoid during the recovery process:

  • Getting angry or making threats when interacting with Facebook. This will not help your appeal.
  • Trying to create a new account while restricted. Facebook will likely just disable that one as well.
  • Automatically re-posting the same content that got you disabled in the first place.
  • Spamming appeals without providing meaningful information.
  • Trying shortcuts around the formal appeals process.
  • Giving up too quickly before fully exercising the appeals options.

Stay calm, be reasonable, and persistently work through the proper channels following Facebook’s guidelines. This gives you the best chance of successfully regaining access to your disabled page.


Having a Facebook page disabled or deleted is stressful, but in many cases, it can be successfully reversed by going through Facebook’s appeals process. The most important things are to understand why the page was originally restricted, cooperate fully during appeals, and take proactive measures to prevent any future issues. With persistence and patience, many page owners are able to regain access to their Facebook presence. Just be sure to exercise caution and good judgment going forward.