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How do I get more people to like my business page on Facebook?

How do I get more people to like my business page on Facebook?

Why Likes Matter

Getting more likes for your business page on Facebook is important for several reasons:

– Increased visibility – Pages with more likes show up higher in searches and suggestions on Facebook. This means more people will find and potentially engage with your page.

– Social proof – A high number of likes indicates to potential customers that your business is popular and trusted within the Facebook community. People are more likely to interact with pages that seem well-liked.

– Reach – People who like your page may see your content show up in their newsfeeds, allowing you to reach more potential customers organically. More likes = greater reach.

– Engagement – People are more likely to engage with high-performing posts from pages they’ve already liked. This engagement can lead to more shares, comments, and overall better performance for your content.

So in summary, more Facebook page likes lead to greater visibility, credibility, reach, and engagement – all of which help grow your business! A high like count is an important metric for Facebook marketing success.

How to Get More Likes

Here are some of the top tactics for getting more people to like your business page on Facebook:

Leverage Your Existing Networks

Start by promoting your page to current customers and followers:

– Email list – Send an email asking contacts to follow your new page. Offer an incentive like a discount code for liking.

– Website/blog – Add a Facebook page widget, links in navigation, or blog post sidebar.

– Current social followers – Post page links to all your existing social accounts.

– Physical customers – Print Facebook page QR codes on receipts, signage, and packaging.

– Staff networks – Have all employees/team members share and promote the page through their own accounts.

The goal is to gain those initial likes from people who already know your brand. Once you have a base, it will be easier to build further through broader social promotion and ads.

Run Facebook Ads

One of the fastest ways to get more Facebook page likes is through Facebook advertising. You can create ads that directly promote your page and aim to get more likes. Some options include:

– Like campaign – The ad objective is specifically getting more page likes. You only pay when people like your page.

– Offer claim – Run a coupon/offer ad that requires liking your page to claim. Great for incentives.

– Video views – Run video ads with a strong call-to-action to like your page to drive more conversions.

The key is testing different types of offers and creatives. You can target your ads based on your ideal audience demographics and interests. Investing in Facebook ads is one of the most effective ways to build your page audience.

Go Viral with Content

Publishing awesome content that people naturally want to like, comment on, and share can cause viral growth for your Facebook page. Some types of viral-worthy content include:

– Giveaways/contests – Offer prizes and incentives for liking and sharing your page. Require friends to like the page to enter or gain more contest entries.

– Trending news – Capitalize on hot topics and newsjacking opportunities related to your business.

– Controversy/debate – Weigh in on heated debates going on in your industry or niche.

– Humor/memes – Funny, meme-style images and videos can spread quickly on Facebook. Just ensure it aligns with your brand.

– Ultra-useful resources – Ebooks, kits, tools, and other free resources people want to download and share.

Riding the momentum of content with high organic sharing potential is a smart way to get more eyeballs on your page.

Run Facebook Contests and Giveaways

Contests, giveaways and sweepstakes are great tactics for getting more likes on your Facebook page. They allow you to:

– Offer prizes that are highly desirable to your target audience. For example, a restaurant could give away a $100 gift card.

– Require entrants to like your page in order to qualify or gain more entries. This instantly grows your audience.

– Set up viral sharing opportunities by offering extra entries for tagging friends, sharing posts, etc.

– Utilize Facebook ads to promote the contest and attract more relevant participants.

– Build an email list by capturing entries through a landing page and/or app.

Make the barriers to entry low by allowing multiple easy ways to enter. Also, promote the contest frequently across your digital marketing channels.

Promote Your Facebook Page Offline

Here are some “offline” strategies to promote your page:

– Print your Facebook URL, QR code, or a call-to-action on all marketing materials – business cards, flyers, signs, packaging, receipts, etc.

– Announce your page on packaging inserts, invoices, newsletters sent via mail. Add a link or QR code.

– Add table tents or flyers promoting the page in-store and at events.

– Print T-shirts or other promotional merchandise with your Facebook page information.

– Verbally promote your Facebook presence at events, in videos, on calls, and during in-person interactions.

Integrating your Facebook page both digitally and physically amplifies reach and makes it easy for people to find and like your page organically.

Partner with Influencers and Brands

Partnering with relevant influencers and brands in your niche allows you to tap into their existing audiences and gain exposure to new potential fans. Some partnership ideas include:

– Influencer takeovers – Have an influencer post unique content and interact with their followers on your page for a day.

– Co-host a giveaway – Offer prizes an influencer’s followers would like. Require page likes to enter.

– Swap posts – Share one another’s content and links to your pages.

– Sponsor influencer content – Pay influencers to create social posts and videos showcasing your brand and linking to your page.

– Guest contribute – Write a blog post for an influencer’s site driving readers back to your page.

– Get featured – Pitch your business and page to journalists, bloggers, and content sites for features.

Strategic partnerships expand your reach, credibility, and audience. Choose partners who share similar target demographics and interests as your ideal customer base.

Engage Other Facebook Pages

Engaging with other related business and organization pages can lead to new page likes, shares, and followers. Some ways to engage include:

– Like and follow their pages to build connections. Comment and react to their content regularly.

– Share their content when it’s relevant and valuable to your audience. Tag their page.

– Respond to questions and comments on their pages when you have expertise to offer.

– Suggest co-marketing partnerships like giveaways, content swaps, and influencer collaborations.

– Join industry-specific Facebook Groups where you can connect with many pages at once.

Being an engaged member of your industry Facebook community establishes you as a thought leader, builds relationships, and gets more eyes on your page.

Advertise on Facebook

Facebook Ads can be a quick and cost-effective way to get more people to like your business page. You can create Facebook ads specifically designed to promote your page and get more Likes. Some tips for running effective Like campaign ads include:

– Targeting your ideal audience based on demographics, interests, behaviors, etc. to get relevant Likes.

– Testing different headlines, images, videos, and text to optimize your ad creative.

– Offering an incentive or discount for people who Like your page to increase conversions.

– Keeping your cost-per-Like low by setting a maximum bid cap and monitoring performance.

– Using Like and engagement objectives – Facebook optimizes delivery to get more Likes for your money.

– Retargeting people who have already engaged with your brand and website.

Investing some budget in Facebook ads gives you more control and visibility for getting Likes directly tied to your campaign spend and efforts.

Hold a Facebook Live Event or Webinar

Hosting a Facebook Live or webinar is a great way to engage your target audience directly and get more page Likes. You can promote your event ahead of time and deliver valuable content that gets people interested in your brand. Some tips:

– Tease the event and build hype by posting announcements on your page.

– Send invites to current subscribers and customers to have familiar faces participate.

– Come up with an intriguing topic or offer an exclusive promotion to get people to tune in live.

– During the broadcast, remind viewers to Like your page to keep seeing your content.

– After the live event, chop up into shareable clips and leverage it as evergreen content.

Events create excitement and a sense of exclusivity that gets people invested in your page for ongoing access.

Make Your Posts Shareable

Crafting content that people naturally want to share and react to can increase engagement and page views. Some characteristics of highly shareable posts include:

– Emotional appeal – Inspiring stories, relatable experiences, real human moments.

– Controversy – Weighing in on a hot debate in your niche. Be careful not to alienate.

– Humor – Funny videos, hilarious images, witty observations about your industry.

– Surprise – Unexpected news, announcements, hot takes people won’t see coming.

– Practical tips – DIY tutorials, lists, how-tos, and advice people can immediately use.

– Conversation starters – Thought-provoking questions and polls that get people commenting.

When your posts get high engagement, they’re more likely to show up in News Feeds and be shared by viewers, driving traffic back to your page.

Go Live Frequently

Live video is still a huge driver of engagement and reach on Facebook. Going live allows followers to have a real-time connection with your brand. It also shows up prominently in News Feeds when live and draws attention. Some best practices:

– Go live consistently on a set schedule so fans know when to tune in.

– Post notifications when you’re about to go live to send alerts.

– Interact with viewers by answering questions and acknowledging comments during the video.

– Keep videos short and interesting – tune in “sneak peeks”, behind-the-scenes tours, quick tips, etc.

– Mention your page and remind viewers to Like if they’re enjoying the content.

The notification posts and visibility of live videos gives you a great opportunity to gain new page Likes.

Run a Facebook Messenger Bot

Having an automated Facebook Messenger bot can allow you to generate more leads and page Likes by interacting with interested prospects. You can program it to:

– Engage visitors who click to message your page with a customized greeting.

– Ask questions to understand what they’re looking for.

– Provide helpful information, resources and offers based on their needs.

– Suggest users subscribe, follow or Like your page to continue the conversation.

– Collect lead information like emails and phone numbers to follow up afterwards.

Messenger bots create more touchpoints to promote your page and convert fans. They engage visitors when you may not be able to respond immediately yourself.

Optimizing Your Facebook Presence

Once you’ve built up your Facebook page Likes, you need to keep providing value and engaging experiences to turn those new followers into loyal advocates for your brand. Here are some tips:

Post Consistently

Stay active and post new content frequently to keep people engaged. Maintain a regular content schedule and promotion cadence. Mix up your post types – updates, images, videos, lives stories, etc.

Engage With Comments

Respond to any questions, comments and reviews on your posts in a timely manner. This shows followers you’re listening and encourages further discussion. Like and react to comments as well.

Run Contests and Promos

Continue running Facebook contests, giveaways and promotions to create excitement, user-generated content and more viral moments for your page.

Advertise Strategically

Use Facebook ads to promote your best posts and continue driving relevant Likes to your page. Retarget engaged users. Develop lookalike audiences based on your current page fans.

Monitor Insights

Check Page Insights regularly to see what types of posts perform best, when your fans are most active, and the demographics of your audience. Use these learnings to refine how you engage your growing community.

Send Follow-Up Messages

When people first Like your page, follow up with a Facebook Messenger text, email, or both thanking them and providing links to your best content. Continue nurturing new page Likes into loyal brand advocates.


Growing a Facebook page audience takes consistency, creativity and targeting the right fans for your brand. Use a mix of organic and paid tactics to get more Likes, then optimize how you engage them over time. Maintaining an active, high-quality presence on Facebook should be an ongoing strategy to support business success on the platform.

With over 2 billion monthly users, Facebook provides invaluable opportunities to connect with customers, drive brand awareness and increase sales. Put these tips into action and let the Likes roll in! Have fun engaging the Facebook communities relevant to your niche.