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How do I get Facebook to verify my account?

How do I get Facebook to verify my account?

Why is account verification important?

Getting your Facebook account verified provides several benefits:

  • It helps establish legitimacy and prevent impersonation.
  • It allows you to access certain features like Facebook Payments and ads.
  • It gives more credibility to your profile and content.
  • It helps protect against suspicious activity and hacking attempts.

Having the blue verified badge on your profile shows people that you are the authentic person or brand you claim to be. This is especially important for public figures, businesses, and organizations. Overall, verification adds an extra layer of security and trust.

What are the requirements for verification?

To be eligible for verification on Facebook, your account must meet the following criteria:

  • The account must represent a real person, registered business or entity, or brand.
  • It has to be public and have a history of posting content.
  • The name on the account must match your real name or registered business name.
  • It must contain accurate profile information like your birthday, contact info, etc.
  • There should be no signs ofaccount theft or fake engagement activity.
  • You must have a unique presence that is easy to distinguish from others.

Facebook also tends to prioritize verifying accounts that have a large audience and established reputation. Having an existing Wikipedia page can help demonstrate notability.

How do I request verification?

You can request verification directly within Facebook by following these steps:

  1. Go to your profile and click Edit Profile.
  2. Select the option Request Verification. It will be towards the bottom of General Account Settings.
  3. Choose a category that fits your account identity – Personal, Business/Brand/Organization, Media/Entertainment, Government/Politics, or Other.
  4. Enter your account username and any additional details about why you should be verified.
  5. Upload a government-issued ID that matches the name on your account.
  6. Click Submit and wait for Facebook to review your request!

The review process usually takes a few weeks. You will receive a notification if approved or if more information is needed.

Tips for getting verified

Here are some helpful tips for making sure your verification request is accepted:

  • Have an authentic, active account that clearly represents your real identity.
  • Optimize your profile with a profile/cover photo, bio, website links, and other info.
  • Avoid requesting a badge for novelty purposes or on secondary accounts.
  • Be patient as it can take multiple requests and a few weeks to get approved.
  • Respond promptly if Facebook asks for clarification or additional documentation.
  • Promote your page regularly to build an engaged audience.
  • Check that your account is in good standing with no policy violations.

Building out your presence with content and followers can help demonstrate your legitimacy and need for verification.

What if my request gets declined?

Here are some steps to take if Facebook rejects your verification request:

  1. Carefully review the reason given for why you were declined. Common reasons include an incomplete profile, impersonation concerns, or inability to prove identity.
  2. Make sure your profile and documentation meets the verification criteria and guidelines.
  3. Reach out to Facebook support if you feel there was an error or have additional evidence to provide.
  4. Wait 30 days before submitting a new application to allow time for your account to develop.
  5. Continue building your audience and generating organic engagement during the waiting period.
  6. Add any missing profile information Facebook recommended you include.

With persistence and meeting the verification standards, you should eventually get approved. Don’t get discouraged if it takes a few tries!

Can I pay for verification?

No, Facebook does not offer paid verification services. The blue badge is something you must earn based on account authenticity – it is not something you can simply buy. Beware of any third party services claiming they can get you verified for a fee. This goes against Facebook’s policies. The only way to get verified is to apply through the official Facebook process.

Important notes about verified badges

Here are some other key things to keep in mind about verified badges on Facebook:

  • They are non-transferrable and only apply to a specific account.
  • Facebook reserves the right to remove verification at any time, especially if guidelines are violated.
  • The badge may be temporarily removed during investigations or transitions.
  • Verification does not mean Facebook endorses you or your content.
  • Impersonation of a verified account can result in the loss of your own account.
  • You cannot buy, sell or transfer ownership of a verified badge.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do all Facebook accounts qualify for verification?

No, verification is reserved for accounts that represent real people, businesses, brands or entities of public interest. Everyday personal accounts likely do not meet the criteria.

How long does the verification process take?

It usually takes a few weeks to get reviewed after submitting a request. Complex cases can take longer. There is no set timeframe.

Can I request review if declined?

Yes, you can reapply after 30 days from the last declined request. Be sure to take steps to improve your eligibility during this time.

Do verified accounts get extra features?

Verified accounts get access to certain tools regular accounts cannot, like Facebook Payments, branded content, enhanced customer support, and more.

Can my account lose verification status?

Yes, Facebook may revoke verification at any time if you violate their guidelines or no longer meet the requirements.


Getting verified on Facebook takes patience and meeting the platform’s authenticity standards. Build out your profile, grow your following organically, and accurately represent your identity. Submit a detailed request and provide valid documentation when prompted. While not guaranteed, following Facebook’s best practices gives you the best shot at earning that coveted blue badge. It’s a mark of trust and authority that can take your account to the next level.