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How do I get Facebook to send me a code to reset my password?

How do I get Facebook to send me a code to reset my password?

If you’ve forgotten your Facebook password and need to reset it, getting Facebook to send you a password reset code is easy. Here are some quick answers about how to get Facebook to email or text you a code so you can reset your password:

  • Go to the Facebook login page and click “Forgot Password”
  • Enter your email address or phone number associated with your Facebook account
  • Facebook will send you an email or text with a 6-digit confirmation code
  • Enter the code Facebook sent you on the Facebook password reset page
  • Create a new password and confirm it to reset your Facebook password

Resetting your Facebook password is simple as long as you have access to the email address or phone number on file for your account. Facebook needs to verify your identity before allowing a password reset, so you need access to your account’s email or phone number to receive the password reset code.

Steps to Get a Facebook Password Reset Code

Here are the detailed steps to get Facebook to send you a password reset code:

  1. Go to and click the “Forgot Password” link
  2. Enter your email address or mobile number associated with your Facebook account
  3. Click Search
  4. Select how you want to receive the code – email or text
  5. Check your email inbox or text messages for the 6-digit confirmation code
  6. Enter the confirmation code Facebook sent you
  7. Create a new password
  8. Confirm your new Facebook password

Let’s break down these steps:

1. Go to and click “Forgot Password”

– In your web browser, go to the Facebook login page at
– Below the password field, click the “Forgot Password” link

2. Enter your email or phone number

– On the Forgot Password page, enter your email address or mobile number associated with your Facebook account
– This allows Facebook to verify your identity and send you a password reset code

3. Click Search

– After entering your email/phone number, click the “Search” button
– Facebook will search for your account info to send you a password reset code

4. Select how you want to receive the code

– On the next page, Facebook will ask how you want to receive the confirmation code
– Click Email or Text – whichever you have immediate access to

5. Check email or texts for the code

– Check your email inbox or text messages on your phone
– Facebook will send a 6-digit confirmation code within a few minutes

6. Enter the confirmation code

– Go back to the Facebook password reset page
– Enter the 6-digit code that Facebook sent you
– This verifies your identity and allows a password reset

7. Create a new password

– Once you enter your code, you can create a new password for your Facebook account
– Enter your desired password according to Facebook’s password requirements

8. Confirm your new password

– For security, you’ll need to confirm your new Facebook password
– Re-enter the same new password you just created

Once you confirm your new password, Facebook will reset your password and you can log back into your account using the new password.

Why Does Facebook Send a Code to Reset Your Password?

When you want to reset your Facebook password, Facebook sends a 6-digit confirmation code to verify your identity and confirm the reset request. Here’s why the code is necessary:

  • Prevents unauthorized password resets – The code ensures someone else can’t reset your password
  • Confirms the reset request – Entering the code proves you requested the password reset
  • Verifies you have account access – You must have access to the account email or phone to get the code
  • Enhances security – A code makes it harder for hackers to get into your account

Requiring a confirmation code before resetting your password is standard across most major websites and apps. It provides an additional layer of security to prevent unauthorized access.

Prevents Unauthorized Password Resets

Without a confirmation code, anyone could potentially reset your Facebook password by just entering your email address or phone number. Requiring a code that is sent to your personal inbox or phone prevents someone else from maliciously resetting your password.

Confirms the Reset Request is Legitimate

By entering the code Facebook sent you, it proves that you are the one who initiated the password reset request. This confirms the request is valid and authorized by you.

Verifies You Have Account Access

To receive the confirmation code, you must have access to the email address or phone number associated with the Facebook account. This helps verify identity and ensures account security.

Enhances Overall Account Security

In addition to verifying your identity, a confirmation code also makes it much more difficult for hackers to gain access to your account. It adds another step they would need to get into your account without your authorization.

So in summary, Facebook requires a confirmation code for password resets to prevent unauthorized access, confirm reset requests, verify identity, and enhance overall Facebook account security for users.

What to Do if You Don’t Get the Facebook Code

If you request a Facebook password reset code but don’t get the email or text with the code, don’t panic. Here are some tips on troubleshooting to get the code:

  • Check spam folder – The email may have been flagged as spam
  • Try a different email or number – Use an alternate linked to your account
  • Check linked accounts – Make sure your email/number is definitely linked
  • Request code again – Sometimes there are glitches so try requesting again
  • Use account recovery – Submit ID to prove account ownership
  • Contact Facebook support – Explaining the issue to get help directly

Check Your Spam or Junk Folder

One of the most common reasons people don’t receive the Facebook password reset code is because the email gets filtered into spam or junk folders. Be sure to double check these secondary inbox folders for the email from Facebook containing the code.

Try a Different Email Address or Phone Number

If you have multiple emails or phone numbers linked to your Facebook account, try requesting the code be sent to an alternative one. Sometimes there may be an issue sending it to a particular contact point.

Confirm Your Email and Phone Are Linked

You can only receive the code via email address or phone numbers that are associated with your account. Double check your account settings to ensure the contact info you are using is definitely linked.

Request Another Code

Occasionally there are glitches that prevent the code being sent properly. Try requesting another confirmation code from Facebook, either to the same contact or an alternative one.

Use Facebook Account Recovery

If you cannot receive a code by email or text, you can submit ID documents to Facebook to prove account ownership. This will trigger a review process for recovering access to your account.

Contact Facebook Support

Explaining your situation directly to Facebook support can help troubleshoot why you cannot receive a password reset code. They may be able to assist through live chat or submitting a request.

How Long do Facebook Password Reset Codes Last?

Facebook’s password reset confirmation codes typically expire after 20 minutes. Here are some key things to know about how long the codes last:

  • Codes expire after 20 minutes – To prevent unauthorized use
  • Request a new code once expired – If you need more time or made a mistake
  • Enter code immediately for best results – Code won’t last long so input it fast
  • Only valid for current reset request – Code can only be used once

The limited time validity of Facebook’s password reset codes helps enhance security. Otherwise, an unused reset code could be a vulnerability if it fell into the wrong hands.

Some key takeaways about the expiry period for Facebook’s password reset confirmation codes:

Codes Expire After 20 Minutes

Once Facebook sends you a confirmation code for resetting your password, you have 20 minutes to use it before it expires. This prevents the code from being valid indefinitely.

Request a New Code After Expiry

If your code expires before you use it, you can simply request Facebook send you a new one. You can also get a new code if you made a mistake inputting the previous code.

Input the Code Immediately for Best Success

For best results, go enter your confirmation code on Facebook immediately after receiving it. This minimizes the risk of it expiring before you can use it.

Codes Are One-Time Use Only

The confirmation code sent by Facebook is valid for only your current password reset instance. Once you enter it successfully, that specific code expires and cannot be used again.

So in summary, Facebook gives you 20 minutes to use a password reset confirmation code before it expires to maintain security. Be sure to enter it fast before requesting a new one.

Does Facebook Require Code Every Time You Reset Your Password?

Facebook requires a confirmation code sent to your email or phone every time you reset your account password. Here are some key points about Facebook’s policy on reset codes:

  • Code required for every password reset – No exceptions
  • Prevents unauthorized access by others – Extra layer of security
  • One code per reset instance – Unique code each time
  • Policy applies worldwide – All Facebook users globally

Requiring a code for every password reset makes it far more difficult for anyone else to access your account. This universal policy provides consistent security worldwide.

Code Required for All Password Resets

No matter how many times you reset your Facebook password, you will have to enter a confirmation code. Facebook requires this extra verification step every single time without exception.

Prevents Unauthorized Access

By mandating a code for every reset, Facebook prevents malicious actors from being able to access your account by resetting the password without your knowledge.

Unique Code Issued per Reset

The confirmation code sent by Facebook is unique for each password reset instance. The same code cannot be reused – you need a new code each time.

Universal Worldwide Policy

Facebook’s password reset policy applies globally to all users universally. No matter what country you are in, you will be sent a confirmation code.

In summary, for maximum security Facebook requires a unique confirmation code every time you reset your password without any exceptions worldwide. This prevents unauthorized access to user accounts.

How Can I Reset My Facebook Password Without a Code?

Unfortunately, there is no way to reset your Facebook password without entering the confirmation code they send you. Here are your options if you can’t get a code:

  • Use Facebook account recovery – Upload ID for verification
  • Have code sent to alternative – If email/number not working
  • Contact Facebook support – Explain situation and get help
  • Wait 24 hours – Try resetting again a day later

While inconvenient if you’re locked out, Facebook’s security policy requiring a code prevents unauthorized password resets.

Use Facebook Account Recovery

If you cannot receive a confirmation code by email or text, you can recover your account by submitting copies of your photo ID. This will trigger a review by Facebook to confirm your identity.

Get Code Sent to Different Email/Number

Try getting the confirmation code sent to another linked email address or phone number if possible. This workaround may let you reset your password if your primary contact info is not working.

Contact Facebook Support

Explaining your situation to Facebook’s customer support representatives may help troubleshoot options for regaining access if you cannot get a code through normal means.

Try Again After 24 Hours

Sometimes waiting a day resolves technical issues that were preventing delivery of the confirmation code. Attempt the password reset process again after 24 hours.

While Facebook makes it difficult, the strict policy requiring a code keeps your account secure. Contact Facebook support if you cannot receive a password reset code.


Resetting your Facebook password requires entering a confirmation code they send to your email address or mobile number. This extra verification step enhances security by preventing unauthorized password changes.

Be sure to check your email spam folder if you don’t receive the code right away. And enter it quickly once received, since the codes expire after 20 minutes. If you encounter issues getting a code, you can use Facebook’s account recovery process or contact their support team.

Following Facebook’s password reset steps with a confirmation code keeps your account safe from compromise. While an extra step, it ensures only you can access your account by resetting the password.