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How do I get better sound quality on Facebook Live?

How do I get better sound quality on Facebook Live?

Here are some quick tips to improve your sound quality when broadcasting live video on Facebook:

Use a Quality Microphone

The most impactful upgrade you can make is using a dedicated external microphone instead of relying on your phone or computer’s built-in mic. An external mic will capture much clearer audio without all the background noise.

Some good microphone options:

  • USB microphone – Plugs directly into your computer with a USB cable. Provides great sound quality for a reasonable price.
  • Lapel mic – Clips onto your shirt near your mouth. Gives you the flexibility to move around.
  • Shotgun mic – Directional mic you point directly at sound source. Reduces background noise.

Types of Microphones

Microphone Type Price Range Quality Level Background Noise Flexibility
USB mic $50 – $150 Good Low Medium
Lapel mic $20 – $70 Good Low High
Shotgun mic $100 – $300 Excellent Very Low Low

Reduce Background Noise

Try to record in a quiet room without a lot of echo or ambient sounds. Turn off any music, fans, or AC units. Close windows and doors to prevent outside noise from getting in.

Some other tips:

  • Put foam mats or blankets on walls to dampen echo and reverb.
  • Record late at night or early morning when less noise is around.
  • Ask housemates to stay quiet while you’re recording.

DIY Sound Dampening

You can make your own sound dampening panels on a budget using these household items:

  • Moving blankets – Hang on walls as portable sound absorbers.
  • Egg cartons – Affix to walls to diffuse high frequencies.
  • Curtains – Layer heavy curtains to block outside noise.

Adjust Your Microphone Settings

Make sure your microphone volume (gain) is at an optimal level – high enough to pick up your voice, but not so high it distorts. On a computer, adjust the gain in your sound control panel or recording software.

Position the mic close enough to your mouth so it captures direct sound – about 6 inches away is ideal. Make sure it’s not blocked by clothing or other objects.

Have your mic point upward toward your mouth rather than straight on, which helps eliminate pops and sibilance (ess and t sound) distortion.

Microphone Technique Tips

  • Speak directly into the mic, not from off-axis.
  • Avoid blowing into the mic with plosive sounds like “p” and “b”.
  • Use a windscreen pop filter to reduce pops.
  • Maintain consistent volume and tone when speaking.

Use Audio Processing Tools

There are software tools that can improve your live stream’s audio quality like equalizers, compressors, noise reduction, and limiters.

An equalizer lets you boost or cut specific audio frequency ranges. Cutting lows around 100hz can remove rumbly noises. Boosting highs slightly can increase speech intelligibility.

Compressors even out volume differences, allowing you to get a consistently balanced sound.

Noise reduction filters help eliminate constant background noise like computer fans or hum.

Limiters prevent audio from peaking and distorting if you suddenly get too loud.

Audio Enhancing Software

  • OBS Studio – Free open source software for live streaming. Includes filters like noise suppression.
  • Voicemeeter – Donationsware audio processor with parametric EQ and multiband compression.
  • Adobe Audition – Paid audio editing suite with tools like de-hum and vocal enhancer.

Adjust Facebook Audio Settings

Make sure to enable the “High Quality Audio” setting in the Facebook Live Producer or encoder software you use to stream. This allows for 192 Kbps audio bitrate encoding for better sound.

Also turn off any audio enhancing or normalization effects Facebook applies during encoding like “Adaptive Bitrate” and “Audio Boost” which can cause audio distortion.

If listeners say your Facebook Live audio seems muffled, that typically points to a streaming bandwidth issue. Increasing your video resolution or bitrate may come at the cost of lower audio quality.

Facebook Audio Settings Tips

  • Use High Quality Audio mode in encoder.
  • Disable audio effects like Adaptive Bitrate.
  • If muffled, try lowering video resolution/bitrate.
  • Maximize overall stream bandwidth allocation.

Check Your Streaming Software

The broadcasting software you use to run your Facebook Live stream also plays a big role in audio quality.

Software like OBS Studio gives you much more control over audio settings versus going directly from your phone. You can fine tune gain levels, add filters and processors, monitor audio meters, and more.

If using wireless mics, make sure your streaming software is configured for minimal latency monitoring so you don’t hear an echo. Dial down the mic monitoring volume in your software and headphones.

Encoder Software Options

  • OBS Studio – Free and full featured.
  • Wirecast – Robust but requires paid license.
  • vMix – Another powerful premium option.
  • Mobile app – Convenient but less audio control.

Use Audio Monitoring

It’s important to monitor your live audio feed using headphones so you can listen for any issues in real time. Compare how it sounds versus your mic directly so you know if enhancements are needed.

Quality over-ear studio headphones with closed-back design help isolate just your audio. Avoid relying solely on lower grade laptop or mobile speakers.

Ask a friend to preview your live stream with headphones. Get a second opinion on how your Facebook Live audio sounds coming through the platform.

Audio Monitoring Tips

  • Use studio quality closed-back headphones.
  • Compare mic monitor vs. live output.
  • Get feedback from remote listeners.
  • Check audio on multiple devices.

Test Your Setup Thoroughly

Don’t just go live and hope for the best. Do several test recordings and playbacks first so you can detect and troubleshoot any audio issues.

Test from the exact location you’ll broadcast from. Check if acoustics or background noise vary from your normal recording area.

Have a local person listen on site to confirm your mic sounds clear without distortion. Also have remote viewers check the live stream audio.

Fix any problems before your official broadcast so your live audio is flawless from the start.

Audio Testing Tips

  • Record test runs before going live.
  • Verify sound at live location.
  • Get on-site and remote feedback.
  • Make tweaks and test again.

Optimize Your Streaming Bandwidth

Sufficient internet bandwidth is key for sending high quality live video and audio streams. Lack of bandwidth can lead to choppy, distorted audio.

Use an ethernet cable for wired connectivity instead of WiFi whenever possible. Or make sure you broadcast near your router for best WiFi strength.

Close other bandwidth hogging apps. Turn off Bluetooth and limit internet use by others during your broadcast.

Consider upgrading your internet plan to boost streaming speeds. Aim for at least 3-5Mbps upload rates if possible.

Bandwidth Optimization Tips

  • Use wired ethernet connection.
  • Stay near router on WiFi.
  • Close other apps.
  • Get faster internet speeds.
  • Monitor bitrate and stats.


Optimizing audio quality for Facebook Live video takes effort but has a huge payoff. Your viewers will engage much more when your sound is clear and distortion free.

Focus first on capturing clean audio at the source with a quality microphone, proper positioning, and a noise-controlled environment. Add processing tools as needed.

Always monitor your levels and do extensive testing before going live. Making small tweaks and upgrades can take your live streams to the next sound level.