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How do I get approved for Facebook rights Manager?

How do I get approved for Facebook rights Manager?

Getting approved for Facebook Rights Manager can seem daunting, but with the right preparation and persistence, it is achievable for most copyright holders. In the opening paragraphs, I’ll provide a quick overview of what Rights Manager is, who is eligible, and the approval process and requirements.

What is Facebook Rights Manager?

Facebook Rights Manager is a tool within Facebook that allows eligible rights holders to easily report and manage infringing content on Facebook and Instagram. It gives you more control over how your content is used on these platforms.

With Rights Manager, you can:

  • Search for matches of your content
  • Report infringing content and request it be blocked or removed
  • Prevent future unauthorized uses by providing reference files of your content
  • Monetize eligible videos through in-stream ads

Having access to Rights Manager makes it much easier to protect and manage your intellectual property on Facebook and Instagram.

Who is eligible for Rights Manager?

Rights Manager is available to verified rights holders who own or have the rights to manage video and image content. This includes:

  • Music labels and publishers
  • Movie studios and distributors
  • TV networks
  • Sports leagues
  • News publishers
  • Individual video creators
  • Image licensors

You must be able to provide documentation proving ownership if requested by Facebook. Individual video creators must own exclusive rights to original videos. Publishers and licensors must have worldwide distribution rights.

The Rights Manager Approval Process

Getting approved for Rights Manager involves submitting an application to Facebook and providing information that verifies your ownership rights. Here is an overview of the process:

  1. Visit the Facebook Rights Manager signup page and click “Apply Now.” You’ll need to use a Business Manager account.
  2. Choose the content types you want to manage (video, images, or both).
  3. Select the territories where you hold rights.
  4. Agree to the Rights Manager terms.
  5. Provide contact information and create a public Rights Manager page.
  6. Upload documentation proving your rights ownership. This may include copyright registration certificates, distributor agreements, licensing contracts, etc.
  7. Enter reference files that represent your content. This helps Facebook identify matches.
  8. Facebook will review your application and verify your documentation. This typically takes 1-3 weeks.
  9. If approved, you will gain access to Rights Manager and can begin reporting infringing content.

Rights Manager Documentation Requirements

The key to getting approved is providing complete and valid documentation of your rights ownership. Facebook lists the following as acceptable documentation:

  • Copyright registration certificates
  • Distribution agreements granting worldwide online rights
  • License agreements from content owners granting you representation rights
  • Court orders evidencing ownership of the claimed content
  • Assignments or exclusive licenses of copyright
  • Official publisher letters confirming rights to monetize on Facebook

Documents must clearly identify:

  • The content you own/control rights to
  • The scope of rights granted (distribution, monetization, etc.)
  • That you hold sufficient rights to take action under Rights Manager

If documentation is incomplete, Facebook will follow up requesting additional details. The review process cannot be completed until satisfactory documentation is provided.

Tips for Getting Approved

Here are some tips and best practices to smooth the approval process:

  • Make sure your documentation is clear and complete. Highlight relevant portions and explain how it proves your rights.
  • Respond promptly to any follow up questions from Facebook reviewers asking for clarification or additional documents.
  • Provide current distribution agreements. Contracts must be active and not expired.
  • Double check expiration dates on any time-limited licenses or rights grants.
  • Be ready to provide a lot of documentation. Having documentation readily available makes follow-ups easier.
  • Use the Facebook cover letter template if distributing on behalf of a production company or label.
  • Make sure reference files clearly match your content ownership documentation.

With properly prepared rights documentation and prompt follow-up, most eligible rights holders get approved after submitting some additional details. Persistence and patience is key.

What if My Application is Rejected?

If your Rights Manager application is ultimately rejected, here are some steps to consider:

  • Request clarification from Facebook on exactly why you were rejected.
  • Acquire additional distribution agreements or other documentation if certain rights were unclear.
  • Correct any issues with reference files not matching documentation.
  • If licenses have expired, get updated active agreements.
  • Reach out to the content owner if your documents are not sufficiently comprehensive.
  • Work with a legal representative to draft appropriate contracts.
  • Appeal the decision if you believe there was an error.

With the right supplemental information, many initially rejected applicants can get approved by clarifying rights details for Facebook. But in some cases, acquiring broader rights may be necessary.

Managing Rights After Approval

Once approved for Rights Manager, there are ongoing steps to maximize its effectiveness:

  • Stay on top of monitoring for matches to your content and reporting violations.
  • Quickly respond to any requests from Facebook for additional details on a claim.
  • Renew documents prior to expiration to avoid issues.
  • Add new reference files as you produce fresh content.
  • Update territories if you expand distribution to new regions.
  • Regularly check your eligibility as Facebook makes periodic reviews.

Rights management is an ongoing process. Staying engaged with Rights Manager ensures you maintain your access and realize its full benefits.


Getting approved for Facebook Rights Manager involves satisfying Facebook’s requirements by properly documenting your rights ownership. With complete distribution agreements, valid licenses, and matching reference files, most eligible rights holders can get access after providing some additional details. Persistence through the application and review process is key. Once approved, staying involved ensures Rights Manager remains an effective tool for protecting your content and revenue streams.