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How do I get a Privacy Policy URL on Facebook?

How do I get a Privacy Policy URL on Facebook?

Having a privacy policy is an important part of managing any website or online service. A privacy policy discloses how you collect, use, share and protect personal information. Facebook requires Pages with certain features to have a privacy policy and to provide a link to it.

Why You Need a Privacy Policy on Facebook

There are a few key reasons why you need a privacy policy for your Facebook Page:

  • It’s part of Facebook’s Terms of Service – All Pages on Facebook must comply with Facebook’s Terms of Service. These terms require Pages that collect personal information from people to have a privacy policy.
  • To Use Certain Facebook Features – Having a privacy policy is required to access certain Facebook features like advertisements, commerce, and messenger bots. Trying to use these tools without a policy will result in an error.
  • For Legal Protection – A privacy policy provides you with legal protection and transparency. It outlines how you handle data so you are covered in case of a dispute.
  • User Trust – A policy reassures visitors that you take privacy seriously. It builds user trust and confidence in your brand.

In short, a privacy policy is required by Facebook and it protects both you and your users.

How to Get a Privacy Policy

There are a few options for getting a privacy policy for your Facebook Page:

1. Write Your Own

You can write your own custom privacy policy to match your specific data collection practices. This gives you the most control, but requires more effort. Follow these steps:

  • Study other website privacy policies – Get inspiration on what to include.
  • Audit your data collection – Document how you collect, use and share user data.
  • Review legal requirements – Check laws like GDPR for necessary details to include.
  • Write policy drafts – Create outlines and drafts to organize your information.
  • Make it readable – Use clear language, formatting and headings.

Custom policies take time but are tailored to your Page.

2. Use a Privacy Policy Generator

Privacy policy generators provide templates you can customize by filling in details about your website. Follow these steps:

  • Find a generator – Search for free generators online.
  • Enter your information – Fill in details about how you collect and use data.
  • Customize the template – Tweak the policy format and wording.
  • Generate privacy policy – Create the final policy document.

Generators provide an easy starting point for creating a policy. But the final policy still needs to be customized with your specifics.

3. Hire Someone

You can hire a lawyer or privacy policy service to craft a customized policy for your Facebook Page. The steps involve:

  • Find a service – Search for consultants or services that write policies.
  • Provide details – Submit information about your website and data practices.
  • Review drafts – Provide feedback to make sure the policy matches your needs.
  • Approve final policy – Confirm the completed policy before use.

Hiring someone provides expert help. But it does come with a cost.

Essential Sections of a Privacy Policy

A complete privacy policy needs to cover certain details about your data practices. Here are key sections to include:


Briefly introduce your company, website and the purpose of the privacy policy.


“This privacy policy describes how Company X collects, uses, shares and protects personal information on our Facebook Page and related services.”

Collection of Information

Explain what personal data you collect and how you gather it. Include details like:

  • Information provided by users (registration, contact forms, etc.)
  • User content submissions
  • Usage information (IP addresses, cookies, etc.)
  • Third party data collection


“We collect name, email, phone number and other personal details provided by users. We use tracking tools like cookies to gather usage data.”

Use of Information

Describe how you use the data collected. Common uses include:

  • Providing services
  • Marketing and advertising
  • Communications and customer service
  • Analytics and product improvement


“We use your information to provide support, process orders, customize advertising, analyze performance and improve our services.”

Sharing of Information

Explain if and when you share data with third parties. Cover:

  • Service providers
  • Advertising partners
  • Marketing tools
  • Legal requirements for sharing data


“We may share your data with service providers, advertising networks, analytics services and other third parties.”


Describe measures taken to protect personal information. For example:

  • Encryption
  • Access controls
  • Employee training
  • Contractual protections with vendors


“We use encryption, firewalls, access controls and other tools to protect your personal information and prevent unauthorized access.”

User Rights

Explain options available to users regarding their information. Include any processes for:

  • Accessing data
  • Correcting inaccurate information
  • Deleting accounts
  • Opting out of marketing


“You can access, edit, delete or modify information you have provided by contacting us. You can opt-out of promotional emails by clicking unsubscribe.”

Changes to the Policy

Describe how and when you will notify users about changes to the privacy policy.


“If we make material changes, we will notify users through the Facebook Page or via email prior to the change taking effect.”

Contact Information

Provide contact details so users can reach you with questions or concerns.

How to Add a Privacy Policy to Facebook

Once you have a privacy policy created, you need to add it to your Facebook Page. Here’s how:

1. Get the Privacy Policy URL

Upload your privacy policy to a webpage that you can link to. This is usually your website’s privacy policy page. Make sure the page is published and accessible online.

2. Go to Facebook Page Settings

– Click the “Settings” link in the top navigation menu on your Facebook Page.

– Select “Page Information” in the left sidebar.

3. Enter Privacy Policy URL

– Under “Privacy Policy URL” enter the full URL to your published privacy policy.

– Be sure to include the http:// or https:// prefix.

– Click “Save Changes”

4. Display the Policy Link

– Go back to your Page’s main profile.

– Select “Add a Button” above the Page’s cover photo.

– Click “Contact” and then “Privacy Policy”

– This displays a shortcut to your privacy policy on your Page.

The privacy policy URL is now set and visible to your Facebook Page visitors.

Tips for an Effective Facebook Privacy Policy

Follow these tips to make sure your Facebook privacy policy is effective:

  • Tailor it specifically to your Facebook presence – Go beyond just a general website policy and include details on data collected through Facebook.
  • Directly address Facebook practices – Specifically discuss how you handle data from Facebook features like ads, social plugins, pixels and APIs.
  • Keep it updated – Update your privacy policy any time you change data practices for your Facebook Page or app.
  • Make it readable – Write clearly, organize information well, and make it easy to understand.
  • Link to it prominently – Ensure the policy is easy to access from your Page profile so visitors can find it.
  • Highlight key points – Emphasize important details like data sharing and opt-outs up front.

An up-to-date and visible Facebook privacy policy builds trust and protects your Page legally.

Facebook Privacy Policy Requirements and Standards

Facebook has specific requirements and standards for privacy policies, including:

  • Must comply with local laws – Policies must meet privacy laws for jurisdictions you operate in.
  • Disclose Facebook data collection – Detail what data you gather through Facebook tools.
  • Explain sharing with Facebook – Note that data may be shared with Facebook companies for services.
  • Describe opt-out options – Include available options for users to limit sharing with Facebook.
  • List data retention and deletion policies – State how long you keep user information.

Review Facebook’s Data Policy and Platform Policy to understand their standards for Pages privacy policies. Update your policy to conform with any changes.


A privacy policy is an important requirement for any Facebook presence that collects user information. Take the time to create a customized policy that discloses your data practices, rights and protections. Add the URL to your Facebook Page settings so visitors can easily access it. A good privacy policy establishes transparency and trust with your audience.