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How do I get a post I’m tagged in to show up on my timeline?

How do I get a post I’m tagged in to show up on my timeline?

If someone tags you in a post on Facebook, but that post doesn’t show up on your timeline, there are a few things you can try to get it to appear.

Check Your Notification Settings

The first thing to check is your notification settings. Facebook allows you to control which notifications you receive and how you receive them.

To access your notification settings:

  1. Click on the down arrow in the top right corner of Facebook.
  2. Select “Settings” from the drop down menu.
  3. Click on “Notifications” in the left sidebar.

Under notification settings, make sure you have “Posts you’re tagged in” enabled under the Posts section. If this is disabled, tagged posts won’t show up on your timeline.

Enable Tag Review

Facebook also gives you the option to review posts you’re tagged in before they appear on your timeline. This is called Tag Review.

To enable or disable Tag Review:

  1. Go to Settings > Timeline and Tagging.
  2. Under “Timeline review,” choose whether you want Facebook to review tags people add to your own posts before the tags appear on your timeline.
  3. Under “Tagging abilities,” choose whether you want to review posts you’re tagged in before they appear on your timeline.

Make sure “Review tags people add to your posts before the tags appear on your timeline” is disabled. Also make sure “Review posts you’re tagged in before they appear on your timeline” is set to “Enabled.” This will ensure tagged posts go through a review process before publishing.

Check Your Pending Tags

If you have Tag Review enabled, tagged posts won’t appear on your timeline right away. Instead, they’ll be pending review in your activity log.

To view pending tags:

  1. Click on the down arrow in the top right corner of Facebook.
  2. Select “Activity log” from the drop down menu.
  3. Click on “Tags” in the left sidebar.

Here you’ll see all the posts you’ve been tagged in that are awaiting review. Make sure to go through and approve any tags you want to appear on your timeline.

Adjust Your Privacy Settings

In some cases, your privacy settings may be blocking tagged posts from appearing on your timeline.

To adjust your privacy settings:

  1. Go to Settings > Privacy.
  2. Click on “Privacy Shortcuts” in the left sidebar.
  3. Under “Who can see posts you’re tagged in on your timeline?” choose “Public.”

This will allow any post you’re tagged in to appear on your timeline automatically without needing review.

Double Check Tag Privacy

It’s also possible the original poster adjusted the privacy settings on the post to limit who can see it.

When tagging someone, Facebook gives you the option to select who can see the tag. For example, the original poster may have set it so only their friends can see your tag.

To check the tag privacy:

  1. Visit the original post where you’re tagged.
  2. Hover over the tag and click on the people icon that pops up.
  3. Select “Why am I seeing this?”

This will show you the audience for the tag. Ask the poster to adjust the visibility settings to public if needed.

Check Your Blocked List

If the person who tagged you is on your blocked list, any tags from them will not show up on your timeline.

To view your blocked users:

  1. Go to Settings > Blocking.
  2. Click “See full list” to view all blocked users.

Unblock the user who tagged you and their posts should begin appearing on your timeline again.

Make Sure You’re Actually Tagged

Before going any further, double check that you were definitely tagged in the post correctly.

The person may have typed your name in the post or caption by accident rather than actually tagging you. Or they could have mistyped your name when tagging.

Ask them to confirm exactly how they tagged you. Make sure it’s an actual tag that pops up your name and links to your profile.

Check Hidden Words

Facebook allows you to hide posts containing specific words, phrases or names. If the post you’re tagged in contains hidden words, it will not show up on your timeline.

To check for hidden words:

  1. Go to Settings > Filters & Hidden Words.
  2. View the lists under “Words you hide from your timeline” and “Words or names you hide from posts.”

If there are any words or names hidden that are relevant to the post with your tag, this could be preventing it from appearing. Remove the hidden words and the tag should show up.

Make Sure You Haven’t Unfollowed

If you have unfollowed the person who tagged you, their posts will not appear in your News Feed, which can in turn prevent your tag from being seen.

To check if you’re following someone:

  1. Go to their profile page.
  2. Check if the “Following” button is blue (following) or gray (not following).

Make sure you are following the person who tagged you so their posts have a chance of appearing in your feed with the tag intact.

Tag May Have Been Deleted

It’s also possible the post or tagged photo you were originally tagged in was deleted altogether by the original poster.

See if you can find the post on their profile. If not, it likely was deleted which caused your tag to disappear.

Ask them to repost and retag you if they deleted it by accident.

Wait for Post to Sync

In some cases there may simply be a delay before the tagged post syncs to your timeline. Give it a few hours and check again later.

Facebook’s servers need time to process new posts and tags across the platform. It’s possible it just hasn’t reached your profile yet.

If you’ve verified the notification settings, privacy settings, tag privacy, and confirmed you were actually tagged properly, then give it some time to go through. The post should appear within a few hours in most cases.

Report as Bug

If you’ve tried all troubleshooting steps and the tagged post still isn’t appearing, you may need to report it as a bug.

Bugs can sometimes cause tags to not show up when they should.

To report the issue:

  1. Go to the original tagged post.
  2. Click the three dots in the top right corner.
  3. Select “Give feedback on this post.”
  4. Choose the option “Report post or something on it.”
  5. Select “It’s not working properly.”
  6. Give details on the tag not appearing on your profile.

This will send a bug report to Facebook for investigation. They may be able to fix something on their end to restore the missing tag.

Create a Test Post

As one final troubleshooting step, try creating a test post where you tag yourself.

For example, write a temporary post saying “Test tag” and tag your own profile in it. Then check if that test tag appears on your own timeline.

If the test tag is visible, then the issue lies with the original post or poster. But if your own test tag doesn’t appear either, then you know there is likely a wider technical issue with tags not showing up.

This can help narrow down where the exact problem is occurring.


With the right privacy settings, notifications enabled, and no blocking or hidden words in place, any post you’re tagged in should appear on your Facebook timeline.

If a tag still isn’t showing up, be sure to check for tag review, try unfollowing and refollowing the poster, give it time to sync, and report any ongoing issues as a bug.

Test tagging yourself as a final confirmation there isn’t a wider issue preventing tags from being seen.

With a mix of user settings checks and technical troubleshooting, you should be able to get your missing tags to properly display on your profile.

Troubleshooting Step Details
Check notification settings Make sure “Posts you’re tagged in” is enabled
Review tag review options Enable “Review tags people add to your posts” and disable “Review posts you’re tagged in”
Check pending tags Approve any pending tags in your activity log
Adjust privacy settings Set “Who can see posts you’re tagged in” to Public
Check tag visibility Make sure the original poster set the tag to Public
Review blocked list Unblock the poster if necessary
Confirm you were actually tagged Verify the original poster used an actual tag linking to your profile
Check hidden words Remove any hidden words that would filter the post
Make sure you’re following poster Follow them so their posts appear in your feed
See if post was deleted Ask poster to retag if they removed the post
Wait for post to sync Give Facebook time to process and sync the tag
Report as a bug Notify Facebook of the issue with missing tag
Create a test post Tag yourself to check if the issue is isolated