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How do I get a message to Good Morning Britain?

How do I get a message to Good Morning Britain?

Getting a message to the popular British morning news program Good Morning Britain can be a great way to share an important story or cause. With millions of viewers tuning in daily, a message on Good Morning Britain has the potential to reach a huge audience. Here are some tips on the best ways to get a message to the show.

Email Good Morning Britain Directly

The most straightforward way to send a message to Good Morning Britain is to email the show directly. The general contact email address for Good Morning Britain is [email protected]. When emailing, make sure to include:

  • Your name and contact information
  • A brief description of your story/message
  • Compelling details on why your story is important and relevant to GMB viewers

The show receives a high volume of emails, so make sure yours stands out. Send a concise and engaging message that gives producers a good sense of your story and why it’s a fit for the show.

Submit a Story Via the ITV Website

Another option is to submit your story directly through the ITV website, which airs Good Morning Britain. On the ITV News contact page, you can fill out a form detailing your story pitch. Here are some tips for submitting:

  • Select “Good Morning Britain” under program
  • Keep summary brief, under 200 words
  • Provide additional details and sources in the message box
  • Include photos/video links if possible

Producers review submissions through the site, so it offers another way to get your message directly to the Good Morning Britain team.

Tweet at the Show

Good Morning Britain is very active on social media, especially Twitter. Tweeting directly at the show is a way to get a message on their radar. Make sure to:

  • Tweet at the handle @GMB
  • Use relevant hashtags like #GMB
  • Include visuals like photos or video if you have them
  • Be concise – 280 characters!

Reply to recent GMB tweets or join in trending conversations related to your message for the best chance of being noticed. Tagging hosts like @susannareid100 or @benshephard also helps increase visibility.

Post on Social Media and Tag the Show

Posting compelling social media content related to your story and tagging Good Morning Britain is another potential avenue. For example, if you have a local campaign to spotlight, create social media posts with details and visuals, and tag @GMB on Twitter or use #GMB. Be sure to also tag hosts and follow and engage with the show’s various social accounts.

Reach Out to Segment Producers

Producers work on specific segments and stories for Good Morning Britain. Finding the right producer that aligns with your message and pitching them directly could help get it noticed. Some ways to find relevant producers:

  • Check the end credits of the show to find names
  • Look for producers listed on the ITV News site
  • Search LinkedIn for GMB producers

When reaching out, be clear on how your story fits that producer’s segment. Provide engaging details that show your pitch is a good fit for the show.

Utilize Connections

If you have any personal or professional connections to the Good Morning Britain team, utilize them! Reaching out directly to someone you know and getting them to vouch for your story can go a long way. Even connections to other ITV or news media personalities could potentially get your message to the right person.

Contact Local ITV News Teams

For localized stories or campaigns, contacting your regional ITV News team could help too. They may be interested in covering your story themselves. If they pick it up, it shows Good Morning Britain the story has merit and is gaining traction.

Appear In-Person Outside the Studio

For on-the-ground campaigns or demonstrations, consider appearing in-person outside Good Morning Britain’s London studios with signs, visuals, and organized supporters. Your physical presence and activity could draw the attention of producers and hosts arriving to work. However, be sure any demonstrations are lawful and non-disruptive.

Start a Petition

Launching a petition related to your message or cause can build buzz and show traction. Petitions that gain thousands or millions of signatures often get media attention. Be sure to include:

  • A compelling title
  • Engaging description with story details
  • Clear call to action for GMB viewers

Promote the petition through social media, outreach to supporters, and by contacting relevant journalists and influencers to drive signatures. Share the petition widely and tag Good Morning Britain to demonstrate momentum.

Buy Ad Time During the Show

For organizations or large campaigns with resources, buying ad time during Good Morning Britain is the most guaranteed way to get your message out. GMB has commercial breaks where sponsored messages can air. The key steps are:

  1. Contact ITV Media to inquire about ad rates and availability.
  2. Provide background details on your organization and message.
  3. Work with their team to develop an impactful, concise ad spot.
  4. Sign a contract and pay the agreed upon ad fee.
  5. Deliver your final ad content meeting ITV specs.

While pricy, a well-produced and placed GMB ad can reach millions. So for important public awareness campaigns, it may be worth the investment.

Partner With an ITV Show or Host

Reaching out to other ITV programs or hosts to partner on highlighting your story is another potential tactic. Popular shows or hosts have regular GMB appearances where they could organically mention your cause. Other options are partnering on produced segments, co-hosting charity events, or jointly promoting your work on social media. This leverage their existing platform and audience to amplify your message.


Getting a message to Good Morning Britain requires creativity, persistence and understanding their audience. Tailoring your pitch and outreach to their viewers and journalistic standards is key. Utilizing multiple strategies can increase your chances of success. With smart planning and compelling messaging, you can potentially reach millions of people across the UK.

Some key takeaways include:

  • Email the show directly with an engaging pitch
  • Submit your story through the ITV website
  • Post on social media and tag/engage the GMB accounts
  • Identify and contact relevant segment producers
  • Leverage personal connections to the show or ITV
  • Build local buzz through regional ITV teams
  • Appear in-person respectfully outside the studio
  • Start a petition and promote it widely
  • Buy ad time during GMB to guarantee reaching viewers
  • Partner with ITV shows or hosts to highlight your message

With persistence and creativity, there are many avenues to get your voice heard. Good Morning Britain provides an incredible platform to share important messages and causes with the British public. Following these tips can help you break through and amplify your story.

Some key factors are tailoring your message for their audience, demonstrating newsworthiness, utilizing multiple strategies and channels, and never giving up. With the right approach and commitment, getting a message to Good Morning Britain is very achievable.

The show is always looking for engaging stories and guests that will inform and interest British viewers. Your unique story or cause, packaged strategically for their platform, could be next. Imagine the impact you could have reaching so many people, shining a light on important issues. The news cycle moves fast, so being flexible and responsive is also important when opportunities arise.

Make sure to follow Good Morning Britain across social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Engage regularly with their content and hosts to become someone they recognize. Tag them frequently when promoting your own updates and work. Building an ongoing social media relationship can help familiarize producers with you and what you stand for.

Researching and understanding Good Morning Britain’s content style, tone and segment types is also key. The more your message aligns with their existing programming, the better chance it has of resonating. Study their interviews and stories to tailor your pitch accordingly. Monitor the news for related angles and trends to tap into.

Some elements that do well include: uplifting local heroes, new health discoveries, surprising human interest stories, amazing animals, spotlighting charities, ethical campaigns, breaking news analysis, and much more. Knowing their sweet spot for topics and guests can allow you to frame your pitch effectively.

Make sure you are able to explain clearly how your message fits into broader narratives and discourses. Producers look for content that connects with big picture issues their audience cares about. Drawing explicit links between your story and relevant social debates can strengthen your pitch.

Do your research on the show’s anchors and hosts too. Following them on social media for a sense of their personalities and interests can allow you to appeal directly to what makes them tick. Everyone from Susanna Reid to Ben Shephard has particular issues and stories they feel passionate about.

Understanding the elements and format of a segment pitch is also crucial. Have a sense of ideal length, suggested B-roll or graphics, interview locations, other possible guests, logistics, and promotional ideas. The more detail you provide, the more seriously producers will consider your pitch. Offering interesting supporting elements shows an understanding of their medium and audience’s tastes.

Make sure you are able to clearly and passionately explain why your cause matters. Refine a powerful elevator pitch that gets to the heart of your motivations and vision. Your enthusiasm and authenticity need to come across to convince producers this is a story worth highlighting. If it matters deeply to you, that passion will show.

Persistence is key – don’t get discouraged if you don’t hear back right away or get rejected at first. Follow up periodically with new angles to show you are serious. Timing plays a big role too. Pitching the same idea multiple times increases your odds of the show needing that type of segment when you reach out. Be politely relentless!

And don’t forget the importance of likability. The more warm, funny and personable you come across in communications, the more likely producers will want to work with you. They have to envision how you will be on camera, so showcase your charm and magnetism. Feel free to lightly crack jokes in emails or submissions to make them smile. Likeability goes a long way.

If you do get a chance to appear on Good Morning Britain, come ultra prepared. Have 3 to 5 clear messages or sound bites you want to convey during your time. Know key facts, statistics and examples to cite. Rehearse concise, articulate responses to likely questions. Follow their lead and be nimble as the interview evolves. This is your big moment, so make every second count.

And always remember to express gratitude. Thank producers sincerely for opportunities that come your way. Their time is limited and opportunities scarce, so show genuine appreciation. Being known as reliable, professional, and gracious can help ensure repeat opportunities down the road.

Reaching millions of morning viewers through a platform like Good Morning Britain is an amazing privilege. Inspire their team through passion, preparation, persistence and gratitude. Be the kind of interview subject and spokesperson they want to work with. If your cause is important enough, your moment on Britain’s breakfast television will come. Stay hopeful and keep reaching for that goal.