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How do I get a list of everyone in a Facebook group?

How do I get a list of everyone in a Facebook group?

Quick Answer

There are a few different ways to get a list of everyone in a Facebook group you manage or are a member of:

  • View the member list on the “Members” tab of the group page. This shows all current members.
  • Use the Facebook Graph API to pull a list of member IDs. You’ll need to get an access token and use the /members endpoint.
  • Export a CSV of group members from the group settings. This downloads a spreadsheet with each member’s name, ID, and join date.
  • Use a third-party tool or browser extension that extracts a list of members.

The easiest option is to view the member list directly on Facebook. However, the API or CSV export allows you to get the data in a format to use outside of Facebook.

Viewing the Member List on Facebook

The most straightforward way to see who is in a Facebook group is to simply view the member list on Facebook itself. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the group’s page. If you manage the group, go to your Groups menu and select it. If you’re a member, just go to the main group page.
  2. In the left sidebar, click Members.
  3. This shows the member list page, with all current members of the group listed.

The member list page has a few useful features:

  • Search for specific members by name.
  • Filter the list by criteria like location, gender, join date, etc.
  • Hover over a member’s name to see mutual friends and add them as a friend.

However, this member list only shows 100 members at a time. You’ll need to click “See More” at the bottom to load additional members.

So while view the member list is handy, it’s impractical if you need an export of thousands of group members. The API or CSV export is better for getting the full list.

Using the Facebook Graph API

The Facebook Graph API provides programmatic access to public data on Facebook. This includes group member data.

To use the Graph API to get a list of group members:

  1. Get a Facebook access token – you need an app ID and app secret to get a token.
  2. Make a GET request to this endpoint:


  3. The response contains member IDs and profile info like name and gender.
  4. Use the data as needed in your application.

Here is an example Graph API request using curl:

curl -i -X GET \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}" \

The API has pagination so you can get up to 5000 members per request.

This gives you full access to member data for analysis, exporting, etc. However, it requires coding skills and getting an access token.

Exporting a CSV File

If you manage a Facebook group, you can directly export a CSV (spreadsheet) containing the member list.

Here’s how to export a member list CSV:

  1. Go to your group’s Admin Panel
  2. Click Export Members in the left sidebar
  3. In the popup, click Export All
  4. The CSV file will download to your computer

The CSV file contains these columns:

  • Name
  • User ID
  • Join Date
  • Post Count

You can open the CSV in any spreadsheet app like Excel. This gives you the data in an exportable, portable format.

The downside is that you need to be a group admin to export the member list. Regular members can’t access the export feature.

Using Third-Party Tools

There are browser extensions and online tools that provide an easy way to extract a list of group members:

  • Group Members Extractor – Chrome extension that exports member data to CSV.
  • Listium – Web app that extracts group member lists.
  • Facebook Group Scraper – Scrapes member lists from groups you have access to.

These tools automate the process of getting member lists without needing to code or be a group admin. However, you have to trust the tool with your Facebook login access.

Overall, third-party scrapers provide the easiest way for any group member to download a list of all members. But be cautious granting access to your account.


Getting a complete list of everyone in a Facebook group is possible using:

  • The group’s built-in member list page
  • The Graph API and member endpoint
  • Exporting a CSV spreadsheet
  • Third-party extraction tools

Viewing the list on Facebook is the quickest way to browse members, but only shows a limited number. For an extensive list, exporting a CSV or using the API provides access to all member data. Scraping tools make this easy without coding skills.

Overall, Facebook provides multiple options to get a list of group members, each with their own pros and cons. Choose the method that best fits your needs and access level.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can any group member export the member list?

No, only group admins have access to export a full list of members via the CSV export feature. Non-admins can view a limited number of members on the member list page.

Is it against Facebook policy to scrape group member data?

Technically, scraping member profile data likely goes against Facebook’s data and privacy policies. However, many third-party tools still offer this functionality. Use scrapers at your own risk.

Does the API provide member email addresses or phone numbers?

No, the Graph API only returns basic profile info like name, ID and gender. It does not provide private contact info for members.

Can I get a list of pending join requests and invited members?

Yes, when retrieving the member list via API or CSV, it also includes pending/invited members. These are indicated by their status in the data.

Can I refresh the list periodically to get new members?

Yes, you can rerun the export or API call periodically to retrieve an updated list with new members. Use the join date field to filter for recently-added members.

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