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How do I get a FB link?

How do I get a FB link?

Getting a link to your Facebook page is easy! There are just a few simple steps you need to follow. In the opening paragraphs, I’ll provide a quick overview of how to get a Facebook link and the requirements for creating one. Then, further below, I’ll go into more detail on the step-by-step process.


To get a link to your Facebook page, you need to locate the URL for your page and then use HTML to create a clickable link. The basic requirements are:

  • You must be the admin of the Facebook page you want to link to
  • The page must be published and visible to the public
  • You’ll need to copy the page’s URL from the address bar
  • Use HTML anchor tag to create the clickable link

That’s a simple overview of how to get a Facebook link. Now, let’s go through the step-by-step process in more detail.

Step-by-Step Guide

Follow these steps to get a clickable Facebook link:

  1. Log in to your Facebook account and go to your page. Make sure you are the admin of the page.
  2. In the top menu bar, click “Settings”.
  3. In the left sidebar menu, click “Page Info”.
  4. Under the Page Address section, you will see the URL for your page. Copy this URL.
  5. Go to where you want to add the Facebook link (your website, blog, etc).
  6. Use the HTML anchor tag to create the link like this:
  7. My Facebook Page

  8. Replace the URL in the href attribute with the URL you copied from your Facebook page.
  9. The text between the open and close anchor tag is the clickable text that will show on your site.
  10. Double check that the link works by clicking on it.

And that’s it! By following those steps you can easily add a clickable Facebook link on your website or other pages. Now let’s go over some additional details and considerations.

Link Customization

When adding your Facebook link, you have a few options for customizing the appearance and behavior:

  • Link text – Customize the clickable text in between the anchor tags:

    Visit My Facebook Page

  • Open in new tab – Add target=”_blank” to open the link in a new browser tab:

    My FB Page

  • Add image – Insert a Facebook icon image before the link text:

    My Facebook Page

Feel free to customize the appearance by adding images, icons, or stylized text. Just keep the anchor tag structure intact.


If your Facebook link isn’t working, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Make sure your Facebook page privacy settings allow public access. The link will not work if the page is private.
  • Double check that the page URL is copied correctly into the href attribute.
  • Make sure your website/blog allows clickable links in the HTML code.
  • Try clearing your browser cache in case the old link is cached.
  • Test the link in multiple browsers in case it’s a browser-specific issue.

Additionally, keep in mind that if you ever change the name of your Facebook page, the URL will change too. Make sure to update any links pointing to the old URL.

Embedding Posts

In addition to linking to your Facebook page, you can embed individual posts onto your website or blog. Here is how:

  1. Go to the Facebook post you want to embed.
  2. Click on the options menu (three dots) in the upper right.
  3. Select “Embed Post” and copy the embed code.
  4. Paste the embed code on your website page.

The post will render and display just like on Facebook. This is a great way to showcase specific content.

Element Usage
<a> Anchor tag to create clickable link
href Specifies destination URL
target Specifies behavior such as opening in a new tab
<img> Displays an image
src Specifies image source URL

This table provides a quick reference of some key HTML elements used when adding a Facebook link or embed.

Facebook Link Examples

Here are some examples of Facebook links and embeds in action:

Simple text link:

Facebook Page

Link with image:

Visit Facebook Page

Embedded post:

Just taking a walk around the block again.

Posted by The Onion on Wednesday, June 3, 2015

These examples demonstrate a few different ways you can add Facebook content to your pages.


That covers the main steps and considerations for getting a Facebook link! To summarize:

  • Get the URL for your public Facebook page
  • Use HTML anchor tags to create a clickable link
  • Customize the link text, image, and behavior as needed
  • Troubleshoot any issues with page privacy or the URL
  • Also embed individual posts with the embed code

Adding Facebook links and embeds can help drive traffic, engagement and shares for your website content. Use them strategically along with your other social media links. And be sure to keep the URLs up to date if you change your Facebook page name in the future.

Hope this guide was helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions as you create and add Facebook links.