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How do I get a Facebook verification badge?

How do I get a Facebook verification badge?

Getting a verification badge on Facebook is a great way to show that your account is authentic and increase trust with your audience. The blue verification badge lets people know that Facebook has confirmed you are the authentic creator of your profile or page. While getting verified may seem complicated, there are a few key steps you can take to apply for and potentially receive the coveted blue badge.

What is a Facebook verification badge?

The Facebook verification badge, commonly referred to as a “blue checkmark,” is a blue checkmark icon that appears next to some profiles and pages on Facebook. It signifies that the account is authentic and the identity has been verified by Facebook.

Verification badges are used to establish authenticity of high-profile individuals, brands and organizations on Facebook. This includes celebrities, athletes, public figures, media companies, brands, businesses, and publishers. Essentially, it confirms the account is the “real” profile for that public figure, brand or entity and not an impersonator or fake account.

When users see the blue verification badge, they can be confident that the profile or page is the legitimate presence of that entity on Facebook. This increases trust and credibility with followers.

Who is eligible for verification on Facebook?

Facebook has specific eligibility requirements and criteria for receiving a verification badge on both personal profiles and pages. However, having these attributes does not guarantee verification, as Facebook still manually reviews each request.

For personal profiles, verification eligibility requirements include:

  • The account must represent a real person, organization, or entity
  • The account must be unique (i.e. the only account for that person or organization)
  • The account must be complete (with profile photo, biography, etc.)
  • The account must be public
  • The account must represent a well-known, highly searched for person, brand or organization

For Facebook Pages, verification eligibility requirements include:

  • The Page must represent a real organization, entity, brand or public figure
  • The Page must have a unique presence on Facebook
  • The Page must be public
  • The Page must be completely filled out with information, profile photo, posts, etc.
  • The Page must have a substantial audience size and engagement

Essentially, Facebook is looking to verify authentic, popular, and active accounts with a substantial audience. Small personal profiles or Pages with minimal followers are unlikely to receive a verification badge.

How do I request a verification badge on Facebook?

If your account or Page meets the eligibility criteria, you can request verification directly through Facebook. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to your personal Profile or Page
  2. Click on the “Settings” drop down menu
  3. Select “Profile Verification” or “Page Verification”
  4. Click “Get Started” and follow the on-screen instructions
  5. Provide any requested information or documentation
  6. Click “Submit” and Facebook will review the request

Facebook also provides the option to request expedited review for Pages representing urgent or time-sensitive matters such as emergencies or upcoming elections. However, expedited review is not guaranteed.

The verification request process will ask for information that proves you are the authentic creator behind the profile or Page. This may include:

  • Official documentation like business licenses, articles of incorporation, etc.
  • Government-issued photo ID
  • Official contact information for a representative
  • Links to existing websites for your brand/organization

Provide as much relevant supporting documentation as possible to back up your verification request and show Facebook you meet the requirements.

How long does Facebook verification take?

The amount of time it takes to get verified on Facebook can vary greatly. Some accounts may get verified in days or weeks, while for others it may take months to get a response from Facebook.

Here are some estimates for typical verification processing times:

  • Personal profiles: 1-4 weeks
  • Pages with expedited review: 1-7 days
  • Pages without expedited review: 4-8 weeks

However, there are many exceptions where it has taken some accounts much longer to get verified, while some get approved extremely quickly. Timing can depend on how backlogged Facebook is with verification requests and how responsive you are to providing any additional information they request.

If it has been over 8 weeks with no response on a Page verification or over a month on a personal profile, you may want to resubmit the request or contact Facebook support. But generally expect the process to take anywhere from a few days up to 2 months.

Why is my Facebook verification request denied?

If your verification request gets rejected by Facebook, there are a few common reasons why you may have been denied:

  • Your account does not fully meet the verification eligibility criteria
  • You did not provide sufficient documentation/proof of authenticity
  • There are multiple accounts claiming to be the official page for your brand (and Facebook couldn’t verify the “real” one)
  • Your account has a history of policy violations or abuse flags
  • You made changes to your name, profile photo, Page name, etc. during the review process

Essentially, Facebook was unable to validate the account is authentic, unique, and meets their verification standards. You can reapply in 30 days, but make sure to correct any issues or provide better documentation meeting the requirements.

Should I pay for a Facebook verification service?

There are a number of third party services that claim they can get your Facebook account verified, often for a hefty fee. However, it’s important to note that these paid services cannot actually get your account officially verified by Facebook.

Facebook has a free verification system that must be initiated directly through their platform. No outside company or consultant can get your account verified on your behalf or expedite the process. And purchasing fake verification badges from disreputable services goes against Facebook’s terms.

So while some consultants may be able to advise you on how to improve your chances of getting verified, their fees should be seen as consulting services rather than a verification guarantee. Paying will not guarantee or speed up getting a blue badge.

Focus your efforts on properly meeting Facebook’s published verification requirements and providing a strong application through official channels. This is the only path to getting a legitimate verification badge icon on your Facebook profile or Page.

What are the benefits of getting verified on Facebook?

Getting the blue verification badge on Facebook can provide several advantages:

  • Increased credibility and authority: The badge signals to your audience that you are the legitimate presence for that public figure or brand on Facebook.
  • Improved distribution: Verified accounts may get slightly better distribution of their posts and Pages in News Feed.
  • Reduced impersonation: The badge makes it easier to distinguish you from fake accounts impersonating your identity.
  • Higher engagement: Followers tend to engage more with verified accounts since they know they are authentic.

In summary, the blue verification checkmark makes your content and interactions on Facebook appear more trustworthy and influential. It improves the brand experience for entities with a substantial audience on Facebook.


Getting verified on Facebook takes meeting strict eligibility requirements, submitting an application with supporting documents, and patience waiting for their review. While not guaranteed, focusing on Facebook’s published criteria and providing a compelling application with proof of authenticity can help in getting approved. The blue verification badge conveys trust and authority to your followers.