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How do I get a Facebook generator code?

How do I get a Facebook generator code?

Getting a Facebook generator code allows you to integrate your website or app with Facebook for various purposes like allowing users to log in or share content. Here are a few quick answers about Facebook generator codes:

What is a Facebook generator code?

A Facebook generator code is a snippet of code provided by Facebook that allows you to integrate various Facebook features into your website or app. It is used to initialize Facebook SDKs like the Facebook Login, Share, and Comments plugins.

Why would I need a Facebook generator code?

Here are some common reasons you may need a Facebook generator code:

  • To allow users to log into your website/app using their Facebook account
  • To allow users to share content from your website/app to their Facebook profile
  • To display a Facebook Comments box on your website
  • To access the Facebook Graph API to retrieve data about users, pages, groups etc

Where do I get a Facebook generator code?

To get a Facebook generator code, you need to:

  1. Go to the Facebook for Developers site
  2. Click on ‘+ Add Product’ in the top nav bar
  3. Select the product you want to integrate (Login, Share, Comments etc)
  4. Follow the setup instructions to create an ‘App ID’
  5. The App ID is your unique Facebook generator code

What’s an App ID and App Secret?

When you create an app on Facebook for Developers, you are provided with an App ID and App Secret:

  • App ID – This is the unique identifier for your app. It is public and safe to embed in your website code.
  • App Secret – This is a secret key to authenticate your app. It should never be shared publicly.

The App ID is the generator code you need to initialize Facebook SDKs. The App Secret is used behind the scenes to securely communicate with Facebook APIs.

What do I do with the Facebook generator code?

Once you have generated the App ID/generator code, you need to add it to your website or app code according to the instructions for the specific Facebook product you are integrating:

  • Facebook Login – Initialize the JavaScript SDK with your App ID
  • Facebook Share – Initialize the JavaScript SDK and use the App ID in the share links
  • Facebook Comments – Add the App ID as a parameter in the comments box iframe code

Consult the Facebook Developers documentation for details on properly implementing each SDK/product using your unique App ID.

How do I get an App ID for Facebook Login?

Follow these steps to get an App ID for integrating Facebook Login:

  1. Go to Facebook for Developers
  2. Click ‘+ Add Product’ and select ‘Facebook Login’
  3. Follow the setup steps to create a new Facebook app
  4. The ‘App ID’ shown on the app dashboard is your Facebook Login generator code
  5. Add this App ID to your website JavaScript to initialize the Facebook SDK

Make sure to enable ‘Client OAuth Login’ and provide valid OAuth redirect URIs under Facebook Login settings.

How do I get an App ID for Facebook Share?

To integrate Facebook Share buttons, use these steps to get an App ID:

  1. Go to Facebook for Developers
  2. Click ‘+ Add Product’ and select ‘Facebook Share’
  3. Under the ‘Facebook Share’ settings, toggle ‘Client Token Flow’ to ‘Enabled’
  4. Take note of the auto-generated App ID on this page
  5. Use this App ID when initializing the Facebook JavaScript SDK

The App ID allows the Facebook SDK to generate signed URLs for sharing content from your website.

How do I get an App ID for Facebook Comments?

To integrate Facebook comments, get an App ID with these steps:

  1. Go to Facebook for Developers
  2. Click ‘+ Add Product’ and select ‘Facebook Comments’
  3. In the comments plugin code snippet, replace ‘YOUR_APP_ID’ with the App ID shown
  4. Copy this code snippet into your website source code

This will enable the Facebook comment box widget using your unique App ID.

Where do I find my App ID?

Your unique App ID can be found in a few places on Facebook for Developers:

  • On the app dashboard main page
  • Listed under ‘Facebook Login > Settings’
  • Under ‘Facebook Share > Client Token Setup’
  • In the code snippet for ‘Facebook Comments’

The App ID will be unique for each app you create. Make sure to use the correct ID for the product you are integrating.

Do I need an App Secret too?

In most cases, only the App ID is required on the client-side code for your website/app. The App Secret should be kept confidential and only used server-side to make API calls to Facebook.

The App Secret proves that the API calls are coming from an authorized source. Some common uses are:

  • Making API calls to retrieve user profile data
  • Exchanging the user access token after login
  • Moderating and analyzing Facebook Comments

So in summary – the App ID is public, but App Secret should be kept secret on the server.

How do I reset my App ID or App Secret?

If needed, you can regenerate your Facebook App ID or App Secret in the Facebook for Developer dashboard:

  1. Go to your Facebook app settings
  2. Under ‘Basic Settings’ click ‘Show’ to reveal the App Secret
  3. Click ‘Reset’ next to either App ID or App Secret
  4. This will generate a new unique code
  5. Update your code with the regenerated ID or secret

Regenerating these keys can help resolve issues or provide greater security if the keys were compromised.

Can I use one App ID for multiple sites?

Yes, it is possible to use the same App ID and Facebook app configuration across multiple websites or domains. Just make sure to:

  • Add all site domains as platform settings in the app dashboard
  • Add all valid OAuth redirect URIs
  • Use the same initialization code on all sites

This allows you to manage one central Facebook app and integration across multiple properties.

Should I create separate App IDs for different products?

It is considered a best practice to use separate App IDs when integrating different Facebook products like Login, Share, Comments etc. Here are some benefits of separate App IDs:

  • Allows more granular tracking and analytics per product
  • Isolates permissions/settings for each integration
  • Prevents issues with one product affecting another
  • Easier to maintain and update each integration

Unless you have a specific need to combine products, using distinct App IDs is recommended.

How do I configure Facebook Login with my App ID?

Once you have generated an App ID for Facebook Login, use it to initialize the Facebook SDK on your site. Additional configuration steps include:

  1. Enabling Client OAuth Login in the app dashboard
  2. Whitelisting your Valid OAuth Redirect URIs
  3. Setting any desired app permissions or data access
  4. Following SDK implementation best practices

Properly configuring the app settings and access policies allows for a smooth and secure Facebook Login implementation.

What are best practices for implementing Facebook integrations?

When adding Facebook functionality with an App ID, follow these best practices:

  • Use the latest version of the Facebook SDKs
  • Follow all platform policies and requirements
  • Enable enhanced app security features
  • Test integration thoroughly across devices
  • Provide helpful error messages
  • Set proper OAuth redirect URIs
  • Handle access tokens securely
  • Monitor for issues via Facebook analytics

Properly following Facebook’s guidelines and recommendations results in the best experience for developers and end users.

Can an App ID expire or be deactivated?

Yes, App IDs and access can expire or be deactivated if:

  • The app has been disabled for an extended time
  • The app is flagged for policy violations
  • Invalid security practices like leaking the App Secret
  • Unused apps older than 1-2 years may be candidates for deactivation

Make sure to actively maintain apps, follow all policies, and keep App Secrets secure to prevent App ID deactivation.

Should I obfuscate or hide the App ID in my code?

The App ID does not need to be obscured or hidden – it is considered public information and safe to embed directly in website code.

Obfuscating the App ID provides no real security benefit since it must be provided to Facebook SDKs to function properly anyway.

Best practice is to embed the raw App ID directly wherever required by Facebook integrations to maximize performance and minimize complexity.

Can someone misuse my App ID?

The App ID alone cannot be misused or exploited for malicious purposes. Some potential risks include:

  • Spamming users to install your app
  • Attempting to scrape some app configuration data
  • Accessing limited analytics and usage information

As long as you keep the App Secret private, there is minimal risk from the App ID being public.

Should I disable an unused App ID?

It is generally recommended to disable any App IDs that are no longer being used to improve security. This prevents unnecessary access to the app and limits exposure of the App Secret.

To disable an unused Facebook app and App ID:

  1. Go to your app settings in the dashboard
  2. Click on ‘App Review’
  3. Toggle ‘Do you want to make this app and all its live features available to the general public?’ to ‘No’

The app will now be disabled and inaccessible to the public.


Getting and integrating with a Facebook generator App ID is crucial for leveraging many Facebook features. Carefully manage App IDs and Secrets for each integration, follow Facebook policies, configure proper app settings and permissions, and use the latest SDKs for the best results. This enables developers to provide easy and robust Facebook integrations for end users.

Facebook Product App ID Usage
Facebook Login Initialize JavaScript SDK for login buttons and flows
Facebook Share Initialize JavaScript SDK for share button
Facebook Comments Render comment box widget