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How do I fix unoriginal content on Facebook?

How do I fix unoriginal content on Facebook?

Having unoriginal or duplicate content on your Facebook page can negatively impact your reach and engagement. Here are some tips to help fix and prevent unoriginal content issues on Facebook:

Why is unoriginal content a problem?

Facebook’s algorithm penalizes pages that consistently post duplicate or low-quality content. This is because Facebook wants to show users the most relevant and engaging posts in their feeds. If a Page is just reposting content from other sources without adding any original commentary or perspective, the content is less likely to be interesting to users. Additionally, posting copied or scraped content violates Facebook’s Terms of Service.

How to identify unoriginal content

There are a few ways to spot unoriginal content on your Facebook Page:

  • Reposting content from other Facebook Pages without adding your own original text
  • Copying and pasting articles or blog posts from other websites
  • Using content from sites that scrape news articles or listicles
  • Posting generic, overused quotes and sayings
  • Sharing memes or viral social posts over and over

If you notice your engagement dropping or you’re not reaching as many people with your posts, unoriginal content may be the culprit.

Steps to fix unoriginal content

Here are some steps you can take to remove unoriginal content and prevent it from happening again:

1. Delete or update existing unoriginal posts

Go through your Page’s feed and delete any posts that are clearly copied from somewhere else. For posts that include some unoriginal content, see if you can edit the post to make it more original. Add your own commentary, analysis, images, or links to customize it.

2. Adjust your posting strategy

Take time to plan out an improved posting strategy so you don’t have to resort to copying content. Here are some tips:

  • Create your own social graphics using Canva or other design tools
  • Write detailed, long-form posts mixing tips, how-tos, and your own experiences
  • Spend time engaging with your audience through comments and messages
  • Host your own Facebook Live videos or post short, original videos
  • Share user-generated content like customer photos and testimonials

3. Credit all sources

If you do share content from other sources, always credit them properly in your posts. Link directly to the source website. Mention the creator of a piece of content if you know who it is. This shows you are making an effort to properly cite content.

4. Focus on quality over quantity

Post less frequently if needed so you have time to create high-quality, original content. One thoughtful post per day is better than five unoriginal ones.

Tips for creating original content

Here are some additional tips for keeping your Facebook content original and engaging:

  • Blog about your products/services from different angles and with detailed tips
  • Highlight your processes, employees, and behind-the-scenes company information
  • Share industry news and provide your expert commentary
  • Conduct interviews with interesting people in your niche
  • Create lists and comparison posts related to your field
  • Use data from surveys or studies in infographic posts
  • Post photos from events, conferences, or company parties

Avoid scraping or curation sites

Stay away from websites that scrape or curate content from other sources and allow you to repost. Facebook will likely identify those posts as being duplicated from somewhere else. Always create your own content or properly credit others’ content.

Monitor engagement and analytics

Use Facebook’s analytics in Facebook Insights and Creator Studio to see how your posts are performing. Watch for drops in reach or engagement that may indicate issues with unoriginal content. Continually refine your content strategy based on what best resonates with your audience.


Maintaining originality with your Facebook content keeps your audience engaged, avoids penalties from Facebook, and sets you apart from competitors. Put in the effort to create content tailored to your unique brand and followers. While it does take more work, the payoff of higher reach and engagement is worth it.

Focus on providing your own perspective, experiences, and expertise when possible. Properly credit any content from other sources. Follow these best practices, and your Facebook content will become more authentic, relevant, and effective over time.

Type of Unoriginal Content Better Alternatives
Reposting content from other Facebook Pages Create social graphics with your own wording and images
Copying articles or blog posts Write long-form posts with your own tips and commentary
Using scraped or curated content Share user generated content and custom images
Overused quotes and sayings Blog about your own experiences and insights
Reposted viral memes and videos Create original short videos or go live

This table summarizes types of unoriginal content to avoid and better alternatives to try instead to boost engagement. Focusing on originality takes more time and effort but is worthwhile to grow your reach and build your brand voice.

Tips for writing original long-form content

One of the best ways to provide value on Facebook is through long-form blog-style posts. Here are some tips for writing engaging long-form content:

Pick a focused topic

Choose a specific, narrow topic you can comprehensively cover such as benefits of your product, pros and cons comparisons, or a step-by-step guide.

Conduct research

Use Google, industry sources, surveys, and interviews with experts to find data, examples, and perspectives to incorporate.

Outline the structure

Organize the post with an introduction, multiple headings, key statistics, visuals, and a conclusion.

Get personal

Share your own stories, experiences, and examples related to the topic to make it more engaging.

Use visuals

Break up long blocks of text with relevant photos, infographics, diagrams, videos, or other visual elements.

Link to resources

Link out to studies, sites, or products mentioned to provide value for your audience.

Edit thoroughly

Read through the completed post multiple times to polish the writing and double check facts.

Putting in the time to create thoughtful long posts shows your audience you have in-depth knowledge of your industry they won’t find anywhere else.

Examples of original content formats

Here are some examples of engaging original content formats to try on Facebook:


Listicles can provide value by compiling useful tips, product/service recommendations, or an overview of need-to-know information. Make sure your angle and information is different than existing lists on the topic.


Create step-by-step guides for using your products/services or navigating processes related to your industry. Include plenty of details, images, and examples.


Short video tutorials, employee interviews, office tours, or videos of you at events/conferences can give your audience an insider look.

Case studies

Share success stories and results obtained by specific customers/clients after working with your business.

Company history

Provide an overview of how your business started and evolved over the years to give your audience insight into your roots.


Answer common or controversial questions from your customers and industry in a detailed Q&A-style post.

Brainstorm original angles on your products, services, industry, and business journey to create content only you can provide.

Sourcing original content ethically

When using other sources in your content, be sure you source material ethically. This builds trust with your audience.

  • Never copy huge passages of text or republish full articles/blog posts.
  • Always link back to the original source.
  • If reusing an image, quote, or statistic – cite the original creator.
  • If remixing or reposting content, transform it by adding substantial original text/visuals.
  • Only use copyright-free images or ones you have permission to use.
  • Credit people quoted and get their consent if possible.

With proper attribution and transformation, you can incorporate outside sources while still maintaining originality.

Avoiding “fake” engagement tactics

As you work to increase your reach and engagement, avoid any tactics that artificially inflate your numbers or could risk getting you banned. This includes:

  • Using bots to auto-generate likes, comments, or shares
  • Paying for fake likes or followers from third-party sites
  • Using engagement pods where group members engage each other’s content inorganically
  • Comments with unrelated links, spam phrases, or repetitive generic praise like “great post!”

Focus on organic engagement by providing value, monitoring conversations, and running ads ethically. Your engagement will grow steadily over time.

Tools to create original content

Take advantage of user-friendly online tools to craft great original content more easily:

Tool Use
Buffer Plan and schedule social media posts
Canva Design social graphics, infographics, posters
BuzzSumo Research trending content topics and viral posts
Grammarly Check spelling and grammar in posts
Hemingway Editor Simplify writing for readability

Rely on tools to analyze competitors, create visuals, write clearly, and plan an effective posting strategy.

Common Facebook penalties for unoriginal content

Here are some penalties Facebook may impose on Pages that continually post unoriginal or copied content:

  • Lower organic reach and suppressed posts
  • Exclusion from the News Feed
  • Being uneligible to monetize with ads or instant articles
  • Removal of the Page’s verified badge
  • Complete Page deletion or banning of the Facebook account

Avoid risking these penalties by monitoring your content originality and crediting sources. The safest approach is creating your own posts and visuals.

Signs your content may not be original enough

Watch for these signs that you may need to improve your content originality:

  • Engagement and reach on new posts is declining
  • Followers often mention your posts feel repetitive
  • You reuse the same posts/memes/videos over and over
  • You spend very little time creating posts
  • You don’t feel confident in the expertise or perspective you provide
  • Your content is not performing well compared to competitors

If you notice any of these issues, brainstorm ways to add more variety and original perspectives based on your unique offerings.

Best practices for using UGC ethically

User-generated content (UGC) like comments, photos, and reviews can make great original content. Follow these guidelines when reposting:

  • Ask permission to reuse UGC if possible or provide credit.
  • Anonymize comments and remove profile pictures if the user is not public.
  • Use small portions of text or crop images rather than full copies.
  • Add your own original take alongside the UGC.
  • Balance UGC reposts with other original content types.

With a respectful approach, UGC can add authenticity without copying or privacy issues.


Maintaining frequent, high-quality, and one-of-a-kind content takes effort but helps grow your Facebook presence. Analyze competitors to differentiate yourself rather than replicating them. Craft content tailored to your unique offerings, brand voice, and audience.

Interact with your followers to understand what topics and post types resonate most. Set up a smart posting workflow to give you time for original content creation. Diversify formats with videos, images, and live broadcasts.

While it may be tempting to take shortcuts with curated or copied content, invest the time needed to keep your Page feeling fresh. This will build your reputation and authority in the industry while keeping your audience satisfied.