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How do I fix this page isn’t available right now on Instagram?

How do I fix this page isn’t available right now on Instagram?

Seeing the “This page isn’t available right now” error on Instagram can be frustrating, but there are several troubleshooting steps you can try to get your feed or profile working again.

What Causes the “Page Isn’t Available” Error on Instagram?

There are a few potential causes of the Instagram “page isn’t available” error:

  • Your internet connection is unstable or weak
  • The Instagram server is down or overloaded
  • Your account is temporarily blocked or disabled
  • The Instagram app needs to be updated
  • Your device’s date/time settings are incorrect

Issues with your own internet connection are the most common reason. But Instagram outages also frequently occur, especially when the app is undergoing maintenance or is experiencing a widespread technical problem.

How to Fix “Page Isn’t Available” Instagram Error

Check Your Internet Connection

First, check that your WiFi or cellular data connection is working properly. Try loading other apps or websites – if they won’t load either, you likely have an internet connectivity issue:

  • For WiFi, make sure you are connected to the correct network and the router is connected to the internet.
  • For cellular data, check your signal strength. Move closer to a window or outside if the signal is weak indoors.
  • Restart your router if you’re on WiFi. Also restart your phone.
  • Use a different internet source, like mobile data vs WiFi, to see if one has issues.

If other apps and sites load fine, then your internet is likely fine, and the problem is with Instagram’s servers.

Check Instagram’s Server Status

Next, check if Instagram is down or having widespread technical issues. You can do this on third party sites like:

If there’s a spike in outage reports, Instagram is likely experiencing downtime. The only fix is to wait for Instagram’s engineers to get things working again.

You can also check Instagram’s official accounts on Twitter and other platforms – they will often post updates on known issues.

Update or Reinstall the Instagram App

If internet connectivity and Instagram’s servers look fine, issues with the Instagram app itself on your device could be the culprit:

  • Update the app – In the app/play store, check if any Instagram app updates are available. Install them and then try using Instagram again.
  • Force stop the app – In your device settings, find the Instagram app and choose to force stop it. Then launch it again.
  • Delete and reinstall the app – If updates don’t help, uninstalling and reinstalling Instagram can clear out bugs or glitches.

Check Your Account Status

The “page isn’t available” error may also mean your individual Instagram account has been temporarily blocked or disabled by Instagram’s moderators.

Check your account status by logging into Instagram on a web browser. If your account has been disabled, Instagram will display a message explaining why.

Similarly, if your account has been temporarily blocked from taking certain actions, like commenting, Instagram will show what behavior led to the block.

If you think the account restriction was a mistake, you can appeal it directly from the alert message in the web browser.

Adjust Your Device’s Date and Time

Finally, an incorrect date or time set on your device can also cause the page unavailable error. Check that auto date/time is turned on – if not, manually set it to the current date and time.

If you recently changed time zones, update the time zone in your device settings to match your new location.

Restart your phone after adjusting date/time settings to ensure the changes kick in properly across all apps.

Alternative Troubleshooting Tips

A few other things you can test if the above steps don’t resolve the Instagram error include:

  • Log out and back into your Instagram account
  • Clear the Instagram app cache and data
  • Try using Instagram on another device on the same WiFi
  • Disable and re-enable your Instagram account
  • Remove your Instagram account from any third-party apps

The nuclear option is to factory reset your device – but this should really only be done as a last resort if all else fails.

Prevent Instagram Outages

While Instagram errors like this are often outside of your control, there are a few things you can do to minimize downtime:

  • Connect devices to stable WiFi whenever possible, rather than spotty cellular data.
  • Keep your Instagram app updated to stay on top of bug fixes.
  • Only use reputable third-party apps that require Instagram access.
  • Check Instagram’s server status during downtime to avoid wasting time troubleshooting.
  • Consider having a backup social media account on another platform.

Being patient and avoiding Instagram for a bit can be the fastest solution when widespread issues occur. And Instagram will often provide an apology or notification when things are working properly again.


The “page isn’t available” error is common on Instagram but can usually be quickly resolved. Start troubleshooting by checking your internet connection, Instagram’s server status, your app version, account status, and device date/time settings.

Restarts, app updates, reinstalls, and cache clearing can also get things working again. And remember that most “page not available” occurrences are temporary Instagram outages that clear up on their own.