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How do i fix the quality on my instagram reel?

If your Instagram reels look blurry, pixelated, or low quality, there are a few things you can try to improve the video quality. The most important factors are your original video resolution and bitrate. You’ll get the best results by filming in high definition and exporting with high bitrate settings before uploading to Instagram.

Check your original video resolution

The source video resolution is the biggest factor determining reel quality. Instagram recommends uploading videos that are at least 720p HD (1280 x 720 pixels). If your video is lower than 720p, it will look blurry once uploaded. Shoot your reels in 1080p FHD (1920 x 1080) or 4K (3840 x 2160) for maximum quality.

Higher resolution captures more detail and allows the video to be displayed larger on screen without losing quality. If you’re filming on your phone, make sure it can record HD or 4K video. Most newer iPhone and Android models support 4K recording now. If you’re using a standalone camera, set it to record at the highest resolution available.

Increase the video bitrate

Resolution refers to the video frame size or dimensions. Bitrate determines how much visual information is stored within each frame. A higher video bitrate means less compression and more detail in the image. Instagram recommends a bitrate of at least 4 Mbps.

When exporting your finished reel from your editing software, choose a high quality preset that maintains a bitrate of 8-12 Mbps or higher. Avoid highly compressed presets intended for sharing online or email. The higher bitrate preserves quality but results in larger file sizes, which is fine for Instagram.

Avoid upscaling low resolution video

Don’t increase the resolution setting on a low res video and expect it to look better. For example, a 480p video will not magically gain detail and clarity if you export it at 1080p. It will simply scale up the pixels, resulting in a blurry image.

If your original footage is lower than 720p, there’s no way to increase its resolution after the fact. You’ll need to reshoot it in HD quality. Upscaling will only make the low resolution more obvious.

Check video quality before uploading

Preview your video after exporting to double check quality. Watch it full screen on the device you plan to upload from. Make sure it appears crisp and clear, not pixelated or blurry. Also view the file details and confirm the resolution and bitrate meet Instagram’s recommendations.

If your exported video looks poor on your device, the issue may be with the resolution or bitrate settings. Try a higher resolution and bitrate and export the file again until you’re satisfied with the output quality.

Upload over Wi-Fi for best results

Uploading over a strong Wi-Fi connection helps maintain quality. Uploading over mobile data can sometimes compress the video more and degrade quality. If possible, wait until you’re on a solid Wi-Fi network before uploading your reel.

Check video quality again after uploading

Preview your reel again after it finishes uploading to Instagram. This will show you the true post-upload quality, as Instagram’s compression algorithms are applied. If the quality dropped too much, you may need to re-export your original file at a higher resolution and bitrate.

Adjust resolution and bitrate settings

If your exported video met the recommended specs but still appeared pixelated after uploading, adjust the resolution and bitrate higher. Try 3840 x 2160 4K resolution at 12-16 Mbps bitrate. This gives Instagram’s algorithms more data to work with and can help minimize compression artifacts.

Use a third party video downloader to reupload

As a workaround, you can download the reel from Instagram using a third party tool and then reupload the downloaded file. This tricks Instagram into applying its compression again, sometimes improving the visual quality on a second upload.

Be aware re-downloading and reuploading a reel does violate Instagram’s terms of service. However it’s commonly used by creators to attempt to increase poor quality.

Apply light social media compression during export

Some video editing apps allow you to apply light compression optimized for social media during the export process. This can help minimize the change in quality after Instagram’s compression.

Aim for export settings that use around 8-10 Mbps bitrate with a high resolution like 2160p. This strikes a balance between quality and file size.

Use the best camera and lenses available

Better camera gear captures higher quality footage by default. Invest in high end mirrorless or DSLR cameras which shoot HD, 4K, or even 6K or 8K video. Pair them with top of the line lenses for super sharp images free of distortion.

Better optics and higher resolution sensors will always produce vastly superior source footage before compression is applied by Instagram.

Use a smartphone gimbal for stabilized video

Smartphone gimbals counteract unwanted movement and vibrations, resulting in smooth stabilized footage. This clearer video retains more detail after compression. Try using a gimbal for smartphone reels to achieve more professional quality.

Pay attention to lighting when filming

Proper lighting brings out the most detail and clarity in your footage. Use diffuse key and fill lighting to achieve a balanced exposure free from harsh shadows and overexposed highlights. Add backlights and practicals for depth and shape.

Well lit video captures the highest quality, minimizing noise and artifacting during compression.

Clean your camera lens regularly

Dirt, grease, and smudges on your lens lowers image quality. Use a microfiber cloth and lens cleaner spray to regularly wipe down your camera lens so it’s crystal clear when shooting reels.

Avoid digital zooming while filming

Digital zooming decreases resolution and introduces pixelation, creating a degraded image even before compression. For zoomed shots, move the camera physically closer instead of using digital zoom.

This maintains maximum image resolution and quality in your original footage.

Use higher shutter speeds to reduce motion blur

Excess motion blur introduces softness and lack of sharpness in your footage. Use shutter speeds faster than 1/60s to freeze motion better for maximum detail.

The sharper your original footage, the less quality is lost during compression.

Enable lens corrections and stabilization in-camera

Modern cameras offer built-in lens corrections and digital stabilization to counteract distortion and shake. Enable these in your camera settings to alleviate issues before filming.

Clean footage right out of the camera retains more quality for your reels.

Avoid heavy editing and color grading

Overprocessing your clips can degrade quality by introducing artifacts and noise. While light corrections are fine, avoid heavy editing like extreme color grading, aggressive sharpening, or applying lots of effects.

Keep edits minimal for best results. Let your original high quality footage shine.

Focus on composition, light, and content

Perfectly shot, well composed footage will appear higher quality even when compressed. Work on nailing the technicals in production: stability, exposure, focus, framing, lighting. Develop your creative eye for compelling visuals.

Great cinematography holds up better than heavily processed average footage.

Film extra clips to choose the best takes

Don’t just select the first acceptable clip you shoot. Record multiple takes of every shot and only use the best ones in your final reel. This ensures each moment chosen is perfectly executed.

A reel stitched together from A+ takes will look cleaner than random B-roll after compression.

Allow time for proper editing and export

Rushing the editing and export process can result in mistakes that degrade quality. Allocate sufficient time for editing so you can finesse every clip used.

Meticulous editing of your best clips will maximize final reel quality.

Film in optimal conditions to avoid noise

Shoot during the day or use professional lighting rigs to ensure adequate light. Low light results in noise in the footage, which gets exaggerated after compression.

Optimal lighting conditions increase signal to noise ratio for clean, smooth footage.

Use manual camera settings for consistency

Auto settings adapt on the fly, which can create inconsistencies between shots. Dial in manual setting like ISO, shutter speed, aperture, and white balance to achieve uniform look.

Consistent parameters help quality remain stable across different clips.

Check Instagram reel best practices frequently

As Instagram evolves, its recommended specifications for videos may change. Check Instagram’s Help Center regularly for updates on suggested resolutions, aspect ratios, bitrates, etc.

Following the latest guidelines will help optimize quality and avoid issues.

Consider your target mobile device screens

Most viewers will watch your reel on a mobile phone. Consider filming and exporting at resolutions optimized for small smartphone screens versus large TVs or computer monitors.

Gearing quality towards average mobile screens can help strike a size and quality balance.

Use Instagram’s closed captions for clarity

Add clear captions explaining your content so viewers can fully understand your reel even if visual quality suffers some. Avoid relying solely on visual details.

Captions reinforce your message when compression affects video quality.

Remain within Instagram’s reel length limits

Keep your video within the 30 second to 1 minute reel length limit. Excessively long videos require more compression, lowering quality. Time your content carefully.

Short, concise reels optimized for duration constraints can maximize quality.

Develop your personal brand style

Focus more on your unique content style and aesthetic versus just technical quality. Building a strong branded look and feel can connect with viewers beyond just video specs.

A polished creative identity shines through minor quality issues.

Link your best reels to your Instagram bio

Since your bio remains uncompressed, link to your highest quality reels there for viewers wanting to see your best work in maximal fidelity.

Your bio offers a way to bypass Instagram’s compression algorithms.

In summary, optimizing reel quality requires starting with high resolution, high bitrate footage captured and exported properly. Configure your camera, lighting, and editing workflow to preserve maximum detail. Review Instagram’s latest specifications and tweak your process to fit their requirements. Focus on creating great content and a strong brand identity that shines through minor compression artifacts. With diligent production and exporting methods, you can deliver stunning Instagram reels to your followers.