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How do I fix my Facebook security at risk?

How do I fix my Facebook security at risk?

With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. However, with great popularity comes increased security risks. Your Facebook account contains a wealth of personal information that could be misused if your account is compromised. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to improve your Facebook security and reduce the risks.

Why is my Facebook security at risk?

There are several reasons why your Facebook account may be vulnerable to security threats:

  • Weak or reused passwords – If your Facebook password is weak, short, or reused on other accounts, it will be easier for hackers to guess or steal.
  • Outdated contact info – If your email or phone number on file is outdated, you cannot use these to recover your account or enable login notifications.
  • Suspicious logins – If you notice logins from unfamiliar locations or devices, your account may be compromised.
  • Lack of login approvals – Without an extra step to approve logins, it is easier for hackers to access your account.
  • Public privacy settings – Open privacy settings allow anyone to view your profile info, posts, and friends list.
  • Shared computers or devices – Using public or shared computers to access Facebook increases risk.
  • Third-party app permissions – Apps connected to your Facebook account may mishandle your data.
  • Reused passwords on other breached sites – If your Facebook password is reused elsewhere and that site is breached, your Facebook account is now compromised.
  • Unsafe links and attachments – Clicking suspicious links or downloading files from unwanted sources can infect your device and put your account at risk.

Practicing good account hygiene and security habits can help mitigate many of these risks.

How can I check if my Facebook account is at risk?

Here are some ways to check if your Facebook account may be at risk:

  • Review account activity – Check your security log in settings for any suspicious or unrecognized logins, password changes, etc.
  • Check login locations – Facebook shows recent login locations under Security Settings. Look for odd geographical locations.
  • Review app permissions – Ensure any connected third-party apps have necessary permissions only.
  • Check emails from Facebook – Unrecognized emails about password resets or changes could indicate risk.
  • Password reuse check – Use a password manager or monitor sites like HaveIBeenPwned to check if passwords have been exposed in other site breaches.
  • Scan devices – Malware scans can check for anything unusual or malicious on your computers and mobile devices.
  • Enable login approvals – If login approvals are off, your account is likely more vulnerable.
  • Review profile privacy – Make sure your privacy settings are not completely open to public viewing.

Being proactive about monitoring for suspicious account activity is key to identifying potential threats early on.

How can I create a strong password for Facebook?

Here are some tips for creating a strong, secure password for your Facebook account:

  • Make it long – Use at least 12 characters, preferably 15 or more.
  • Add complexity – Mix upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
  • Avoid personal info – Do not include your name, email, birthday, or other personal info.
  • Do not reuse passwords – Your Facebook password should be unique and not used on any other sites.
  • Consider a passphrase – Combining random words with symbols and numbers can create strong memorable passwords.
  • Use a password manager – Tools like LastPass and 1Password can generate and store secure passwords.
  • Set password reminders – Store password hints or use an authenticator app for help remembering complex passwords.

It is also important to update your Facebook password every 3-6 months and whenever there are any security concerns.

How can I enable two-factor authentication on Facebook?

Enabling two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of security beyond just a password. Here are the steps to set up 2FA for Facebook:

  1. Click on the arrow in the top right and go to Settings & Privacy.
  2. Under Settings, choose Security and Login.
  3. Click on Use two-factor authentication and select Get Started.
  4. Choose an authentication method – text codes to your phone or an authenticator app.
  5. Follow the on-screen prompts to setup your preferred 2FA method.
  6. A code will now be required along with your password when logging into Facebook from new devices.

Be sure to save any recovery codes Facebook provides during 2FA setup. These one-time use codes can get you back into your account if you lose access to your main 2FA method.

2FA Method Pros Cons
Text Codes No extra apps needed Code interception possible
Authenticator App Added security Must have app available
Security Key Most secure option Must have physical key

Should I enable login approvals on Facebook?

Yes, enabling login approvals (also known as login notifications) adds another layer of account security. With login approvals, any time someone tries accessing your Facebook account from an unrecognized device, you will get a notification allowing you to either approve or deny the login attempt.

Here are the steps to turn on Facebook login approvals:

  1. Go to Settings & Privacy -> Settings -> Security and Login
  2. Under the Use Two-Factor Authentication section, click on Get Started
  3. Toggle on the setting for Require a login code to access my account from unknown browsers
  4. Choose to be notified via text message or Facebook Messenger

The main benefits of enabling login approvals are:

  • Extra notification if someone tries accessing your account
  • Lets you block suspicious login attempts
  • Alerts you to unauthorized access and account compromise

One thing to keep in mind is that you will need access to the notification method you setup (phone or Messenger) to approve your own login attempts from new devices.

Should I restrict Facebook app permissions?

Yes, limiting Facebook app permissions whenever possible can help improve your account security. Facebook apps and third-party integrations request varying levels of data access in order to work.

Here are some recommendations around Facebook app permissions:

  • Only add apps you trust and will actually use.
  • Review app permissions before connecting.
  • Revoke access for unused apps.
  • Install apps selectively rather than enabling full account access.
  • Limit access to sensitive info like email, contacts, photos, etc.

You can review and edit Facebook app permissions by going to Settings & Privacy -> Settings -> Apps and Websites. Click the “Logged in with Facebook” tab to manage settings for third-party apps.

How can I maximize my Facebook privacy settings?

Adjusting your Facebook privacy settings is a key part of limiting your exposure and controlling who can see your profile info, posts, photos, friends list, and other sensitive data. Here are some best practices:

  • Go through each section under Settings & Privacy and customize as needed. Pay particular attention to posts, photos, contacts, and profile privacy.
  • For your profile, choose Friends or More Selective rather than Public.
  • Limit past and future posts visibility to Friends, Close Friends, or Only Me.
  • Customize individual post visibility when sharing photos, updates, etc.
  • Disable search engine indexing under Public Posts to avoid outside exposure.
  • Review friend list regularly and remove any unwanted connections.
  • Consider adding trusted contacts to a Restricted List with extra limited visibility.
  • Block messages from non-friends under Settings & Privacy -> Messages.

Balancing privacy and connectivity takes some work but can help reduce risks. You may also want to enable and review Facebook’s Privacy Checkup which provides recommendations specific to your account settings.

How can I check if my Facebook account was hacked?

If you suspect your Facebook account may have been hacked or compromised, here are some things to look for:

  • Unfamiliar posts or messages – Hackers may post spam or send messages to your friends.
  • Changed profile details – Your profile photo, info, or password could be altered.
  • Unauthorized logins – Check locations under Security & Login for odd IP addresses or regions.
  • Missing or changed friends – Hackers may delete friends or add unwanted contacts.
  • Increased ads or spam – More unwanted advertising could indicate account compromise.
  • Email alerts about changes – Password reset or contact details changed without your knowledge.
  • Posts promoting scams – Hackers sometimes use accounts to share malicious links.

If anything looks suspicious, change your password immediately and secure your account. Enable login approvals if not already on. Also scan all connected devices and ensure Facebook app permissions are restricted.

What should I do if my Facebook account is hacked?

If you confirm your Facebook account has been hacked, take the following steps right away:

  1. Log out of all active Facebook sessions on devices.
  2. Change your Facebook password – make it long and strong.
  3. Enable login approvals for extra security.
  4. Remove any unusual trusted contacts or devices if present under Security & Login.
  5. Scan computers and phones and delete any suspicious apps.
  6. Check app permissions and remove anything unusual or unnecessary.
  7. Report hacked account to Facebook via the Help Center.
  8. Post an alert about the hack to warn contacts.

Be sure to monitor your account closely over the next few weeks for further suspicious activity. Avoid clicking links or opening attachments for a while to prevent reinfection.

How can I recover my hacked Facebook account?

If hackers have changed your password and taken over your account, here are steps to try recovering and restoring access:

  • Use the Facebook account recovery process submit ID and ask contacts to confirm your identity.
  • If you have login approvals enabled, enter the associated phone number or authenticator app code.
  • Check email for account recovery or password reset confirmations and follow instructions.
  • Submit copies of hacked account emails showing unauthorized changes to Facebook.
  • Try resetting via contacts with management authority over the account, if applicable.
  • Use account recovery tips provided in Facebook’s Help Center article about hacked accounts.
  • If all else fails, report the account as hacked via Facebook’s reporting form.

With hacked accounts, timing is critical – move fast to try resetting your password or regaining access before the hacker causes too much damage. Prevent future attacks by improving your overall Facebook security once you regain access.

How can I delete a hacked or fake Facebook account?

To delete a hacked or fake/unauthorized Facebook account, you will need to submit a deletion request using Facebook’s official form. Here are the steps involved:

  1. Go to the Facebook Help Center and search for “Report a compromised account”.
  2. Click on Report Compromised Account and follow the on-screen instructions.
  3. You will need to enter the associated email or mobile phone number originally used to create the account.
  4. Complete the requested details about why you believe the account is compromised or fake.
  5. Submit copies of any emailed receipts or hacked account notices you received.
  6. Facebook’s security team will investigate and delete the account if it violates their policies. This can take up to a few days.
  7. Create a new account using enhanced security recommendations once the fake/hacked account is removed.

Without access to the original signup email and phone number, it is difficult to have an unauthorized Facebook account shut down. Work through official channels and be persistent.

What are some Facebook security best practices?

Here is a summary of key Facebook security best practices to help safeguard your account:

  • Strong unique password – Use a long, complex password just for Facebook and change it every 3-6 months.
  • Two-factor authentication – Enable 2FA via text codes or authenticator app for enhanced login security.
  • Login approvals – Turn on login notifications to approve or deny suspicious access attempts.
  • App permission review – Revoke unnecessary app access permissions regularly.
  • Privacy settings checkup – Maximize account privacy across all categories in Settings.
  • Password manager – Use a tool like LastPass or 1Password for password security.
  • Account activity monitoring – Watch for unusual posts, messages, logins, etc.
  • Device scans – Run regular malware scans on computers and phones accessing Facebook.

Following these Facebook security practices reduces your risk of account compromise significantly. Enable all available security options for optimal protection.


Facebook accounts contain a wealth of personal data and it is crucial to keep them secure. Start by creating a strong unique password. Enable two-factor authentication and login approvals for enhanced security on top of your password. Carefully restrict app permissions and maximize your overall privacy settings.

Watch for any unusual account activity that could indicate a hack and be prepared to act quickly to recover access. Following Facebook’s recommended security best practices can help safeguard your account from compromise.

Implementing all available security protections may take some time upfront but is well worth the effort to protect your account’s security in the long run.