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How do I fix my Facebook page error?

How do I fix my Facebook page error?

Facebook pages are a great way for businesses, organizations, and public figures to connect with their target audience. However, sometimes errors can occur that prevent your Facebook page from working properly. In this article, we will cover the most common Facebook page errors and how to resolve them.

Error 1: Page Not Found

A “Page Not Found” error means that when someone tries to access your Facebook page, they see a message saying the page doesn’t exist. There are a few potential causes of this error:

  • The page name was changed and the old URL is no longer valid
  • The page was unpublished either intentionally or by accident
  • The page was deleted

To fix this error, first, log into your Facebook account and check if the page still exists under your list of pages. If it does, make sure the page is published by going to the page settings and making sure “Published” is selected.

If the page no longer exists in your list of pages, you’ll need to determine if the page was deleted or the name was changed. Check your page’s insights data to see if there was recent activity on the page before the error started occurring. If so, the name was likely changed and you’ll need to create a new page with the original name.

If the page was accidentally deleted, you can submit a request to Facebook to try to recover it within 30 days of deletion. However, there is no guarantee the page can be restored.

Error 2: Account Suspended

Seeing an error message that your Facebook account or page has been suspended means your access to Facebook has been temporarily revoked. This can occur for the following reasons:

  • Violating Facebook’s terms of service or community standards
  • Suspicious or abnormal account activity
  • An intellectual property violation claim

If you believe your account or page was suspended by mistake, you can appeal the decision through the Facebook Help Center. Log into Facebook and you should see a box prompting you to submit an appeal. Explain in detail why you believe the suspension was an error.

However, if the suspension was for a legitimate violation, you will need to wait out the suspension period, which is typically between 1-7 days for first offenses. Use the time to thoroughly read Facebook’s policies to avoid future violations.

Error 3: Login Issues

Problems logging into your Facebook account can prevent you from accessing your pages. Here are some potential causes and solutions for login issues:

  • Incorrect username or password – Double check you are using the right login info or reset your password
  • Two-factor authentication enabled – You will need to enter your special login code
  • Cookies or cache issues – Try clearing your browser history and cookies
  • Hacked account – If your account has been hacked, regain access through Facebook’s security process

If none of those steps resolve the login problem, you may need to contact Facebook support directly to regain access to your account.

Error 4: Page Errors for Admins

Sometimes page administrators can encounter errors when trying to manage their Facebook pages. Here are some pages issues that only affect page admins:

  • Unable to add or remove page roles – Make sure you are assigned as a page role that allows adding admins or editors.
  • Unable to post content or ads – Your page role may not have posting or advertising privileges enabled.
  • Insights not loading – Try switching browsers or clearing your cache.
  • Messages not sending – Ensure your page has messaging enabled under General Settings.

If switching to an admin role with the right privileges does not resolve the problem, contact Facebook’s help pages for businesses and organizations.

Error 5: Plugin/App Issues

Many Facebook pages use third-party apps and plugins like chat widgets, forms, contests, and more. Errors with apps can cause a range of issues:

  • Missing page content – The app data may fail to load
  • Redirect loops – Authorization errors can create endless redirects
  • Integration failures – Connections with services like MailChimp can break
  • Malware warnings – Compromised apps may get flagged as dangerous

Start troubleshooting app issues by removing any recently installed apps or plugins one by one to see if the problem stops. Also make sure all apps are updated to their latest versions. Reach out to the developer of the app if errors continue.

As a last resort, remove all third party apps from your page if possible until functionality is restored.

Error 6: Restricted Access

In some cases, you may encounter errors that say your page is restricted and you have limited access. This occurs when Facebook has applied restrictions to the page. Reasons this can happen include:

  • Age and country restrictions – Pages can be limited to certain locations or age groups.
  • Violations of Facebook’s terms – If your page has violated Facebook’s rules, access can be restricted.
  • Unapproved or restricted content – Things like alcohol, drugs, or adult content may have restrictions in place.

Review any messages from Facebook about why your page was restricted. If the restricted access was accidental, you can appeal the decision as outlined earlier for suspended accounts.

For legitimate restrictions, you will have to modify the page to comply with the requirements Facebook has set in order to have full access restored.

Error 7: Page Migration Issues

If you are trying to migrate your page from a personal profile to a business account, or vice versa, errors can disrupt the process. Here are some migration issues and fixes:

  • Stuck pending migration – Delete any pending migrations and start fresh
  • Assets like photos not transferring – Reupload assets on new page
  • Merged profiles – You may need to disconnect merged profiles first
  • Name changes – The old URL will break, so update links

Ensure you have admin access on both the old and new versions of the page when migrating. Take your time moving content over to the new page manually if needed to avoid issues.

Error 8: Unpublished Page

If your Facebook page is no longer visible, it may have been accidentally unpublished. To check:

  1. Go to your Facebook page list
  2. Click Edit Page next to the unpublished page
  3. In General settings, make sure Published is selected
  4. Save your changes

This will make your page live again. Double check any recent page activity or settings changes that could have caused the accidental unpublishing.

Error 9: Permissions Errors

Permission errors can occur when trying to tag other pages or share posts from other pages. This happens when the page you want to interact with has restrictions in place for who can tag or share their content.

To fix this, have the admin of the other page adjust their permission settings. Settings to check include:

  • Page tagging abilities
  • Crossposting abilities
  • Page mention abilities

As a workaround, you can screenshot or save the content you want to share instead of directly tagging, embedding, or sharing it.

Error 10: Limit Reached

Facebook limits certain activities like sending messages or making posts to prevent spam. If you get an error that you reached a limit, here are some steps to take:

  1. Slow down your posting schedule and volume
  2. Avoid duplicate posts
  3. Spread out messaging over days/weeks instead of all at once
  4. Avoid restricted content types like selling certain regulated goods

You may need to wait a period of time before your full capabilities are restored after hitting a limit. Add extra controls and oversight like scheduling posts in advance to avoid limit errors going forward.

Further Troubleshooting Tips

Here are some additional tips for troubleshooting Facebook page errors:

  • Check Facebook’s developer forums for technical issues
  • Use Facebook’s debugger tool to identify issues
  • Test pages in multiple browsers and devices
  • Disable or test plugins as noted above
  • Clear your browser cache and cookies
  • Check Facebook’s system status page for any known outages

For errors persisting more than a few days, reach out directly to Facebook’s support team through their help pages. Provide as much detail as possible like screenshots and specific error messages.

Preventing Facebook Page Errors

While even well-managed pages can sometimes encounter technical glitches, there are best practices you can follow to avoid Facebook errors:

  • Stay up-to-date on Facebook’s policies and terms of service
  • Avoid spammy behavior like mass messaging
  • Use quality apps and plugins from trusted developers
  • Manage permissions and restrict account access carefully
  • Monitor page insights for changes or abnormalities
  • Keep page details like addresses updated
  • Secure admin accounts with strong passwords and two-factor authentication

Having proper contingency plans for regaining access or recovering deleted content can also help minimize disruption from any errors. With some diligence and planning, you can largely prevent pesky Facebook page errors.


Facebook page errors can definitely be frustrating, but identifying the issue and applying the right fix is usually achievable. Just remember to thoroughly troubleshoot possible causes, leverage Facebook’s tools and support channels, and follow Facebook’s guidelines and best practices. Patience and persistence will pay off in resolving most page errors.