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How do I fix green screen on Android video?

How do I fix green screen on Android video?

Experiencing a green screen issue when recording or playing videos on your Android device can be frustrating. But don’t worry, there are several things you can try to fix the green screen problem.

What Causes the Green Screen Issue on Android

A green screen, also known as a green cast, is when your Android device shows videos with a greenish tint or overlay. There are a few common causes for this:

  • Software bug or glitch
  • Problem with video codec or encoding
  • Issue with your device’s camera or video processing
  • Incompatibility between your Android version and the video app
  • Damaged or dirty camera lens

So the green screen is usually an issue with how your Android device records, processes, or displays the video – not the video file itself. Troubleshooting the software and hardware can help resolve it.

How to Fix Green Screen Video on Android

Restart Your Device

As with many tech issues, try restarting your Android device first. A simple reboot can clear out minor glitches that are causing the green screen problem. Here are the steps:

  1. Save and close any open apps.
  2. Long press the Power button until the “Power off” prompt appears.
  3. Tap Power off and wait for your phone to fully shut down.
  4. Press and hold the Power button again to turn your device back on.

Test recording a video after the reboot to see if the green screen is fixed. This basic restart can resolve minor software bugs.

Check App and Android Versions

An incompatibility between your video app and Android version could cause the green videos. Make sure you have the latest updates:

  • Update your video recording/editing apps to the newest versions from the Play Store.
  • Check that your Android OS is updated to the latest available version.
  • Update device drivers, graphics drivers, and other system software if updates are available.

Keeping your apps, operating system, and firmware up-to-date prevents compatibility issues that can lead to green screen errors.

Change Video Resolution Settings

Adjusting your Android camera and video settings may help if the green screen only appears at certain resolutions or frame rates. Here are some settings to check:

  • Lower the video resolution, like from 4K to 1080p.
  • Change the aspect ratio, like from 16:9 to 4:3.
  • Lower the frame rate to 30fps or 24fps.
  • Disable HDR video mode if enabled.
  • Switch between different color modes like auto, vibrant, etc.

Changing these camera settings essentially forces your device to process the video differently, which could bypass the issue. Test various combinations to see if one fixes the green screen.

Use a Different Video App

Try recording videos with a different camera or video editing app. A problematic app could be the cause of the green screen. Some alternatives to test include:

  • Open Camera
  • Google Camera
  • Cinema FV-5
  • AZ Screen Recorder

See if the videos record normally in a different app. If so, you can either switch apps or report the issue to the problematic app’s developer.

Factory Reset Your Device

If you’ve tried the above steps and are still seeing a persistent green screen, a more advanced fix is a factory reset:

  1. Backup your Android data first.
  2. Go to Settings > System > Reset options.
  3. Tap Erase all data (factory reset).
  4. Tap Reset phone and confirm.

This will wipe your device back to factory default settings. Only use a factory reset if the simpler steps don’t resolve the issue. Resetting removes the green screen in cases where it’s a system software problem.

Physically Clean Your Camera

A dirty or obstructed rear camera lens could also cause green videos. Carefully clean it with a microfiber cloth and inspect it for damage like cracks. Do not use liquids or press too hard. A damaged or dirty lens prevents light from properly entering the camera, resulting in color issues like a green screen.

When to Get Professional Help

If you still have green screen problems after trying all the above fixes, it may be time to take your device to a repair shop. A hardware defect with the camera or video components could be causing persistent green screens. Repair technicians can troubleshoot hardware issues as well as test components and replace damaged parts. For example, they may:

  • Replace the rear camera module if faulty.
  • Inspect soldering and connections of video components.
  • Test the image processor and graphics chip.
  • Replace damaged flex cables.

Hardware defects require professional repair services to diagnose and fix. Seek help sooner rather than later to avoid further damage to your device.

Preventing Green Screens in the Future

Once you’ve resolved the current green video problem, here are some tips to avoid it recurring:

  • Handle your device carefully to prevent camera/lens damage.
  • Keep the lens clean and don’t obstruct it when recording.
  • Don’t install unstable or beta camera and video apps.
  • Maintain stable software by updating apps, OS, and firmware.
  • Reset settings after major Android OS updates.
  • Don’t change advanced video settings randomly.

With proper device care and software maintenance, you can minimize green screen issues in the future. But if it does happen again, run through these troubleshooting steps to fix it.


Green screen or green cast issues can happen on any Android device but are usually fixable through software tweaks, app changes, and general troubleshooting. Try restarting your device, updating software, adjusting video settings, switching video apps, resetting the phone, and cleaning the camera. For hardware-level problems, take your device to repair professionals. With persistence and patience, you should be able to resolve the green video issue and get back to normal recording and playback.