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How do I fix Facebook to see all my friends posts?

How do I fix Facebook to see all my friends posts?

Seeing all of your friends’ posts on Facebook is key to getting the most out of the social network. However, due to algorithm changes over the years, you may find that posts from some friends rarely show up in your News Feed. There are several things you can try to fix this issue and see more posts from all your connections on Facebook.

Why am I not seeing all my friends’ posts?

There are a few key reasons why you may not be seeing posts from all your Facebook friends in your News Feed:

  • Facebook’s News Feed algorithm – The main reason is that Facebook’s News Feed ranking algorithm controls what you see. It aims to show you the most relevant and interesting posts based on factors like how often you interact with certain friends.
  • You have lots of friends – When you have hundreds of friends, their posts get lost in the shuffle as Facebook chooses highlights.
  • Your friends don’t post much – If some of your connections aren’t actively posting updates, you naturally won’t see posts from them.
  • Unfollowed friends – You may have unfollowed certain people’s posts from your News Feed at some point.
  • Filtered words – Facebook’s profanity filter may be blocking posts with certain words.

Knowing why you aren’t seeing all posts from friends is the first step to fixing the issue.

Adjust News Feed preferences

One of the easiest ways to see more friend posts is to adjust your News Feed preferences. Here are the key options to change:

  • Prioritize who to see first – Go to your News Feed Preferences and choose friends you want to see at the top.
  • Re-follow friends – See if you have unfollowed any friends and re-follow them.
  • Sort by Most Recent – Change your default sort to Most Recent rather than Top Stories.
  • Increase story refresh – Adjust story refresh rate to more frequent than the standard every 15 minutes.

Tweaking these preferences tells Facebook you want to see all friend posts, in timely order. You can access your News Feed prefs via the three-dot More menu at the top.

Interact with posts you want to see more of

Facebook’s algorithm pays attention to your interactions to decide what posts to show you more of. So liking, commenting on, and sharing posts from friends you want to see most will signal to Facebook.

Go through your News Feed and actively engage with updates from friends you want higher in the rankings. Interact with both their new posts and older posts too. This trains the algorithm over time.

Change algorithm priorities

You can further influence what Facebook’s algorithm highlights in your News Feed from settings. Here are key options:

  • Prioritize who to see first – As mentioned, you can select certain friends to see at the top.
  • Favor friends for Feed ranking – Choose for posts from friends to rank higher than pages and groups.
  • Limit public content – Opt to see fewer posts from public figures, pages and groups.

Adjusting these gives more influence to updates specifically from your friends list. You’ll find these settings via the News Feed Preferences menu and dropdowns.

Update friend list

Trimming your friends list can also help ensure you see updates from your closest connections. Go through your full friends list and remove any contacts you want to see less of in your feed.

Also, minimize friend requests from distant acquaintances or strangers. Keep your list tailored to those friends you interact with regularly and want to stay updated on.

Pin important friends to top

Facebook also lets you pin specific friends to the top of your News Feed. Pin up to 30 friends, and you’ll see any of their newest posts first.

To pin friends:

  1. Go to your News Feed.
  2. Tap the More menu (three dots).
  3. Select News Feed Preferences > Prioritize Who to See First.
  4. Tap + Add People to Pin and choose friends.

This ensures posts from these important contacts always appear at the top of your feed above all else.

Create friend lists

Segmenting your friends into lists lets you easily filter what posts you see. You can create lists around topics, groups, locations or interests.

For example, make lists like Close Friends, Family, Coworkers, etc. You can then visit each list directly to focus on those updates.

To make and view lists:

  1. Go to your Friends section.
  2. Open Friends Lists and tap + Create List.
  3. Give the list a name and add friends.
  4. Visit the list page to see only posts from those friends.

Curating lists ensures you see relevant updates from groups you want to keep up with.

Adjust privacy settings

If you find you aren’t seeing posts from certain friends, it may be because of their privacy settings. They may have you assigned to a limited friend list or have posts hid from you.

To get them to adjust settings:

  1. Go to the friend’s profile.
  2. Open the Friends section on their page.
  3. See what friend list you are on and request they add you to a closer one.

Having them move you to a closer list like Close Friends can help expose more of their updates.


Getting Facebook’s feed algorithm to show you all posts from your friends takes some work. Adjust News Feed preferences, interact with posts, organize friends into lists, and update privacy settings between you and friends. Keep these tips in mind to ensure you never miss important updates.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why did Facebook change their algorithm?

Facebook updated their News Feed algorithm over the years to improve relevancy for users out of the billions of possible posts. By narrowing what it shows each person based on preferences and interactions, they aim to save users from scrolling through lots of irrelevant content.

Can I return to Facebook’s original chronological feed?

There is no way to fully revert to a purely reverse chronological feed. Facebook moved away from that to develop its algorithm. You can get closer to a chronological feed by changing your default feed sorting to Most Recent rather than Top Stories.

Does liking posts help you see more from friends?

Yes, liking and commenting on a friend’s posts signals to Facebook’s algorithm that you want to continue seeing updates from that person. More interaction equals more of their posts ranking higher.

How many friends can you have before posts get buried?

Facebook has said that beyond about 150 friends, you begin missing the majority of what gets posted. So at 300+ friends you may notice posts from certain individuals getting lost if you don’t interact with them regularly.

Should I unfriend people I don’t want to see posts from?

Instead of fully unfriending, you can unfollow specific individuals. This keeps you connected but removes their updates from your feed. You can also add friends to Restricted lists to see them less.


– Facebook’s algorithm controls what posts you see based on relevance, not strict chronology.
– Adjust News Feed preferences, interact with posts, organize friends into lists, and update privacy settings.
– Continually train the algorithm by liking and commenting on posts you want to see more of.
– Create friend lists around topics or groups to filter feed by each list.
– Make sure important friends don’t have you hidden from seeing their posts.

Following these tips will help restore your News Feed so you don’t miss must-see updates from all your connections on Facebook. With some effort, you can fix Facebook and regain control over the posts you see daily.