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How do I fix Facebook reach down?

How do I fix Facebook reach down?

If you are experiencing issues with your Facebook reach being lower than usual, there are several troubleshooting steps you can take to try and restore your normal reach. Facebook reach refers to how many people your posts are being shown to in their News Feed. A “reach down” is when that number suddenly drops lower than what you typically see.

What causes Facebook reach to go down?

There are a few common reasons why your Facebook reach may decrease:

  • Facebook algorithm changes – Facebook is constantly tweaking their News Feed algorithm, which controls which posts are shown to users. Changes to the algorithm can cause reach fluctuations.
  • Lower post engagement – If your recent posts are getting less reactions, comments, and shares compared to your typical engagement, that signals to Facebook that people are less interested in your content. As a result, future posts may be shown to fewer people.
  • Increased competition – More businesses and organizations are using Facebook now than ever before. If competitors in your niche have upped their Facebook activity, that can eat into your reach.
  • Sudden audience drop – Problems with your Facebook page itself, such as users unliking your Page, can lower how many people see future posts.
  • Bugs – Occasionally a glitch or technical issue on Facebook’s end can temporarily impact reach.

How to diagnose the cause of a Facebook reach decrease

To get to the root of why your Facebook reach has gone down, you need to diagnose the potential issues. Here are some steps to take:

  1. Check Facebook Insights data – Compare your current reach to the typical reach your Page gets. Look at when the drop off occurred and any changes around that time. Also check engagement on recent posts to see if it has decreased.
  2. Audit your Facebook audience – See if you’ve lost a substantial number of Page likes recently, which would indicate a problem with your Page or audience satisfaction.
  3. Review algorithm updates – Search for any announcements from Facebook about News Feed algorithm changes around the time your reach declined.
  4. Analyze competitors – Look at competitor Facebook activity and reach to see if they may be eating into your potential audience.
  5. Check for technical issues – See if others are reporting Facebook bugs via DownDetector that match your experience.

By examining each of these areas, you should be able to narrow down the reason for your reach decrease and focus troubleshooting accordingly.

How to increase Facebook reach after it goes down

Once you know why your Facebook reach has dropped, you can take targeted steps to try and increase it again. Here are some tips:

If Facebook algorithm changes are to blame:

  • Make posts more engaging – Use interesting images, videos, captions, and content formats that generate reactions and comments from followers.
  • Post more frequently – Additional posts give the algorithm more opportunities to show your content.
  • Go live more – Live videos often get high reach on Facebook. Even short casual livestreams increase your chances of being seen.
  • Advertise – Consider Facebook ads to supplement your unpaid reach, especially right after an algorithm shift.

If lowered engagement hurt your reach:

  • Mix up content formats – Try different post styles like questions, polls, user-generated content, and challenges to prompt more interaction.
  • Analyze competitors – See what types of posts, topics, and formats get engagement in your niche and experiment with those.
  • Feature influencers – Partner with relevant influencers or industry experts to create guest posts or take over your Page for a day.
  • Do giveaways – Giveaway contests and sweepstakes get lots of comments and shares, boosting overall engagement.

If competitors are eating into your reach:

  • Improve content quality – Create more helpful, interesting, educational posts that stand out.
  • Increase posting frequency – Post more often so you stay top of mind with your audience.
  • Interact more – Reply to all comments, send Page chat messages, and engage with your audience to draw them back.
  • Analyze the competition – See exactly what types of content is working well for competitors right now.

If audience drop lowered reach:

  • Run a Page like campaign – Encourage current fans to invite friends to like your Page.
  • Advertise to lookalikes – Target ads at audiences with similar demographics and interests to your current fans.
  • Host a giveaway – Reward current fans for interacting with your Page and build word of mouth to attract their friends.
  • Audit your content – Ensure you aren’t posting anything offensive or alienating that would cause unlikes.

If technical issues are to blame:

  • Wait it out – If Facebook is having widespread problems, reach will likely rebound after they are resolved.
  • Report issues – Use Facebook’s tools to report bugs and problems so they can address them.
  • Contact support – If problems persist for your Page, you may need to open a support ticket with Facebook.
  • Try other platforms – Post more on Instagram or try Facebook advertising if organic reach struggles continue.

How to prevent Facebook reach declines in the future

Being proactive can help minimize the impact of many common Facebook reach issues:

  • Diversify channels – Don’t rely solely on Facebook organic reach. Build audiences on other platforms too.
  • Stay on top of algorithm changes – Watch for announcements from Facebook and adjust your strategy accordingly.
  • Analyze competitors regularly – Keep tabs on what content resonates with your audience niche.
  • Monitor engagement closely – Look for any downward trends early so you can course correct.
  • Reward loyal fans – Use promotions, special offers, and other perks to keep your existing audience engaged.

Avoiding big reach declines takes consistent effort, but pays off in the long run by building a stronger foundation for your Facebook marketing.


A Facebook reach drop can be worrying, but is usually fixable with the right troubleshooting approach. By digging into Insights data, monitoring competitors, brainstorming fresh content ideas, and taking advantage of other platforms and promotions, you can get your reach back on track and minimize future decreases.

The key is staying vigilant about changes that may impact your reach and being proactive about optimizing your Facebook strategy and content. Pay attention to performance trends and experiment regularly with different post formats, topics, and engagement tactics. With consistent effort, you can keep expanding your Facebook reach over time.

Potential Reach Issue Diagnosis Steps Solutions
Facebook algorithm change
  • Check for announcements from Facebook
  • Compare reach before/after changes
  • Make engaging, interactive posts
  • Post more frequently
  • Advertise to supplement reach
Lower engagement
  • Review Insights for engagement drops
  • Compare competitor engagement
  • Experiment with different content formats
  • Do giveaways and contests
  • Feature guest contributors
Increased competition
  • Audit competitors’ content and strategy
  • Check for new players in your niche
  • Step up posting frequency and content quality
  • Closely analyze competitors
  • Increase audience engagement
Audience drop
  • Check Page likes and follower count
  • Review recent content for offense
  • Run a Page like campaign
  • Advertise to lookalikes
  • Host a giveaway contest
Technical issues
  • Check for platform bugs and outages
  • See if others are reporting problems
  • Wait for Facebook to resolve bugs
  • Contact Facebook support
  • Shift efforts to other platforms temporarily