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How do I fix Facebook ads restrictions?

How do I fix Facebook ads restrictions?

It can be frustrating when your Facebook ads account gets restricted or banned. This prevents you from running ads and limits your ability to grow your business on Facebook. The good news is that in most cases, Facebook ad restrictions can be resolved by taking the right steps. Here are some tips on how to get your Facebook ads account back in good standing:

Understand why your account was restricted

The first thing to do is understand why Facebook restricted your ad account in the first place. There are a few main reasons this can happen:

  • Policy violations – Running ads that go against Facebook’s advertising policies, such as promoting prohibited products/services, using misleading claims, etc.
  • Low ad quality – Having many ads disapproved for quality issues like sensational language, spelling errors, etc.
  • Unused accounts – Keeping ad accounts inactive for a prolonged time.
  • Unusual spending – Ramping up ad spend very quickly in a short period.
  • Suspicious payment activity – Issues with the payment information associated with the ad account.

Check any notifications you’ve received from Facebook to identify the specific policy or issue that caused the restriction. This will help guide the fixes you need to make.

Request a review of the restriction

If you believe your account was restricted in error, you can request a review from Facebook. In Ads Manager, find the notification about the restriction and click “Request Review”.

Explain in detail why you think the restriction should be lifted, providing any evidence that supports your case. Don’t just ask for the restriction to be removed – give clear reasons why your account should not have been restricted.

However, keep in mind Facebook rarely overturns restrictions unless there was a mistake on their end. If the restriction was justified, move on to taking corrective actions instead.

Correct any policy violations

If your account was restricted due to policy violations, you need to thoroughly audit your ads and landing pages. Remove any content that violates Facebook’s rules before requesting a review.

Be sure to read Facebook’s advertising policies in detail so you understand what is and isn’t allowed. Pay particular attention to policies around prohibited content, misrepresentation, targeting, etc.

Here are some common violations to look out for:

  • Using images, video or copy that promotes prohibited products and services like weapons, drugs, etc.
  • Making misleading claims about health benefits, weight loss results, income potential, etc.
  • Targeting ads in inappropriate ways based on user attributes like health conditions or ethnicity.
  • Using sensationalized language to create panic, fear or other strong negative emotions.
  • Directing people to pages with low-quality content that doesn’t match ad claims.

Fixing all policy violations will help show Facebook that you understand their rules and are committed to compliance.

Improve ad quality

If your ads were disapproved frequently for quality issues, improving your ad creative, copy and landing pages can help. Here are some tips:

  • Make sure ad images are high resolution and not blurry or distorted.
  • Avoid excessive text – keep copy succinct, relevant and error-free.
  • Write compelling headlines focused on benefits customers want.
  • Ensure landing pages are professional, easy to navigate and mobile-friendly.
  • Provide complete information on products/services without exaggerations.
  • Have a clear call-to-action guiding people to the next step.

Also consider testing new ad formats like carousels or videos to make your ads more engaging. Creating higher quality marketing assets will show Facebook you are committed to improving.

Use ad accounts properly

If inactivity or suspicious account usage triggered the restrictions, be sure to use any ad accounts properly going forward. Here are some tips:

  • Regularly run and monitor ads in your accounts. Don’t let accounts sit unused for extended periods.
  • Build up ad spend gradually over time, rather than drastically increasing budgets overnight.
  • Use the ad accounts you already have rather than continuously creating new ones.
  • Have accurate payment information associated with accounts and keep methods up to date.

Properly managing your accounts shows Facebook you intend to advertise consistently over the long-term.

Appeal the restriction through Facebook’s appeals process

If correcting issues doesn’t lead Facebook to remove restrictions, you can go through the formal appeals process. Here are the steps:

Submit an appeal

In Ads Manager, find the restriction notification and click “Submit Appeal”. Be sure to do this within the time window Facebook provides, usually a few days.

Provide a thorough explanation of why you believe your account was wrongly restricted. Give clear evidence supporting your case and demonstrate the fixes you’ve made.

Wait for a decision

It can take Facebook a few days to a week to review appeals and make a decision. During this time, you won’t be able to run ads from the restricted account. Be patient as Facebook evaluates your case.

Make any required changes

If Facebook denies your appeal, read their response closely to understand why. They may require additional fixes before considering lifting restrictions. Make any changes requested right away.

Request another review

Once you have addressed all necessary changes, submit another review request. Emphasize the new fixes made and improvements implemented. Keep going through this process until the restrictions are removed.

Use a separate ad account in the meantime

As you work through the appeals process, it can help to create a new ad account to run Facebook ads in the meantime. Make sure to follow all policies carefully in the new account.

Link the account to a different payment method and business manager. Gradually build up spend to avoid triggering restrictions again.

This allows you to still advertise on Facebook while getting your original account back in good standing. Just be sure not to make the same mistakes twice.

Bring in a Facebook ads expert

If your own efforts to remove Facebook ad restrictions are unsuccessful, bringing in an expert can help.

There are social media marketing consultants and agencies that specialize in Facebook advertising and compliance issues. They have experience navigating Facebook’s policies, appeals processes, and troubleshooting restrictions.

Consider hiring a Facebook ads expert if:

  • Restrictions remain in place after multiple appeal attempts.
  • You’re unable to diagnose and correct the compliance issues.
  • You keep getting hit with new restrictions after fixes.
  • You want peace of mind that your new ads and campaigns follow best practices.

A qualified expert can audit your accounts, identify any lingering issues, and provide guidance tailored to your situation. This gives you the best shot at successfully regaining access to Facebook advertising.

Prevent future restrictions

Once your Facebook ad account restrictions have been removed, be vigilant about preventing new issues going forward:

  • Frequently review Facebook’s policies and monitor updates.
  • Train any team members on compliance.
  • Have someone audit ads and landing pages for quality and policy issues before running them.
  • Act quickly if you receive any policy violation notices.
  • Pay close attention when rapidly increasing ad budgets.
  • Avoid excessive account creation.
  • Keep payment information up to date.

Staying on top of Facebook’s requirements and keeping a close eye on your accounts will help avoid headaches in the future. Be proactive about compliance.


Having your Facebook ads account restricted can be stressful, but in most cases the issue can be resolved. Take the right steps to understand why the restriction occurred, thoroughly correct any violations, improve ad quality, properly manage accounts, and appeal the decision. Bring in expert help if needed. Stay diligent to prevent new issues going forward. With concerted effort, your Facebook advertising privileges can be reinstated, letting you get back to uninterrupted growth.