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How do I fix a disabled Facebook ad account?

How do I fix a disabled Facebook ad account?

Having a Facebook ad account disabled can be very frustrating and detrimental to your business. Facebook disables ad accounts for various reasons, usually related to policy violations. The most common reasons include:

  • Running ads that don’t follow Facebook’s Advertising Policies
  • Violating Facebook’s Terms of Service
  • Suspicious payment activity
  • Suspicious account activity
  • Creating multiple ad accounts

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to get your ad account reenabled. Here’s what to do if your Facebook ad account has been disabled:

Appeal the Disabled Ad Account

The first thing you should do is appeal Facebook’s decision and request a review of your disabled ad account. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the Business Settings page and click on the ad account that’s been disabled.
  2. Click on the button that says “Request Review.”
  3. Select the reason your account was disabled from the dropdown menu.
  4. Write an explanation of why you think your account should not have been disabled.
  5. Click submit.

Facebook reviews appeals and typically responds within 24 hours. Make sure your appeal is thoughtful and addresses any policy violations. Providing as much detail as possible will increase your chances of success.

Review and Correct Any Policy Violations

Carefully review Facebook’s Advertising Policies and ensure your ads and ad account are fully compliant. Identify any areas where you may have unknowingly violated policies. Common violations include:

  • Using improper targeting
  • Using misleading or inaccurate ad copy
  • Running banned products or services
  • Using unauthorized images or content

Correct any issues and document the changes to illustrate your commitment to following proper policies going forward.

Strengthen Posting Practices

Take time to improve your overall posting practices by:

  • Establishing protocols for ad approval
  • Training staff on policy compliance
  • Adding management oversight
  • Improving document retention

Solid posting practices ensure mistakes are caught early and make it easier to remain in compliance.

Verify Your Business Information

Facebook needs real, accurate information about your business. Confirm your business name, contact info, website URL, and industry are properly identified in your ad account, Page, and Business Manager.

Full verification helps prove legitimacy and trustworthiness. Submit any requested documentation needed to verify your account details.

Remove Any Fake or Duplicate Accounts

Duplicate, fake, or unauthorized ad accounts are against Facebook’s policies. Carefully inspect all accounts connected to your Business Manager and remove any that are fake, duplicate, unauthorized, inactive, or unrecognized.

Consolidating down to one or two legitimate ad accounts that you actively use and control improves integrity.

Check Payments and Billing

Payment and billing issues can also trigger ad account disables. Go through your payment history and billing setup to spot any discrepancies:

  • Were charges made without your knowledge?
  • Have amounts billed aligned with your spending?
  • Did payments fail due to expired/insufficient funds?

Resolve any outstanding payments. Confirm your payment method is valid and your account has sufficient funds to cover your advertising activity.

Limit Ad Account Access

Ad accounts should only be accessed by authorized, trained personnel. Audit your account access and remove any unfamiliar or suspicious users.

Reset permissions to limit social media manager, agency, contractor, or employee access as necessary. Restricting access prevents unauthorized account activity.

Communicate with Your Account Rep

If you have an assigned Facebook account representative, communicate your situation to them. Ask if they have any insight into why your account was disabled. See if they can expedite review of your appeal.

Account reps have closer relationships with Facebook’s internal teams. Their involvement can help move the process along.

Wait for Facebook’s Response

After submitting your appeal and implementing corrective actions, wait for Facebook to complete its review. The process typically takes 24-72 hours, though complicated cases may take longer.

Avoid submitting multiple appeals, as this can slow response time. Patience is required when dealing with Facebook ad account disables.

Request a New Ad Account

If your appeal is ultimately rejected and your account remains disabled, you may need to open a new ad account. Use a different payment method and business information to reduce chances of re-disable.

Only qualified admins should manage the new account. Follow all policies diligently going forward to maintain good standing.


Having an ad account disabled can be stressful and impact your marketing efforts. Appeal the decision, correct any policy violations, and strengthen your overall compliance to get reenabled. With proper protocols in place, you can avoid Facebook ad disables in the future. Be patient as Facebook completes its review – persistence and diligence will pay off.


Why would Facebook disable my ad account?

The most common reasons Facebook disables ad accounts include:

  • Policy violations
  • Prohibited content
  • Inauthentic behavior
  • Misleading information
  • Suspicious payments
  • Duplicate accounts

How long does it take Facebook to re-enable a disabled ad account?

It typically takes 24-72 hours for Facebook to review a disabled ad account appeal and make a decision on whether to re-enable it. More complex cases can take longer. Avoid submitting multiple appeals as this may slow the process.

Can I get a refund for ad spend if my account gets disabled?

If your ad account gets disabled, your ad spend won’t automatically be refunded. You can request a refund by contacting Facebook’s support team. However, refunds are not guaranteed if your account was disabled due to policy violations.

Should I create a new ad account if my current one is disabled?

Only create a new ad account if your appeal gets rejected and your current account remains disabled. Use new business info and payment methods when setting it up. Manage the account carefully to avoid another disable.

What steps can I take to prevent my Facebook ad account from getting disabled?

To avoid disables:

  • Closely follow all Facebook policies
  • Properly verify your business
  • Remove any duplicate/fake accounts
  • Carefully review targeting, creatives, and copy
  • Establish protocols for compliance
  • Limit ad account access to authorized users

Key Takeaways

– Appeal disabled ad accounts and correct any policy violations to get re-enabled. Be thoughtful and provide details in your appeal.

– Strengthen posting practices with training, oversight, and compliance protocols to avoid future disables.

– Verify your business information and consolidate down to one or two legitimate ad accounts.

– Check payment history for any discrepancies and resolve outstanding billing issues.

– Communicate with your Facebook rep if you have one to expedite review.

– Wait patiently as Facebook reviews your appeal and avoids submitting multiple requests.

– Create new ad accounts cautiously if your appeal gets definitively rejected. Follow all policies closely.

Table summarizing key steps

Step Action
1 Appeal disabled ad account
2 Review and correct policy violations
3 Strengthen posting practices
4 Verify business information
5 Remove fake/duplicate accounts
6 Check payment history
7 Limit ad account access
8 Communicate with Facebook rep
9 Wait for Facebook’s response
10 Request new ad account if appeal fails