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How do I find the email address of a Facebook username?

How do I find the email address of a Facebook username?

Finding the email address linked to a Facebook username can be useful for reaching out to people you’ve connected with on Facebook. However, for privacy reasons, Facebook does not make user email addresses publicly available. While there is no direct way to look up the email address for a Facebook username, there are a few methods you can try to discover it.

Searching Within Facebook

If you are friends with the person on Facebook, the easiest way to find their email address is to look within Facebook itself. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to their Facebook profile page
  2. Click on the “About” tab
  3. If the user has added an email address to their public profile info, you will see it listed here

However, most users choose not to display their email publicly. If the email field is blank, you will need to try other methods.

Checking Common Email Addresses

If you know the person’s full name, you can try guessing their most likely email address combinations. Most email addresses include some or all of a person’s real name. Here are some formats to try:

  • firstname.lastname@
  • firstnamelastname@
  • firstname_lastname@
  • f.lastname@

You can test common email providers like Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, etc. This method works best if the person has a more unique name.

Searching Social Media

Check the person’s other social media profiles like Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. Often times, the email address provided on one social network will match the same domain used on their other profiles. For example, if their Twitter handle is @jsmith85, their email may be [email protected].

Contacting Mutual Connections

If you and the person have common friends or connections, reach out to ask them if they have the email address. This is the most direct way short of asking the person themselves.

Here are some polite ways to ask your mutual connection for the email address:

  • “Hey Jane, I noticed you’re also friends with Bob Smith. I’m trying to reach out to Bob but can’t seem to find his email address. Do you happen to have it or could share it with me?”
  • “Hi John! I’m looking to get in touch with Alex regarding a potential project we might collaborate on. We have some mutual friends so I thought I’d ask – any chance you have her email address to share with me?”

Tools and Websites

There are some websites and tools that collect public data to find email addresses linked to names. However, the accuracy can vary and some may have limited capability to match Facebook usernames. Some options to explore include:

  • Hunter – Searches web pages, public databases, social networks and more to find email addresses
  • RocketReach – Chrome extension that searches LinkedIn for shared connections to a person and their email
  • VoilaNorbert – Finds email addresses based on name and company
  • Anymail Finder – Large database of email addresses searchable by name

These tools may be able to match a Facebook username to a name and then search for associated email addresses. However, accuracy can be hit or miss.

Asking Directly

If you have the ability to interact with the person on Facebook, you can always politely ask them for their email address directly. This is the most straightforward approach. Simply send them a Facebook message or post on their Timeline saying something like:

“Hi [name], I tried finding your email address so I could contact you offline but wasn’t able to locate it. Would you mind sharing your email with me so I can get in touch?”

This honest and transparent approach is your best bet if the person is someone you know and trust. For strangers, it may seem overly intrusive.

Legal and Ethical Concerns

It’s important to keep in mind legal and ethical concerns when trying to find someone’s personal information like an email address without consent:

  • Avoid hacking, cracking, or using malware to access private data
  • Don’t engage in social engineering tricks or manipulation
  • Only use public-facing data sources
  • If the person declines to share their email, respect their decision

Also consider if having the email address is truly necessary. If you can reach out over Facebook Messenger or another channel, contact them that way instead.

When Email Addresses Change

Even if you obtain a person’s email address, it’s important to note that email addresses can change over time. If your emails start bouncing, the address you have may be outdated. If this happens, you’ll likely need to repeat the discovery process to find their new email address.

Here are some signs that an email address is no longer active:

  • Email bounces back or is returned as “undeliverable”
  • No reply after a reasonable time period
  • The email fills up and cannot receive new messages

If the emails go through but are ignored, either the person is not responding or the address is an old one they no longer check. In either case, you’ll need to get updated contact information if you want to effectively reach them.

When Facebook Accounts Are Deactivated

If the Facebook account no longer exists or has been deactivated, the associated email address essentially becomes unreachable. Unless you can obtain the new email address they are using elsewhere, you will not be able to contact them by email.

Here are some signs that a Facebook account has been deactivated:

  • Profile page says “Sorry, this content isn’t available right now”
  • Can’t find profile through search
  • Posts and timeline no longer visible

In this case, your only options are trying to contact the person on another social network or obtaining their updated email address from a mutual connection.

Privacy Concerns

It’s important to keep privacy in mind when seeking out someone’s nonpublic contact information like a personal email address. Here are some key factors to consider:

  • Consent – Whenever possible, obtain the person’s direct consent before collecting their personal data.
  • Transparency – Explain clearly how any data collected will be used.
  • Minimal data – Only gather direct contact details needed for communicating.
  • Data protection – Store email addresses securely and never sell/share them.
  • Legal compliance – Abide by all applicable data protection and privacy laws.

Refraining from sharing an individual’s contact data without permission is not only ethical but also protects your legal interests.

When Email is Not the Best Option

Finally, bear in mind that email may not always be the best or only way to contact someone. Consider these alternatives to finding an email address:

  • Social media – Message them directly over Facebook Messenger, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.
  • Phone call – If you have their phone number, call them directly.
  • In person – Try to meet up face-to-face if possible.

The best method depends on the type of relationship and communication needed. Avoid over-relying on email as the single channel. Use a mix of digital communication options tailored to the specific context.


While there is no direct method to look up the private email address linked to someone’s Facebook profile, there are several potential techniques you can try. Your likelihood of success depends on how much additional public information is available on the person, as well as your willingness to transparently ask them for their contact details directly. However, always practice caution to avoid overstepping privacy boundaries. With persistence and discretion, you may be able to discover the email address of that hard-to-reach Facebook connection.