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How do I find the ad account ID?

How do I find the ad account ID?

Finding your ad account ID is an important first step to managing your ads in Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and Audience Network. Your ad account ID uniquely identifies your ad account and is needed to make API calls, use Facebook Business Manager, and integrate third-party tools with your ad account.

Why do you need the ad account ID?

Here are some of the main reasons you’ll need your ad account ID:

  • To set up Business Manager – Business Manager lets you manage multiple ad accounts from one place. To link your ad accounts to Business Manager, you’ll need the ad account ID.
  • To use the Ads API – The Marketing API provides programmatic access to create and manage ads. The ad account ID is required to authenticate and interact with the API.
  • For app integrations – Many third-party applications require the ad account ID in order to sync with your ads data and provide additional analytics and optimization features.
  • To share account access – You can grant other users access to your ad accounts by adding their Business Manager accounts. This requires the ad account ID.
  • For account lookups – Facebook’s support team may ask for your ad account ID to investigate issues and verify account ownership.

In short, the ad account ID serves as the unique identifier for your account in Facebook’s systems. It’s like a license plate number for your ad account.

Where to find your ad account ID

Your ad account ID can be found in several places in Facebook Ads Manager and Business Manager:

In Ads Manager

  • Go to the Business Manager overview page in Ads Manager and look for the 9-digit number next to the account name.
  • Click into the account itself. The ad account ID will be shown at the top.
  • In the account navigation menu, click Settings. The Overview tab will display the ad account ID.

In Business Manager

  • Go to Business Settings > Accounts. Click on an ad account and you’ll see the ID listed.
  • Hover over an ad account on the All Accounts page. The tooltip will show the ID.

So in summary, you can either view the ad account overview page or access account settings to quickly find the ID.

What does the ad account ID look like?

Facebook ad account IDs are 9-digit numbers, for example:


The number is unique to that ad account. Accounts you own for different businesses will have different IDs. The ID will not change and stays the same even if you change the account name.

What if you have multiple ad accounts?

It’s common for businesses to have multiple ad accounts, for example for different clients or brands. Each account will have its own unique 9-digit ID.

Using Business Manager makes it easy to manage multiple ad accounts. You can view all your account IDs in one place from the Business Settings > Accounts page.

If you ever need to look up the ID for a specific account, just click into that account in Business Manager and you’ll see the ID at the top.

Can you change the ad account ID?

No, the ad account ID cannot be changed or modified in any way. It’s a system-generated unique identifier assigned to your account.

Even if you change the name of your ad account, merge accounts, or transfer ownership, the underlying ID remains the same.

What if you can’t access the ad account?

If for some reason you can’t directly access the ad account to get the ID, here are some options:

  • Check emails from Facebook – The ad account ID may be included in notification emails from Facebook.
  • Ask someone with account access – Have another admin user check in Business Manager.
  • Contact Facebook support – Explain the issue and they may be able to look up the ID.
  • Look up connected apps – If you’ve connected any apps to the ad account previously, you may be able to look up the ID there.

As a last resort, you can request to take over an account you don’t have access to. Submitting the ad account ID helps Facebook confirm you are the legitimate owner.

Can you find the ID on a Facebook page?

No, the ad account ID is not shown directly on your Facebook Page profile or settings. The Page and ad account are separate entities.

You can only find the ad account ID from within Ads Manager or Business Manager, where your ad accounts are managed.

Next steps

Once you have found your ad account ID, here are some tips on what to do next:

  • Add it to your records – Save the ID so you can easily find it again.
  • Link to Business Manager – Connect your ad accounts to Business Manager for central management.
  • Check account security – Make sure you use strong passwords and two-factor authentication.
  • Grant account access – Give other team members access via Business Manager as needed.
  • Configure connected apps – Safely connect any third-party apps using the ad account ID.
  • Create API access – Enable the Marketing API and generate a access token to manage ads programmatically.

Frequently asked questions

Why is my Facebook ad account ID disabled?

If your ad account ID is disabled, it means your account has been deactivated by Facebook due to policy violations or payment issues. You’ll need to resolve any outstanding problems before the account can be re-enabled.

Can I merge multiple ad accounts into one ID?

Unfortunately account IDs cannot be merged. However, you can link multiple ad accounts to the same Business Manager for unified management. Add each account using its unique ID.

What if I forget my Facebook ad account ID?

Don’t worry, you can always find the ad account ID again in Ads Manager or Business Manager. If you can’t access the account, work with someone else who has access or contact Facebook support.

Can I transfer my ad account ID to another business?

Yes, ad accounts can be transferred to another Facebook Business Manager account. This allows businesses to buy and sell ad accounts while retaining the same ID.


Knowing how to find your Facebook ad account ID is important for managing your ads. You can view the unchanging 9-digit account ID from within Ads Manager or Business Manager. This ID uniquely identifies your account and enables you to grant access, connect to tools, use the Ads API, and more. With your ad account ID in hand, you can now put it to use in optimizing, managing, and monitoring your Facebook ad results.