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How do I find someone on Facebook by name and location?

How do I find someone on Facebook by name and location?

Facebook has over 2 billion active users worldwide, making it one of the best places to find people online. With Facebook’s powerful search tools, you can find friends, family, classmates, coworkers, and more based on their name and location. Here are some tips on how to find someone on Facebook when you know their name and general area.

Search by Name

The easiest way to find someone on Facebook is to simply search for their name. Here’s how:

  1. Go to and log into your account.
  2. Click on the search bar at the top of the page.
  3. Type in the full name of the person you are looking for.
  4. Press Enter or click the magnifying glass icon to search.

This will bring up a list of people who match that name. If you don’t see the person in the results, try searching for a variation of their name or nickname. You can also filter the results by location or mutual friends if you have an idea of where they live or who else they might know on Facebook.

Search by Name and Location

If searching the name alone returns too many results, you can narrow it down by city or state:

  1. Follow the steps above to search for their name.
  2. When the results come up, click “Filters” at the top.
  3. Select “Cities” or “States”.
  4. Start typing in the city or state where you believe they live.
  5. Select the location when it pops up.

This filters the results to show only people who list that city or state in their profile. You can also filter by mutual friends, school, or workplace if you have an idea of how you might be connected on Facebook.

Search by Email or Phone Number

If you can’t find someone by name, another option is to search by email address or phone number. Here’s how to search by email:

  1. Go to Facebook and click on the down arrow in the search bar.
  2. Select “Email” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Type in the email address and click Search.

To search by phone number:

  1. Follow the steps above but select “Phone” from the dropdown.
  2. Enter the phone number including area code.
  3. Click Search.

This works best if the email or phone number is listed in the person’s Facebook profile. If not, it may not return any results.

Search Public Profiles and Groups

Another way to find people is to browse through Facebook public profiles and groups:

  • Search for public figures, businesses, restaurants, etc. that the person has likely interacted with.
  • Go through public groups related to the person’s interests or affiliations.
  • See if they are listed among the followers/fans or group members.

This method takes more time but can help uncover profiles that may not come up in a name search. Focus on public pages and groups closely related to the person to increase your chances of finding them.

See Who Mutual Friends Follow

If you have mutual friends on Facebook, you may be able to find the person by browsing their friend list:

  1. Go to the profile of a mutual friend.
  2. Click Friends in the left sidebar to see their friend list.
  3. Browse through their list of friends and followers.
  4. See if the person you’re searching for appears.

This works best when you have multiple mutual friends. Look for people you don’t know who appear on all of their friends lists – good chance it’s the person you’re looking for.

Use Facebook Search Operator Commands

Facebook has search operators you can use to refine name searches. Here are some useful operators:

  • “FirstName LastName” – Search for exact name order.
  • FirstName & LastName – Search for names with this combination.
  • FirstName LastName School – Also search by school.
  • FirstName LastName City, State – Add location filters.

Put terms in quotes for an exact match. Use AND/OR between terms. Add additional info like schools, employers, cities, or states to narrow it down. Test different operator combinations until you get the best results.

Check Other Social Networks

If your search comes up empty, look for the person on other social networks like Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Snapchat. Once you find their account somewhere else, see if it links to a matching Facebook profile.

People often use the same profile photo across platforms so you can match up the images. If you still can’t find their Facebook, try reaching out to them directly on the platform where you did find them.

Send a Friend Request

If you manage to find the person’s Facebook profile through searching, don’t forget to send them a friend request!

  1. Go to their profile.
  2. Click Add Friend next to their profile photo.
  3. This sends them a friend request notification.
  4. Once they accept, you will be connected on Facebook.

Make sure to customize the friend request message with a note reminding them who you are or how you may be connected.

Use Facebook’s Find Friends Feature

Facebook has a dedicated Find Friends tool to help you locate people you know:

  1. Go to your Facebook homepage.
  2. Open the Find Friends menu at the top.
  3. Here you can search contacts, connect your email, or find classmates/coworkers.
  4. Connect any other accounts like Instagram or contacts.
  5. Facebook will search for matches.

The more information you provide, the better chance Facebook can find friends by matching data points like contacts, workplaces, schools, etc. This helps surface connections you may have forgotten about.

Check Suggested and People You May Know

Facebook uses your existing connections, info, and activity to suggest new friends. Check these areas:

  • Go to your profile and click “Friends”
  • Open “Suggestions” and “People You May Know”
  • Browse the lists to see if the person appears.

Facebook’s algorithms work in the background to identify people you likely know based on many signals. If the person is already on Facebook, they may surface in one of these sections.

Use Facebook Search Tools

Take advantage of Facebook’s advanced search tools and filters to aid your search:

Search Tool How It Helps
Name Search Find people by typing in their names.
Filters Narrow results by location, age, interests, etc.
Mutual Friends See if you share any mutual connections.
Public Profiles Look for them on public Pages and Groups.
Friend Lists Browse friends lists of mutual connections.
Search Operators Use commands like quotes and AND/OR.
Find Friends Match contacts and identify connections.
Suggestions Check Facebook’s recommended profiles.

Combining multiple search tools and approaches will help cover all bases to track down the person’s profile.

Try Facebook Search Sites

If you hit a wall in your search, specialized Facebook search sites may be able to help track down the person’s profile:

  • Social Searcher – Finds profiles by name, school, company, and location.
  • IntelTechniques – Uses data points like email and phone number.
  • Facebook Search Engine – Searches FB profiles, pages, groups, and more.

These sites use advanced techniques and databases to uncover Facebook profiles beyond what you can access directly on the platform. Use them as a last resort when you have the right name but their profile isn’t coming up.

Get Help From Friends

Reach out to mutual connections for help finding the person’s profile:

  • Ask if they are friends with the person on Facebook.
  • Have them send a profile link or screenshots if connected.
  • See if the person comes up in their Search or Suggested Friends.

Friends may already be connected or have easier access to the profile you can’t locate. Leverage your network to aid the search from different angles.

Don’t Have an Account Yet?

If you don’t have a Facebook account, you will need to sign up to search for people and send friend requests. Here’s how to create an account:

  1. Go to
  2. Click Create New Account.
  3. Enter your name, email/phone number, password.
  4. Confirm your information is correct.
  5. Click Sign Up.

You can use your regular personal email or phone number to set up your account. Just be sure to verify it when Facebook sends a confirmation code.

Can’t Find Them? Send a Message

If all else fails, most Facebook profiles have a Message button you can use to contact them directly:

  1. Go to their profile.
  2. Click the Message button next to their name.
  3. Type out your message in the chat box.
  4. Hit enter to send it.

Let them know who you are and how you came across their profile. Ask to connect directly if you still can’t find the right account after exhaustive searching. The direct approach is sometimes the only way to make contact.

Respect Privacy Settings

When trying to find someone on Facebook, respect their privacy settings:

  • Don’t send excessive friend requests if they ignore the first one.
  • Don’t contact their friends and family without permission.
  • Don’t continuously search their name if their profile is private.

If someone has limited public info or is unsearchable, move on respectfully. Harassing or stalking behaviors could get you banned from Facebook.

Use Your Connections

Leverage your existing network as much as possible when searching for someone:

  • Check friend lists of mutual connections.
  • Browse followers of their known businesses/groups.
  • See if they’re in any alumni/industry groups you’re in.
  • Ask mutual friends for help finding them.

You’re much more likely to find them by tapping into shared connections versus cold searches. Maximize your existing network first.

Follow Up Regularly

Don’t give up after one failed search. Follow up periodically with new approaches:

  • Check back every month for new friend suggestions.
  • Look for newly joined groups/pages related to their interests.
  • Monitor custom friend lists of mutuals in case they appear.
  • Ask mutual friends to keep you updated if they find them.

Persistence and varied tactics are key to finding someone on Facebook over time. Check in regularly as their activity and your connections grow.

Don’t Stop at Facebook

Expand your search beyond Facebook to other social networks:

  • Search their name on Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.
  • Check professional sites like alumni databases and company directories.
  • Look for contact info on community forums or listings.
  • Google their name for any relevant social profiles.

Cast a wide net across all major platforms, forums, databases, and search engines to uncover as much contact information as possible for the person.

Use Google Search Operators

Google search operators allow you to refine searches for social media profiles:

  •”John Smith” – Search Facebook only.
  •”John Smith” – Search LinkedIn only.
  • intitle:”John Smith” – Find pages with name in title.
  • inurl:john-smith – Find pages with name in URL.

Search Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram etc. individually using site:. Target pages with their name in the title and URL. This surfaces relevant social profiles.

Don’t Give Up!

Finding someone on Facebook takes patience and creativity:

  • Try all search options – name, location, school, email, etc.
  • Use filters to narrow each search attempt.
  • Check back regularly for new suggestions.
  • Reach out directly if you can’t find their profile.

Stay persistent and don’t get discouraged if they don’t appear right away. With the right mix of tools and tenacity, you can eventually track down almost anyone on Facebook.


Finding someone on Facebook simply by name and location can be tricky, but is possible using the platform’s search tools, mutual connections, groups, targeted search operators, and a bit of creativity. Tap into all possible sources – Facebook, Google, other social networks, and mutual contacts – to increase your chances of tracking down their profile. And don’t forget to send a friend request or message once you do locate them! With persistence and the right search methods, you can find almost anyone on the world’s largest social network.