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How do I find posts I’ve liked?

How do I find posts I’ve liked?

Finding posts you’ve liked on social media can be tricky, especially if you’re active and have liked a lot of content. Thankfully, most major social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn have ways to see all of the posts you’ve liked in the past. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk through how to find liked posts on all of the top social networks.


Facebook has a few different ways to find posts you’ve liked in the past. Here are the main methods:

  • On your profile page, go to the “Activity Log” section and select “Likes.” This will show you a feed of all the Pages, posts, photos, etc. that you’ve liked recently.
  • In the left sidebar, go to “Pages” and select “Liked.” This section shows all the Facebook Pages you’ve ever liked.
  • Type “Pages I’ve liked” in the Facebook search bar. This will bring up auto-complete suggestions for Pages you’ve liked.
  • Install the “Social Book Post Manager” Chrome extension. This lets you see all your past likes, comments, and shares in an easy feed.

You can also search for specific posts you’ve liked in the past. Just go to Facebook search and search for keywords, phrases or names of pages to find relevant liked posts.

How to find old Facebook likes

Finding old likes from years ago on Facebook takes a few extra steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook Activity Log.
  2. In the filters at the top, select “Likes” and choose the date range you want to search (ex: Posts Liked in 2015).
  3. Scroll down to load more of your old liked posts.
  4. Use search filters like text keywords or Page names to narrow it down.

With over 2.9 billion monthly active users, Facebook is the largest social network worldwide. So it’s common for heavy Facebook users to have thousands of liked posts in their history. Using the Activity Log and filters makes finding your old likes manageable.


Instagram also stores all of your liked posts for you to look back on. Here’s how to see your liked Instagram posts:

  1. Go to your profile and tap the three horizontal lines in the top right corner.
  2. Select “Posts you’ve liked.”
  3. Scroll down to see your full history of liked posts.

This feed shows posts you’ve liked on Instagram in reverse chronological order. To search for specific liked posts:

  • Tap the search bar at the top of your liked posts feed.
  • Search for keywords, usernames, or names of places related to your liked photo or video.

Finding old Instagram likes

If you want to find likes from years ago on Instagram:

  1. Go to your liked posts feed.
  2. Tap the calendar icon in the top left corner.
  3. Choose a year and month time period to view your past likes.

Instagram currently has over 1 billion monthly active users. So for heavy Instagram users, scrolling down your full liked posts feed can take some patience to resurface years-old likes. Using the search filters helps narrow it down.


Twitter also tracks all of your liked tweets. To see your past liked tweets:

  1. Go to your Twitter profile.
  2. Tap “Tweets & replies” in the top navigation bar.
  3. Select “Liked Tweets” to see your full history of liked tweets.

Twitter displays your liked tweets in reverse chronological order on this feed. You can search for specific past likes using keywords, usernames, or tweet text.

Twitter currently has about 237 million daily active users. So even extremely active Twitter users are unlikely to have a liked tweets history going back as far as other social networks.

Finding old Twitter likes

To see your old liked tweets from past years on Twitter:

  1. Go to your Liked Tweets feed.
  2. Click the calendar icon at the top.
  3. Select a year and month to view your past likes.

Twitter only stores your last 3,200 likes. So if you’re a power Twitter liker, your old likes beyond that limit will no longer be available in your liked history.


LinkedIn also tracks the posts, articles, and content you’ve liked in the past. Here’s how to find your liked LinkedIn posts:

  1. Go to your LinkedIn profile.
  2. Click “See all activity” under your profile photo.
  3. Select “Likes” to see all your liked posts.

LinkedIn displays your recently liked content first. To find old likes, use the search bar to search for keywords or names of people and pages you’ve liked.

With over 740 million members, LinkedIn is the largest professional social network. But since most people don’t interact heavily on LinkedIn daily, your liked post history likely goes back much farther compared to other social platforms.

Finding old LinkedIn likes

To surface older liked posts on LinkedIn from previous years:

  1. Go to your LinkedIn activity feed.
  2. Click the filter icon next to “Likes.”
  3. Select a date range filter like “2020” or “Last 5 years.”

Applying date filters is the best way to narrow down your old LinkedIn likes. You can also combine it with keyword search terms to pinpoint specific liked posts.

Other Social Networks

Some other social platforms also let you view your full history of liked posts and content:

  • YouTube – Go to “Liked videos” under your account menu to see everything you’ve ever liked.
  • Pinterest – Go to your profile and select “Likes” to see pins you’ve liked.
  • Reddit – Visit your profile and go to the “Liked” tab to find liked posts.
  • Tumblr – Go to your blog and click “Likes” to see all your liked posts.

The methods will vary by platform, but most social networks store your liking activity somewhere in your profile or account menu. The key is knowing where to find it.

Browser Extensions that Track Likes

Using browser extensions is another great way to easily track all of your liked social media posts in one place. Here are some top options:

Social Book Post Manager

This Chrome extension lets you:

  • See all your likes, comments, and shares from Facebook in one feed.
  • Easily search through your history and sort by post type.
  • Bookmark favorite posts to save for later.

Stinkeez Bookmark Archiver

With Stinkeez, you can:

  • Save links to all your liked posts from Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, and more.
  • Sync your data across browsers and devices.
  • Tag posts and add notes for easy searching.

Link Keeper

Link Keeper lets you:

  • Save links to liked social media posts.
  • Organize your likes into different collections.
  • Tag links for easier filtering.
  • View your full like history in one dashboard.

These extensions provide an easy way to track your likes across different social platforms without having to dig through each account.


Finding your old liked social media posts can take some work, but every major platform provides a way to look back on your full history of likes. The key is using tools like search filters, date ranges, and browser extensions to manage large amounts of liking activity.

So the next time you want to find an old post you liked or just reminisce on your previous social media activity, you’ll know exactly where to look on each platform. No more scrolling endlessly through your main feeds hoping to stumble upon that one post from years ago.

Likes are meaningful interactions that can bring back memories or inspire you years later. Hopefully this guide has provided some helpful tricks to uncover your social media like history across Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and beyond!

Here are some of the key takeaways:

  • Use Facebook’s Activity Log and date filters to find liked posts.
  • Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn have dedicated “Liked posts” feeds.
  • Apply date filters on each platform to surface older likes.
  • Search keywords, users, pages, etc. to find specific liked posts.
  • Browser extensions like Social Book Post Manager help track likes.

Never lose one of your favorite liked social media posts again! With the right tools, your like history is always within reach.