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How do I find out when I joined a Facebook group?

How do I find out when I joined a Facebook group?

Finding out when you joined a Facebook group can be useful for a variety of reasons. Perhaps you want to know how long you’ve been a member of your favorite group, or maybe you simply can’t remember when you joined a particular community. Fortunately, Facebook makes it easy to find the join date for any group you are a member of.

In this article, we’ll walk through the simple steps to determine your Facebook group join dates using Facebook’s website on a computer. We’ll also provide some tips for tracking your group memberships and discuss why you may want to note your Facebook group join dates.

How to Check When You Joined a Facebook Group on

Checking your join date for a Facebook group via the Facebook website is straightforward. Just follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to the Group’s Page

Pull up the group whose join date you want to find. You can access it either by:

– Clicking on the group name if you see it listed on your homepage or sidebar.

– Clicking on “Groups” in the left sidebar and selecting the group from your list of joined groups.

– Searching for the group name at the top of Facebook and clicking on it in the results.

Step 2: Click on the Member Badge

Once you are on the group’s page, you should see a section towards the top right that says “Member” along with the total number of members in the group. Click on the blue “Member” badge.

Step 3: Check the Join Date

This will open a pop-up with some information about your membership in this group. At the bottom of the pop-up, you’ll find the date you joined listed under “Joined on.” That’s the date you’ve been looking for!

It will appear in a format like “Joined on March 1, 2020.” Now you know exactly when you became a part of that Facebook group community.

How to See Your Facebook Group Memberships by Join Date

In addition to checking join dates one group at a time, you can view a list of all your group memberships sorted by the original join date.

Here’s how:

Step 1: Click “Groups” in the Sidebar

On, click on “Groups” in the left sidebar. This will bring up a page listing all the groups you’ve joined.

Step 2: Click “Joined”

At the top of your groups page, you’ll see several tabs. Click on the “Joined” tab. This will display only the groups you are currently a member of.

Step 3: Select “Joined” Filter

On the right side you’ll see a “Sort” box. Click on it and select “Joined” from the dropdown menu.

Your groups will now be arranged chronologically based on the original date you joined each one, from the earliest membership to the most recent.

Scanning through this list can jog your memory about when you became active in different Facebook communities and interests.

Why Track Your Facebook Group Join Dates?

Knowing when you joined a particular Facebook group may come in handy for a few reasons:

Monitor Your Membership Anniversaries

Seeing your join dates allows you to keep track of membership milestones and anniversaries in groups that are important to you.

Maybe you’ll want to post something special on the one year mark of becoming an active member in a beloved group. Checking your join date makes it easy.

Review Your Facebook History and Nostalgia

Glancing through your group join dates in order can spark nostalgia and help you reflect on your Facebook history.

You may be surprised how early you became involved in certain hobbies or interests without realizing it. Or you may enjoy remembering what groups were significant to you during different life phases.

Reference For Group Posts and Interactions

If you ever need to refer back to previous posts, comments, or interactions within a group, knowing your join date gives context for when you were active there.

Any posts or discussions you were involved in obviously happened after your join date, so that provides a timeline.

Identify Inactive Group Memberships

By checking when you joined groups, you can also identify memberships that may now be inactive.

If you notice you’ve belonged to a group for years without engaging, you may want to leave the group to tidy up your membership list. Knowing join dates helps with this cleanup.

Tips for Tracking Your Facebook Group Memberships

Here are some suggestions to keep better track of your Facebook group activity and join dates going forward:

Add Important Join Dates to Your Calendar

For any groups you are highly involved with or fond of, take the extra step of recording your official join date in your calendar or planner. Include a note about which group it signifies.

Refer back to these dates later for membership milestones or when reminiscing. Having them on your calendar guarantees you won’t forget.

Use Facebook Group Folders

If you belong to many Facebook groups, organize them into custom folders or lists. This makes it easier to navigate your memberships.

You can access folders by the “Groups” link in the left sidebar and create new folders using the “Create List” option.

Leave Groups You No Longer Want to Belong To

Don’t remain part of Facebook groups you never check or interact with. Leaving outdated groups you’re just clinging onto for nostalgia declutters your membership list.

Use the join dates tool to identify which groups have been inactive for you for the longest time. Consider removing some.

Jot Down Notes on How You Discover New Groups

Think back on the path that lead you to join different Facebook groups. Were they suggested by friends, mentioned in other groups, or did you find them via search or ads?

Jot down notes on how you discovered new groups. This can help you retrace the expansion of your Facebook membership over time.

Account for Changes in Your Interests

As your hobbies and interests change over the years, so will your Facebook group activity. Make note of how your memberships correlate to who you were at different life stages.

Join dates help put your changing Facebook group engagement into perspective.


Finding your Facebook group join dates is a simple process – just visit the group page and check the “Joined on” date under your member badge. You can also view all your memberships sorted by join date from the “Groups” page.

Keeping track of your group join dates allows you to celebrate membership milestones, reminisce about Facebook memories, identify inactive groups to leave, and monitor how your interests evolve over time based on your communities. Hopefully these tips help you better follow and reflect on your Facebook memberships.


FAQs about Finding Facebook Group Join Dates

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about determining when you joined a Facebook group:

How do I see my old Facebook groups?

Go to the Groups page and click the “Joined” tab to see all Facebook groups you are currently a member of. Select “Joined” from the sort menu to arrange them by join date.

Does Facebook show when you joined a group?

Yes, Facebook displays the specific date and year you joined any group under the “Joined on” date on the group’s page and on your membership pop-up.

Can you find out when someone joined a Facebook group?

No, the Facebook group join dates for other members are not visible. The join date is considered private information only viewable to each individual member.

Why can’t I see join dates for Facebook groups on mobile?

The Facebook apps for iOS and Android do not currently have an option to view Facebook group join dates. You’ll have to check join dates through the Facebook desktop website.

What if I can’t remember when I joined a Facebook group?

If you can’t recall becoming a member of a particular Facebook group, simply follow the steps above to check the “Joined on” date on the group’s page. This will tell you exactly when you joined.


Knowing your Facebook group join dates provides helpful insight into your memberships and activity over time. Check and track join dates to identify inactive groups, reminisce about Facebook memories, note milestone anniversaries, and follow the evolution of your interests. Hopefully this guide gives you ideas on making the most of this useful Facebook groups feature.