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How do I find out if I’m getting a Facebook settlement check?

How do I find out if I’m getting a Facebook settlement check?

If you are a Facebook user located in Illinois, you may be eligible for a payment from the $650 million Facebook biometric privacy class action settlement. Here’s what to know about eligibility, claim filing, and receiving your potential settlement check.

What is the Facebook biometric privacy class action lawsuit about?

The lawsuit alleges that Facebook violated Illinois’ Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA) by collecting and storing biometric data – specifically facial recognition data – from photos uploaded by users in Illinois without proper notice and consent.

The plaintiffs claim that Facebook’s “Tag Suggestions” feature, which uses facial recognition technology to analyze photos and suggest which friends to tag, violates Illinois state law.

Who is eligible for a payment?

To be eligible for a settlement payment, you must:

  • Have appeared in a photo posted on Facebook from June 7, 2011 through September 30, 2019 while living in Illinois.
  • Have had your biometric data (face template) created based on your photo during that timeframe.

If you meet both criteria, you are considered a class member of the Facebook BIPA class action and can file a claim for a portion of the settlement fund.

How much will payment amounts be?

The $650 million settlement fund will be distributed to eligible claimants after deducting court-approved fees, expenses, taxes, and certain payments to the named plaintiffs. Payment amounts to individual class members will depend on how many valid claims are received and other factors.

Some estimates based on a hypothetical number of claims suggest payments could be approximately $200 to $400 per person.

How can I file a claim?

To file a claim for a settlement payment, you must submit a Claim Form online or by mail postmarked by November 23, 2022. Claim Forms can be found on the settlement website and submitted electronically.

You can also print a Claim Form to complete and mail to:

In re Facebook Biometric Info Privacy Litig.
P.O. Box 43401
Providence, RI 02940-3401

The Claim Form requires you to provide your name, contact information, Facebook username/email/phone number, and state whether you were living in Illinois for at least 183 days during the period from June 7, 2011 through September 30, 2019.

What is the deadline to file a claim?

Claim Forms must be submitted online or postmarked by mail no later than November 23, 2022. If you do not complete and submit the Claim Form by the deadline, you will lose rights to receive any payment from the settlement fund.

When will I receive my payment?

Settlement payments will be distributed after the court gives final approval of the settlement and after any appeals process is completed. This process can take time, potentially more than a year.

If the court approves the settlement, eligible claimants who submitted valid and timely Claim Forms will receive their checks by mail or electronic payment. Payments will be issued after the settlement receives final court approval and after any appeals are resolved.

Updates about the timing of payments will be provided on the settlement website’s FAQ page as information becomes available.

How can I get more information about the settlement?

You can get the latest details and FAQs about the Facebook biometric privacy settlement by visiting the official settlement website at The website has resources to help determine eligibility, file a claim, and answer common questions about the case.

Key information and documents about the settlement are also available on the website, including:

  • The detailed Notice of Proposed Class Action Settlement
  • The Settlement Agreement
  • Instructions and Helpful Tips for Completing Your Claim Form
  • Orders Issued by the Court Overseeing the Settlement

You can also call the Settlement Administrator at 1-844-799-2417 or the Class Counsel at 1-800-373-7100 if you have additional questions not answered on the website.

What should I do if I’m eligible for a payment?

If you meet the eligibility requirements, make sure to complete and submit a Claim Form online or by mail before November 23, 2022.

Also, update or add your contact information on your Facebook account in case they need to reach you. Be sure to add a current mailing address so a check can be delivered if you are approved for payment.

Going forward, pay attention to email updates and check the settlement website frequently for new information about the approval process, payment timing, and steps to take to receive your settlement money.


The Facebook biometric privacy class action settlement provides payments of approximately $200 to $400 for Facebook users in Illinois who had facial recognition data collected without consent between 2011 and 2019.

To receive your Facebook settlement check, make sure to submit a Claim Form by November 23, 2022 and meet the eligibility criteria. The settlement website at offers detailed information to help claimants file successfully and get their payments after the court’s final approval.