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How do I find old Facebook messages from years ago?

How do I find old Facebook messages from years ago?

Finding old Facebook messages from years past can be a tricky endeavor, but it is possible with a few strategic searches and filters. Facebook’s messaging system has gone through many iterations over the years, so messages may be stored in different places depending on when they were sent. With some detective work, you can uncover conversations from many years ago.

Searching Your Facebook Messages

The first place to check for old Facebook messages is in your regular message folder. This is where your conversations from the past several years will be stored. To search through these messages:

  1. Go to and log into your account
  2. Click on the Messenger icon in the top right
  3. In your message inbox, click on the search bar at the top
  4. Type in keywords related to the person or conversation you’re looking for

This will bring up any relevant messages between you and that person that contain those keywords. You can scroll back through the results to see conversations from years ago.

Using Filters

To narrow down your search further, use the filters available at the top of your inbox:

  • Messages: Choose between your primary inbox, archived messages, pending messages, and other categories
  • People: Search for conversations with specific individuals
  • Groups: Find group conversations you were part of
  • Filters: Filter by unread messages, photos, links, videos, and more
  • Date: Select a custom date range to view messages from that time period

Using the date filter is especially useful for tracking down old messages. Try setting it to a few years back and scrolling through the results.

Searching Deleted Messages

If the messages you’re searching for were deleted, they may still be recoverable:

  1. Go to the search bar in your messages
  2. Type in messages deleted by me
  3. Hit enter and scroll through deleted conversations

This will surface deleted message threads that may hold the old conversations you’re looking for. You can use the filters to narrow it down by date range or person.

Checking Your Hidden Archive Folder

In 2017, Facebook launched its “Manage Conversations” feature that lets you archive old conversations. Archived chats get stored in a separate folder for reference. If you’ve been archiving old threads over the years, that’s one spot you may uncover some ancient messages.

To access it:

  1. Click on the Messenger icon as usual
  2. At the top left, click on the triangle “More” menu
  3. Select “Manage Conversations”
  4. You’ll see tabs for Active and Archived conversations
  5. Browse through your Archived chats for old messages

The archive folder holds conversations you’ve manually moved over for safekeeping. Running a search in that archive may turn up the long-lost chat you’ve been looking for.

Downloading Your Data

If you still can’t locate certain old conversations, you can request an archive of your full Facebook data. This will include a complete record of all messages you’ve ever sent or received.

To download your data:

  1. Go to Settings & Privacy > Settings
  2. Click “Your Facebook Information” on the left sidebar
  3. Select “Download Your Information”
  4. Choose your data format and media quality
  5. Click “Create File”

Facebook will assemble your download and email you a link when it’s ready. Your messages will be in the “Messages” folder. You can then search this complete archive manually for whatever you need.

Using the Legacy Facebook Messages Interface

Before Facebook integrated chats directly into the main platform, messages lived in a separate “Messages” section. If the conversation you’re seeking is from 2014 or earlier, that’s likely where it will be found.

To access this legacy interface:

  1. Go to
  2. Log in if needed
  3. You’ll see your full inbox history from years past

Run a search or browse the time-stamped threads to uncover your earlier Facebook exchanges. The conversations may not be as fully featured, but the messages will still be intact.

Using the Paper App (iOS Only)

Facebook’s standalone Paper app for iPhone also provides access to your message history from years ago in an easy-to-navigate format.

To view your legacy messages on Paper:

  1. Download Paper from the iOS App Store
  2. Log into your Facebook account
  3. Tap the Chat tab at the bottom
  4. Select a conversation or search for an old friend

Paper limits your view history compared to the desktop site, but it can still be useful for glancing back at older messages without the clutter.

Using Facebook Message Filters

Facebook’s filters provide the most powerful tool for isolating messages from specific date ranges or people. Here are some of the most helpful filters to try:

Filter Use Case
Date Range Limit results to messages sent during a certain time period in the past
Person’s Name View only conversations with a certain friend or group of people
Attachments Find conversations where media like photos, videos, or links were exchanged
Location See chats during a specific trip or time period in a certain place

Layer these filters together to drill down and isolate the exact chat you’re searching for. This is the best tactic for recovering a distant exchange from years ago that you can vaguely remember details about.

Third-Party Apps

Some third-party apps also provide expanded search capabilities and improved access to your Facebook message history and archives:

  • Mailbox Detective: Indexes your downloaded Facebook data to make searching easier
  • Mynamic: Archiver app that backs up all your Facebook messages and data
  • Social Book Post Manager: Saves, organizes, and allows searching through your Facebook messages and posts

While most people’s needs will be met using Facebook’s native tools, these utilities provide advanced power users more robust search and filtering options.

Recovering Deleted Facebook Messages

If you fear a vital conversation has been deleted and lost forever, don’t panic yet. There are ways to potentially recover deleted Facebook messages.

Desktop Site

As mentioned previously, you can search for "messages deleted by me" to surface conversations you’ve removed. They persist for a time in Facebook’s system before being permanently erased.

Paper App

The Paper App holds message history that may no longer be available in the main Facebook interface. So deleted chats can sometimes be found there when nowhere else.

Facebook Data Download

Your comprehensive Facebook data archive includes some deleted content that is still recoverable. Search this file for the vanished exchange.

Third-Party Tools

Programs like Mailbox Detective scan your Facebook data download and can resurrect deleted messages that online searches won’t find.

Using these methods in tandem makes recovering a deleted conversation possible in many cases. But there is no guarantee, so regular backups of important exchanges are wise.


Digging up Facebook messages from years past takes some determined searching, filtering, and digging through the various parts of Facebook’s messaging system. But with the right tools and techniques, conversations from many years ago can be rediscovered.

Always start by searching your main inbox, archived messages, and deleted items thoroughly, using filters and custom date ranges. Check the legacy Messages section and Paper app for older content. If needed, download your full data archive for maximum search power. And don’t forget to utilize third-party utilities when required.

While it does take some effort, the ability to uncover meaningful, amusing, or important exchanges from throughout your years on Facebook is worth it. Just employ these methods and have patience, and you can likely unearth those long-lost messages you thought were gone forever.