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How do I find my unfriend list on Facebook?

How do I find my unfriend list on Facebook?

Sometimes you may want to view a list of people you have unfriended on Facebook. This can be useful if you want to reconnect with old friends or review who you may have unfriended in the past. Facebook does not have a built-in unfriend list, but there are a few methods you can use to find users you have unfriended.

Why Would You Want to View Your Unfriend List?

Here are some common reasons you may want to view a list of people you have unfriended on Facebook:

  • Reconnect with old friends. If you unfriended someone in the past that you now want to reconnect with, viewing your unfriend list can help you find their profile.
  • Review who you have unfriended. Checking your unfriend list allows you to look back on who you may have unfriended and decide if you want to re-add them as friends.
  • Avoid awkward social situations. By knowing who you have unfriended, you can avoid potentially awkward social encounters with those people.
  • Find people you may have unfriended by accident. Sometimes you may have unfriended someone unintentionally, so scanning your unfriend list can reveal friends removed by mistake.

Knowing the full list of people you have unfriended on Facebook can give you greater control over your friends list and who you interact with on the platform.

Facebook Does Not Have a Built-In Unfriend List

Many Facebook users are surprised to learn that the platform does not have a page or feature that shows you all of the people you have unfriended over time.

Facebook allows you to easily unfriend connections with just one click, but they do not provide an equally simple way to view a list of those removed connections.

Once you unfriend someone, they are removed from your friends list and do not appear in your list of friends or followers. There is no built-in Facebook log or page that tracks your previous unfriends.

This means there is no obvious unfriend list available within your Facebook account. The platform does not keep an ongoing unfriend history or list that you can easily access.

Why Doesn’t Facebook Have This Feature?

Facebook likely does not have an unfriend list feature due to:

  • Privacy reasons – Tracking unfriends could be seen as invasive or too transparent.
  • Encouraging forward-focus – Facebook wants you to focus on new connections, not past unfriends.
  • Cleaner platform – An unfriend list could enable revenge unfriending or harassment.

The lack of a clear unfriend list makes completely deleting Facebook connections straightforward. However, this means locating your unfriends requires using third-party methods.

How to Find Your Facebook Unfriend List

While there is no native Facebook unfriend page, it is possible to compile a list of your unfriends through some external tools and techniques.

Method 1: Use the Facebook Download Feature

The easiest method is to download a copy of your Facebook data. Here’s how:

  1. Go to Facebook Settings.
  2. Click on “Your Facebook Information” in the left column.
  3. Click “View” next to “Download Your Information.”
  4. Change the date range to “All of My Data.”
  5. Select file format as HTML.
  6. Click “Create File.”

This will compile all of your Facebook data, including a list of friends removed, into an HTML file for download.

Once downloaded, open the “friends” file and scroll through to see names marked “Removed” with removal dates. This serves as your complete unfriend list.

Method 2: Use a Third-Party App or Extension

There are some third-party apps and browser extensions that compile your Facebook unfriend list:

  • Social Book Post Manager – Chrome extension that shows removed friends.
  • Friends Tracker – App that tracks unfriends and new friends over time.
  • Who Deleted Me – App that sends notifications when you are unfriended.

Research different options to find one that works for your needs and provides a clear unfriend list. Be cautious granting third-party apps access to your Facebook profile data.

Method 3: Look for Gaps in Your Friends List

If you don’t want to use an external app, you can manually look for gaps in your Facebook friends list:

  1. Go to your Facebook Friends page.
  2. Click “All Friends” to view your full list alphabetically.
  3. Scan the list looking for missing names of people you were once connected to.
  4. Cross-reference with old mutual friends lists.

This method is time-consuming but lets you spot missing connections who likely were unfriended.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Tell if Someone Unfriended You on Facebook?

There is no Facebook notification sent when someone unfriends you. The only way to know if you’ve been unfriended is if you notice the person missing from your friends list.

What Happens When You Unfriend Someone on Facebook?

Unfriending removes you from seeing each other’s timelines and removes your friendship connection. You will no longer show up as friends and cannot message each other.

Can Someone Tell if You Unfriended Them on Facebook?

No, there is no notification sent when you unfriend a Facebook connection. It is anonymous without the person being alerted.

Can I Re-friend Someone After Unfriending on Facebook?

Yes, you can send a new friend request to someone you previously unfriended. If they accept, you will be Facebook friends again as normal.

Can I Download an Archive of My Facebook Data?

Yes, Facebook allows you to download a copy of your profile information and data through the “Download Your Information” tool in your account settings.


While Facebook does not have a built-in unfriend list, you can retrieve a list of unfriended connections through the data download feature or third-party apps. This allows you to identify previous unfriends for reconnecting or reviewing your unfriend history. Be mindful of privacy and data sharing when using external services. With some effort, you can find your complete Facebook unfriend list.