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How do I find my pending post in a Facebook group?

How do I find my pending post in a Facebook group?

Having a post stuck in pending status in a Facebook group can be frustrating. You share something to the group, but it doesn’t show up right away for other members to see. There are a few reasons why a post may be pending in a Facebook group.

Why is my post pending in a Facebook group?

Here are some of the common reasons a post can be stuck pending in a Facebook group:

  • The group has post approvals turned on – With this setting, posts by members need to be reviewed and approved by a group admin or moderator before they are visible to all members. This allows the admins to filter out spam and irrelevant posts.
  • Your account or post was flagged – If your account or the specific post was flagged by other members as being suspicious, spam, or violating rules, it can be held for review by the group admins.
  • You recently joined the group – Some groups have restrictions set up so posts by new members are pending until their account has been in the group for a certain period of time, like 24 hours.
  • The post contains prohibited content – The post may have been picked up as containing prohibited content, links, images, etc based on the group rules or Facebook’s policies.

So in most cases, pending posts are held for manual review and approval by a group admin before appearing in the group. The review process helps maintain the integrity and intended purpose of the Facebook group.

How do I find pending posts I’ve shared in a Facebook group?

If you suspect you have a post stuck in pending status in a Facebook group, here are steps to view and manage it:

On Desktop

  1. Go to the group where you believe you have a pending post.
  2. In the left sidebar, click “Posts” under the Group menu.
  3. At the top, click on “Your Posts” to view only your posts in that group.
  4. Scan through your posts. If you see a dot or indicator that says “Pending” or “Waiting for Approval”, that post is stuck pending review by the admins.
  5. To try deleting a pending post, hover over it and click the 3 dots icon in the top right. Choose “Delete Post”.

On Mobile

  1. Open the Facebook app and go to the group page.
  2. Tap the three horizontal line menu button in the top right corner.
  3. Go to “Your Posts” to see only posts you’ve shared in the group.
  4. Review the list for any posts marked as “Pending” or “Waiting for Approval”.
  5. To try removing a pending post, swipe left on it and tap “Delete”.

What happens when my post is pending?

When your post enters pending status in a Facebook group, here is what happens:

  • The post is only visible to you when you view your own posts in that group.
  • Other members of the group cannot see your pending post.
  • Group admins and moderators will be notified that your post is awaiting approval.
  • The admins have the options to Approve, Ignore, or Delete your pending post.
  • If approved, your post will become visible to all members of the group as normal.
  • If ignored or deleted, it will remain pending forever or be removed respectively.

Essentially, pending posts are in a state of limbo, not publicly visible in the group until they are approved. As the original poster, you still have access to view, edit, and delete pending posts if needed.

How long does approval take for pending posts?

There is no specific timeframe for how long approval takes for pending Facebook group posts. It depends on factors like:

  • The size and activity level of the group – Larger groups typically take longer.
  • How many admins/moderators are available to review posts.
  • If the admins have enabled post approval notifications.
  • Whether it’s a volunteer group or professionally managed.

Smaller groups may only take an hour or two to review pending posts, while very large groups can sometimes take 12-24 hours for approvals. If your post has been pending for more than a day or two, you may want to gently ask about its status in the group.

Does my pending post notify the admins?

When your post goes into pending status, Facebook does send a notification to the group admins/moderators that a post is awaiting their review and approval. However, groups handle admin notifications differently:

  • Group settings may have notifications disabled – So admins are unaware of pending posts.
  • Admins can miss or ignore notifications if they get a lot of them.
  • In active large groups, posts can get buried under lots of other notifications.

If your post has been stuck pending for a while, it’s a good idea to comment @admins or directly message an admin asking them to look at it. But avoid being rude or demanding early approval.

Can I edit or delete my pending post?

While your post is in pending status, you can still edit or delete it:

  • Editing: You can edit your pending post to fix any issues, add more context, or improve it before approval.
  • Deleting: If you change your mind about the post, you can delete it to prevent approval and keep it from going live in the group.

Any edits you make will still require admin approval again. And deleting it immediately removes it from the pending queue.

How to avoid posts getting stuck in pending

To reduce the chances of your posts going into pending status, here are some tips:

  • Carefully read the group rules and posting guidelines.
  • Avoid prohibited content or spammy looking links.
  • Add context and value for the intended group audience.
  • Engage in the group first before posting to build familiarity.
  • Ensure your account is in good standing and not flagged.
  • Be patient and polite in communicating with admins.

Following group protocols and posting valuable content is the best way to gain the trust needed to have your posts auto-approved in most groups.


Having your post stuck in pending status in a Facebook group can be frustrating but is usually just part of the content review process. Check for any posts marked “Pending” or “Waiting for Approval” under Your Posts in the group. Try to be patient as admins get to them, but follow up if it has been more than a day or two. While pending, you can still edit or delete the post. And to avoid pending posts in the future, be sure to follow group rules and post great content.