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How do I find my Marketplace listing?

How do I find my Marketplace listing?

Finding your Marketplace listing is easy if you know where to look. Here are some quick tips to help you locate your listing on Facebook or Instagram:

Check Your Marketplace Seller Dashboard

The easiest way to find your Marketplace listings is to go to your Seller Dashboard. This is where all of your current and past listings will be. Just follow these steps:

  1. Go to or open the Facebook app and log in to your account.
  2. Click on the Menu icon (3 lines) in the top right and select “Marketplace”.
  3. In the left sidebar, click on “Your Shop”.
  4. Here you will see your Seller Dashboard with all your listings.

You can filter and sort your listings to find exactly what you need. Click on any listing to view its details.

Search Marketplace

You can also search for your listings directly on Facebook Marketplace or Instagram Shopping:

  • Facebook: Go to, click Marketplace in the left menu, and search for keywords from your listing title, description, or item specifics.
  • Instagram: Open the Instagram app, tap the Shop tab at the bottom, and use the search bar to search for keywords from your listing.

This will show all matching listings, including yours. You may need to scroll through a few pages of results to find your specific listing.

Check Your Purchase History

If you bought your item listing instead of creating it directly, you can find it in your purchase history:

  1. Go to or the Facebook app and click on the Menu icon (3 lines).
  2. Select “Marketplace”.
  3. In the left sidebar, click on “Purchase History”.
  4. Here you will see all your past Marketplace purchases. Scroll through to find the listing you bought.
  5. Click on the listing to open it.

This will take you directly to the listing that you purchased.

Find Via Notification Email

When you create a new Marketplace listing, you receive a notification email with a link to the listing. You can find your listing by:

  1. Going to your email inbox and searching for a Marketplace notification email.
  2. Opening the email and clicking on the listing link inside.

This will open your listing directly if it is still active.

Checking Your Facebook Ads

If you promoted your listing using Facebook Ads, you can find it by viewing your ads:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on “Ads” in the left menu.
  3. In Ads Manager, view your active or past ad campaigns.
  4. Click on the Marketplace ad that contains your listing.
  5. At the bottom, click on the View Listing button to open your Marketplace listing.

Using Facebook permalink

Every Facebook Marketplace listing has a unique permalink (URL) that you can use to directly access it:

  1. Go to
  2. Replace “your-listing-id” with the actual listing ID number.
  3. Press Enter to open the listing.

You can find the listing ID in the URL when you access your listing through any of the methods above. It is the sequence of numbers at the end of the URL.

On Mobile Devices

The process is very similar on mobile devices like smartphones:

  • Facebook app: Open the menu, tap Marketplace, then tap “Your Shop” or “Purchase History”.
  • Instagram app: Tap the Shop tab, then use Search to find your listing.

Mobile apps also give notifications when you create new listings, making them easy to access.

If Listing Was Deleted

If your listing is no longer active, it will not show up in Marketplace search results. But you can still find it:

  • In your Seller Dashboard, toggle from “Live Listings” to “Ended Listings”.
  • Check your email notifications for a “Listing Ended” email.
  • Look in your Facebook Ad campaigns for the ended listing.

These methods will show your recently ended/expired listings.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you still can’t find your listing, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Double check spelling, keywords, and listing details.
  • Try searching on both Facebook and Instagram.
  • Expand your search radius and try different filters.
  • Ask any friends you shared the listing with to send you the link.
  • Check again for notification emails from Facebook.
  • Contact Facebook support if you believe the listing was removed.

Prevent Issues in the Future

To make sure you can easily find your listings later:

  • Save notification emails from Facebook with listing links.
  • Note the listing URLs and ID numbers.
  • Share listings with friends so they have a record.
  • Use unique listing titles and descriptions.
  • Promote listings using Facebook ads.

Following these tips will help you find and track your Marketplace listings both now and in the future.


Finding your Facebook Marketplace or Instagram Shopping listing is easy once you know where to look. Check your seller dashboard, purchase history, notifications, and ads. Search Marketplace using listing details. On mobile, check the Marketplace and Instagram Shopping tabs. View ended listings for inactive items. And save your listing URLs, IDs, and shares to prevent issues finding listings in the future.

With Facebook Marketplace, your items are just a few taps away. Follow the steps outlined in this article and you’ll be able to quickly locate and share your listings when needed.

Here is a summary of the key points:

To find active listings:

  • Check Seller Dashboard in Marketplace
  • Search Marketplace and Instagram Shopping
  • Look in your Purchase History
  • Find notification emails
  • View related Facebook ads
  • Use the listing permalink URL

For expired/ended listings:

  • View Ended Listings in Seller Dashboard
  • Check listing ended emails
  • Look through past ads

Troubleshooting tips:

  • Double check listing details
  • Search Facebook and Instagram
  • Expand search radius and filters
  • Ask friends if they have the link
  • Check for Facebook emails again
  • Contact Facebook support

To prevent issues:

  • Save notification emails
  • Note listing URLs and IDs
  • Get friends to share listings
  • Use unique titles and descriptions
  • Promote with Facebook ads

Following these suggestions will help you keep track of your important Marketplace listings with ease.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find a listing I created in the past?

To find an old listing you created, first check your Seller Dashboard and toggle to view Ended Listings. You can also search Marketplace for unique details from the listing, or look for a “Listing Ended” notification email which would contain a link to the closed listing.

Why can’t I find my listing by searching Marketplace?

If you can’t find your listing by searching Marketplace, it’s likely because the listing is no longer active and does not appear in regular search results. Expired listings can only be viewed in your Seller Dashboard. Make sure to check Ended Listings. Also double check your search keywords, as slight differences can cause listings not to show up.

What should I do if I didn’t save the listing link?

If you don’t have the listing URL saved anywhere, try searching Marketplace based on details like title, description, and images. Check your emails for notification messages. View your purchase history if you bought the listing. Or use the listing ID if you can find it in your Seller Dashboard or Facebook ad campaigns.

Why does my listing not show up in my Purchase History?

Listings only appear in your Purchase History if you purchased the listing yourself to resell or gain management access. Listings you created directly will not be in Purchase History. Check your Seller Dashboard instead or search Marketplace to find your own listings.

How do I find a listing using mobile apps?

On mobile, open the Facebook app and tap Marketplace, then “Your Shop” or “Purchase History” to find your listings. On Instagram, tap the Shop tab and use the search bar to search for your listing details. You will also get mobile notifications when creating new listings or your listings expiring.

Method Where to Find Listings
Seller Dashboard Menu > Marketplace > Your Shop
Marketplace Search Marketplace > Search Bar
Instagram Shopping Instagram app > Shop tab > Search
Purchase History Menu > Marketplace > Purchase History
Email Notifications Inbox search for Marketplace emails
Facebook Ads Menu > Ads > View campaigns
Listing Permalink

This summarizes the key places to find your Marketplace listings, whether active or expired.

In conclusion, there are many ways to locate your Marketplace and Instagram Shopping listings on both desktop and mobile. The most reliable methods are checking your Seller Dashboard, Notification Emails, and Purchase History. With the tips in this guide, you can easily find any listing you have created in the past or present.