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How do I find my Facebook manager ID?

How do I find my Facebook manager ID?

Finding your Facebook manager ID is an important step in managing your Facebook business presence. Your Facebook manager ID allows you to access certain features in Facebook Business Manager that aren’t available in your personal Facebook profile. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk through what a Facebook manager ID is, why you need one, and the step-by-step process to locate your Facebook manager ID.

What is a Facebook Manager ID?

A Facebook manager ID is a unique numerical identifier assigned to each person that creates a Business Manager account. Business Manager is Facebook’s tool that enables businesses to manage their Facebook Pages, ad accounts, Instagram business profiles, and more from one central hub.

Your manager ID is different from your personal Facebook ID tied to your personal account. Having a dedicated manager ID allows you to keep your business activities separate from your personal Facebook profile.

Some key things to know about Facebook manager IDs:

  • Each manager ID is a unique number to identify your business manager account.
  • You can only have one manager ID per person.
  • Your manager ID remains the same even if you change the name on your account.
  • You can use your manager ID to give other employees access to your Business Manager.
  • Apps and business tools often require your manager ID to connect with your Business Manager.

Why You Need a Facebook Manager ID

Here are some of the key reasons why you need a Facebook manager ID for your business:

  • Access Business Manager Features – Manager IDs unlock additional tools in Business Manager like adding multiple ad accounts, creating partnerships with other businesses, and more granular user permissions.
  • Separate Personal and Professional Accounts – Keep your personal profile and data private from business activities.
  • Add Team Members – Give access to other employees or service providers using your manager ID.
  • Use Third-Party Tools – Many social media management platforms and analytics tools require a Facebook manager ID to connect.
  • Manage Multiple Pages and Ads – Efficiently manage all your Facebook pages, ad accounts, and Instagram profiles in one place.

Essentially, the manager ID gives you enhanced capabilities and security to manage business accounts on Facebook.

How to Find Your Facebook Manager ID

Here is a step-by-step guide to locating your Facebook manager ID:

  1. Log Into Facebook Business Manager – Go to and login with your business email and password.
  2. Click Your Account Icon – Click the account icon (your profile picture or initials) in the top right corner.
  3. Select Account Settings – From the drop down menu, choose Account Settings.
  4. Scroll Down to Business Details – In the left sidebar, go to Business Details.
  5. Find your Facebook Manager ID – Your unique numerical Manager ID will be listed here. It’s a 9-digit number.

And that’s it! Locating your Facebook Manager ID only takes a minute once you’re logged into Business Manager. Write this ID down somewhere safe so that you have it handy when needed.

How to Change the Name on Your Manager ID

If you need to change the name associated with your Manager ID, here are the steps:

  1. Click on your profile icon – Go to the top right dropdown menu again
  2. Select Settings – Click Settings from the dropdown menu
  3. Edit name – Under the Name section, click Edit next to your name
  4. Enter new name – Type in your new name and click Save Changes

Your Manager ID number will remain the same even after changing the name on your business manager account. The name change can take up to 24 hours to fully take effect across all connected assets.

How Managers Can Grant Account Access to Others

As a Business Manager admin, you can grant other employees access to your Facebook business accounts using their email address or Facebook ID along with your Manager ID:

  1. Go to Business Settings – Click the Settings menu at the top and select Business Settings.
  2. Click Add New People – Select Add New People to add someone new.
  3. Enter email address or Facebook ID – Type in the email or Facebook ID of the person you want to add.
  4. Select a Role – Choose a role like Analyst, Content Creator, Ad Manager, etc.
  5. Specify Assets – Select the Pages, ad accounts, etc. they should have access to.
  6. Click Add – Click Add to send them an invitation to access Business Manager.

That’s it! They will get an email to confirm access to your Business Manager. You can customize their level of access and revoke permissions at any time.

Connecting Facebook Ads Manager

To connect your Facebook ads account to Business Manager using your Manager ID:

  1. Go to Ads Manager – Visit and select your ad account.
  2. Click Business Manager in top right – Click the Business Manager icon next to notifications.
  3. Enter Manager ID – Type in your Manager ID and click Submit.
  4. Check Linked Assets – Refresh Business Manager to see your ad account linked.

Connecting Ads Manager provides greater transparency into your ad performance and spend. Now your ad accounts will be visible alongside your Pages in Business Manager.

Using your Manager ID with Third-Party Tools

Many third party social media tools and apps require your Facebook Manager ID to connect your business accounts. For example:

  • AgoraPulse – Social media management platform uses Manager ID to link Pages.
  • Buffer – Social scheduling tool connects to Business Manager with Manager ID.
  • Semrush – Marketing analytics company requires Manager ID for permissions.
  • Sprout Social – Social media management provider connects accounts via Manager ID.

Refer to the specific tool or platform’s instructions for how to enter your Manager ID during the setup process. This allows them to access your business data and pages on your behalf to enable their capabilities.

Important Privacy Note

Always be cautious when entering your Manager ID into third party platforms. Only provide your Manager ID to reputable companies that you trust. Revoking API access immediately if you suspect misuse of your accounts.

Troubleshooting Issues with Manager ID

In some cases, you may encounter issues using your Facebook Manager ID. Here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • If you can’t login to Business Manager, reset your password to resolve access issues.
  • Double check you are entering the right Manager ID number without any typos.
  • Try using your Facebook email address to login if your Manager ID isn’t working.
  • Make sure your Facebook ad accounts are properly connected to your Manager ID.
  • Revoke and re-add third party app permissions that are encountering errors.
  • If all else fails, try creating a new Business Manager account and Manager ID.

Running through these steps should help identify and fix any problems accessing or using your Facebook Manager ID.

Best Practices When Using Manager ID

To ensure you have the best experience using your Facebook Manager ID, keep these tips in mind:

  • Only log into Business Manager from secure devices.
  • Don’t publicly share or post your Manager ID.
  • Be selective when allowing third-party apps to access your accounts.
  • Review permissions regularly and revoke for unused apps.
  • Use unique strong passwords and enable two-factor authentication.
  • Grant employee access to only necessary assets relevant to their roles.

Following security best practices helps protect your business accounts and prevent misuse of your Manager ID.


Your Facebook Manager ID is the key that unlocks additional capabilities for your business on Facebook. But it also comes with greater responsibility to manage it properly. Use your Manager ID to harness the full power of Facebook Business Manager while also keeping your accounts secure.

With this complete guide to finding, managing, and troubleshooting Facebook Manager IDs, you have all the information needed to master Business Manager. Now you can confidently use your Manager ID to enhance your Facebook marketing and achieve your business goals.