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How do I find my contacts phone numbers on Facebook?

How do I find my contacts phone numbers on Facebook?

Finding your contacts’ phone numbers on Facebook can be useful for keeping in touch with people. However, Facebook does not make phone numbers viewable by default as a privacy protection. There are a few different ways you may be able to find contacts’ numbers, but success depends on users’ privacy settings.

Checking Your Contacts List on Facebook

The first place to check is your own Contacts list on Facebook. This can be accessed by going to your profile, clicking on “Friends” in the left sidebar, and then selecting “Contacts” at the top of your friends list. Here you will see a list of any contacts that you have previously imported or added within Facebook.

If any of your contacts have added their phone numbers to their own Facebook profiles and have allowed that info to be visible to you in your Contacts list, you will see it here. However, many users choose not to make their phone numbers visible, so you may see a lot of empty fields.

Searching for Users by Phone Number

Facebook’s search bar allows you to search for users by entering a phone number. To try this, go to the main Facebook search bar at the top of the screen and enter the phone number with the country code included, such as +1 555-123-4567 for a US number.

If any users with that phone number have signed up for Facebook and have not blocked searchability by phone number, they will appear in the search results. You can then view their profile to confirm if it is your contact and get their info. However, many users block searchability by phone number for privacy reasons.

Checking Mutual Friends’ Contact Info

If you and the contact have any mutual friends on Facebook, you may be able to find their phone number through one of those connections.

Go to the profile of a mutual friend that you believe may have the contact’s phone number stored. Click on “Friends” in the left sidebar and scan through the list of mutual friends.

If the contact pops up here and has their phone number visible, you will be able to see it on this list. However, it is unlikely they have it displayed publicly if not on their own profile.

Using the Contact Info Facebook Tool

Facebook offers a tool called “Contact Info” that aggregates contact information that your friends and connections have provided. You may be able to find your contact’s phone number here.

To use it, go to the Contact Info tab on your profile page and enter your contact’s name. If any of your connections have provided that contact’s phone number to Facebook, it will appear here.

However, this tool relies entirely on other users having voluntarily submitted the contact’s phone number, and it is unlikely most users have done this.

Searching Publicly Visible Contact Info

Some Facebook users choose to make parts of their contact info viewable to the public or “Everyone” in their privacy settings. You may be able to find your contact’s phone number if they have done this.

To try searching this info, go to Facebook’s search bar and search for your contact’s name. In the results, look for a small “Contact Info” link below their name.

Click this to open a pop-up displaying any publicly visible contact info they have added, which may include a phone number.

However, it is relatively uncommon for users to make their phone numbers fully public like this. Most keep them restricted only to friends due to privacy concerns.

Using the Download Your Information Tool

Facebook allows you to download all of the information they have saved about you, including your full friends list and any visible contact info. You may be able to find contacts’ phone numbers this way.

To use it, go to Settings & Privacy > Settings > Your Facebook Information in the footer of the page. Then click “View” next to “Download Your Information.”

Enter your password when prompted. On the next screen, select whatever info categories you want to download, or leave all selected. Make sure to include Friends and Contact Info at minimum. Then click “Create File” to start preparing the download.

Once ready, you will receive a notification and be able to download a ZIP file with your info. Search through it to see if any phone numbers for your contacts are included.

Asking Contacts Directly

If all else fails, you can always directly ask your contacts to share their phone numbers with you. Send them a message within Facebook Messenger or comment on a post asking them to send you their number.

Let them know you would like to add them to your phone’s contacts and catch up outside of Facebook. Some may be willing to privately share their numbers if asked politely.

Using Third-Party Contact Export Apps

Several third-party apps claim to be able to export your Facebook contacts’ info, including phone numbers. However, be very cautious with apps like these.

Exporting users’ private data without their consent often violates Facebook’s policies. Plus, many such apps have been found to be scams or use data harvesting practices.

If you do try any third-party Facebook export apps, thoroughly vet them first and use at your own risk.

When Phone Numbers Are Visible on Facebook

In summary, here are some of the main cases where phone numbers may be visible to you for your contacts on Facebook:

  • They have added it to their own Contacts list and made it viewable to you
  • They have made it publicly visible in their profile’s Contact Info section
  • A mutual friend has their number in their own Facebook Contacts list
  • They allowed it to be shared with Facebook’s Contact Info tool
  • You download your full data file including Friends contact info

However, in most cases contacts will keep numbers private due to security concerns. Your best bet is asking them directly to share the info.

Importing Contacts to Facebook

You can also proactively add your contacts’ info to your Facebook account to make it easier to stay connected.

On mobile, tap the hamburger menu icon and go to Settings & Privacy > Settings > Contacts > Add Contacts. You can then select which contacts to import from your phone.

On desktop, go to your profile, click Friends in the left sidebar, and select “Add Contacts” at the top. You can import email contacts, connect your address book, or enter contacts manually.

This will populate your own Contacts list with the info you have saved for friends, which you can then use to reach them on Facebook.

Staying in Touch Outside Facebook

Having your contacts’ phone numbers can make it easier to stay in touch outside of Facebook. Here are some ways you can use them:

  • Text them directly to make plans or just catch up
  • Call them to have longer conversations and hear each other’s voices
  • Set up group chats via text to coordinate events
  • Add them into your phone’s contacts to easily reach them
  • Save numbers under Contacts in other messaging apps like WhatsApp

Staying connected via phone as well as Facebook helps maintain closer, well-rounded relationships with friends and family.

Privacy Concerns with Phone Numbers

While having contacts’ phone numbers can be useful, always keep privacy top of mind. Some key points:

  • Do not share others’ numbers publicly without their consent
  • Only use numbers for reasonable communication – no spam or harassment
  • Respect it if a contact does not want to share their number
  • Be cautious with third-party contact sharing apps

With a bit of care, you can find contacts’ numbers when needed while still protecting their privacy and security.


Finding contacts’ phone numbers on Facebook requires using tools like search, Contacts lists, Contact Info, and downloading your personal data. However, success depends greatly on users’ privacy settings.

The best approach is asking contacts directly to share their numbers. And always be mindful not to share numbers without permission or use them inappropriately. With some effort you can likely find the info you need to stay better connected.